Friday, September 2, 2022

Cats along the way

"Lynn,  who are all these cats?  They aren't moving in are they?"

No, Precious.  These are just some of the friendly faces
I see when I bike the path.

This lovely and very very vocal kitty was on the
path right next to a small country plant nursery.
Don't know if that is where it lives and earns it's
keep catching the mice.  However, it was 
certainly quite friendly.

Now this lovely and friendly tortie was in a very
small rural town.

Unfortunately, it was not healthy and had
lost it's right eye.  Skinny beyond anything I
could imagine.  
I wasn't sure if I could bike 3 miles round trip
to the local tiny IGA and find any food to
give it and find it still in the same place.
But it was worth a try.  
I was lucky and found a 2.5 ounce bag of
soft treats.  Not knowing if the cat had any
good teeth or not, I really did not want to try
dry food.  And sharing my water bottle would
have been OK, but I thought soft food would 
be better.
Sure enough, it was hiding in the weeds and came
right out to me.  I put the food on the best place
I could find in the shade and the cat just devoured
it.  I offered it water in the lid of my bottle, however
it did not take any.  There was a small drainage
area close by and I figure it was drinking from there.
I wish I could save all these cats I see on my rides.
But there is no way for me to catch and carry them.

This clowder of kitties are from a grain silo on the opposite side
of the bike path.  They are always on this porch of this kind
person waiting for breakfast. Then off they go to the silos to 
hunt mice, I guess.

"Lynn, you make me cry.  I at least had the 
orphanage until you came along."

I know, I wish I could take them all there and
hope someone could adopt them. 

I almost forgot the big little city cat who I visit whenever
I can bike into town.  He says he is surrounded by the
Hounds of Fountainville.

Thanks for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.



Kea said...

It's sad to see the strays, the abandoned ones--makes me cry too. Bless you for being kind to that little one. ♥

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those are such sweet kitties and thanks for feeding that hungry little one.

Katie Isabella said...

OH the Tortie breaks my heart in two . THANK you so much for feeding her...God bless her heart. And yours

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Precious little angels! That little tortie breaks my heart too. Thank you for bringing her a snack.

Julie said...

Oh goodness me Lynn ... it is so sad to see the wild unloved ones. That was so kind of you to bike & get some food for it, the poor wee thing. Those ones by the Silo will certainly get plenty of mice I imagine. Yes Precious you sure are lucky with the wonderful life you lead. xx

John Bellen said...

That poor one-eyed cat. That breaks the heart.

The J-Cats said...

Precious, you - and We - are so lucky to have Mommies who love Us and take of Us. Mummy's heart breaks when She sees lonely and abandoned kitties. She would save them all, if She could, but of course, She can't and that makes Us all furry sad.

Henny Penny said...

Lynn, you have a kind heart. Thank you for going to the trouble of finding food for the hungry kitty. Precious, you and Smokey both were sure lucky to find good loving homes with plenty of food. You have a good mommy.

A Joyful Cottage said...

You have a kind heart, Lynn. Not many people would go to the lengths you did to feed that poor cat. Hugs.

Name Change

"Lynn, I protest!  It is not my fault you git sparkled all the time." "Asides, Sparky is a doggie name, not a kitty name....