Kitties! I have always been saddened when loved CB family members stopped blogging. They may go to Face Book but I don't know who they are...just their pet's names, I don't get to keep up always. Just a few. are known to me.
I've been thinking, as Katie's mom, whether or not she and I need to continue. I tried to post more here for a few weeks - but I think Katie and I are always the same. (b-o-r-i-n-g) Now, in view of circumstances, I can't post as often as I am out of time from the minute I get up. 😜 That will change 'down the road'.
So, I am thinking it over. I have not come to a decision yet, Just thinking. The same with my own blog, Rambling On. Admiral, Katie and I have loved getting to know the family here in the CB...the humor, out loud laughing as a matter of fact; and news of happenings in all our pet's world's here
I am not ready to sing Bob Hope's theme song..."Thanks for the Memory" and perhaps with a bit more time, Katie and I can do better here. As far as I know, I'm not going anywhere yet. Just thinking. Wanted you to know. And there's no need to comment on this. Thanks for reading.
Katie Isabella and Mom I truly understand and thank you for the very thought words you wrote. Sometimes we need to recharge our batteries
for different reasons and look after ourselves and those we love.
Take care sending hugs to you both.
No good byes just see you down the road
my mum iz not on social media so we keep our blog but miss looking at blogs that have stopped and moved to social. da mum hates, hates, hates social and *uckerberg, we cannot eben view social stuff without habbin an account which mum thinks is stoopy and something they use to lure people in
I burned out pretty quickly trying to keep up on the CB when I had the Fuzzy Tales blog for Annie, Nicki and Chumley.
Even though I don't comment often, I will miss seeing you on Blogger if you decide to pack it in, but I completely understand and you must do what's best for you. Like Gidget's mum, I am not on FB anymore, had deleted my account several years ago and refuse to sign up again. I still have an Instagram account, but stopped posting a year ago. Still, it's nice to see a few bloggers over there, and it's easier to keep up, it's not like blogging where commenting can turn into a full time job if you let it. ♥
That should have been Annie, Nicki and Derry, above. Chum had already passed when I started blogging.
That would sure make us sad but we would understand. Sometimes things happen that send us in a totally different direction. For what it's worth, we love you both. Mega hugs.
I've found so many wonderful kitties, puppies, birds and other precious critters here. They come and they go, but there's always new precious ones to get to know. You'll have to do what you have to do, but memes have brought me so many new faces and babies to love.
Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.
Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. ♥
You and Katie NEVER bore me. Please don't stop. XO
I have days where I just don't get to blogging and reading others posts- and then I miss them!
have a great day whatever you do! Cheers!
We respect that times change, and if the thrill is gone, then a break may be something to do.
We'll be here for you.
Dearest Katie Isabella,
Blogging is done for LOVE and not for $$$ (at least that's my idea).
The spontaneous 'true–life' and far from 'fake–stories' is what is important to share with others.
It is NOT about the number of views, nor comments but about the sincerity and the quality!
Big hugs and maybe it is the dreary week–after–week rain that we're dealing with here in the south. At least here for us in Georgia.
Hard to believe that I managed to scoot out West for 11 days with perfect sunny weather! How blessed we were and the kitties got taken care of trice–a–day.
Tiggy–Tiger lies beside me as I type this and she approves!
Purrs from her and the gang.
We hope you find time to post some even if not often. Love seeing Katie and what she
can do at home. And enjoy your other post. I do not do FB and never have. But the CB's are
fun even if just a photo. However, when you are busy, you are busy.
Katie Isabella,
What does here in CB mean...?
Not being born here but after 39 years of writing and publishing in English there are still some question marks.
One of the very negative things here in the USA is all the abbreviations; presuming that the rest of the world KNOWS. NO!
So please enlighten me/us on this...
I hope you don't stop blogging even if you only do it occasionally. I very rarely go on FB, I don't like it very much. I have kept my account active though as Ivor likes to look there every day and see what is happening in the village. If he sees something that he thinks I should know about he will either show me or tell me.
We read a lot of blogs and don't always comment but enjoy them just the same. We can imagine what a slog it can be, but you all are really appreciated.
We always love reading your posts!
Do what is right for you
I hope you and Katie keep blogging, on both your blogs. There is always something to write about. You may not think it's interesting but that's what people think about their own subjects. If you want to take a break because of all that needs doing there, that would be most understandable.
And, for Mariette, "CB" means the Cat Blogosphere, all the blogs and bloggers who write and visit about cats.
Thank you dear John!
Now I know... we ONLY have five kitties living with us here in the USA—they're our entire family but make for a very happy one.
Top 2 are boys... Speckie is not related to those four.
On my blog under the label Our Felines you find lots of posts... but I got other things to write about before I'm running out of time!
I, too, hope you will not stop blogging. I confess I never figured out how to do it and I don't do FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. But, I've enjoyed reading in the CB for many years. When I began reading, I had four kitties - all across the bridge now - but I'm not in a situation where I can adopt another at the moment. I enjoy having kitties vicariously following the CB. I started with a few and then explored others that commented in ones I particularly enjoyed. I've been following you since Admiral. You've been a favorite and I would definitely miss you!
We really hope you don't stop blogging. We don't think anything you post is boring and would really miss you.
Nothing pet pawrents put to their blogs is ever boring. I think its sort of like journaling in a diary, only its open for all to read...and I do!
Sometimes I think all I do in the Blogosphere is taking over my life...and in some ways it does...but I might take a break, not quit altogether.
Hang in there, we love you and your blogs!
I understand your feelings, as I have similar ones myself. When I started the cats' blog there were four of them, now there is just one. Saku isn't a kitten anymore and he isn't as playful as your Katie (no night time visits from a Donkey!). So I've definitely limited the number of posts - often weeks go by. But I've decided I will keep the blog up until he runs for the Rainbow Bridge. It may sound fanciful or foolish but I feel I owe him that.
I do miss so many who have stopped blogging, and appreciate those who continue even if it is infrequent.
I do hope you'll continue and find a frequency that works best for you and Katie. I don't expect a post everyday but do love seeing updates of both your lives.
If it's fun and you love doing it, do it, as often or as seldom as you wish. If it's not so much fun any more, that's okay.
Some things are for a season.
You can always leave your forwarding address to your facebook page on your last blog.
We would be furry sad if you stopped blogging - Mummy would continue to follow you on Facebook, but somehow, it's not the same.
Mummy also feels, sometimes, that feeling one HAS TO post something, is a bit of a chore, but, on the other hand, since She retired, she needs to have some kind of order in her life, and a weekly blog does help with that.
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