Monday, 25 July 2022

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” ― W.B. Yeats

I had a fabulous time at Sofi Tukker - it was a kooky, wholesome show. I was smiling the whole time. Even better, I caught up with a friend I hadn't seen for years, since well before Covid lockdowns began. So it was lovely to spend some time with her too, and hear her news. 

Linking with #RubyTuesdayToo

Booked kiddo's birthday party so hoping that manages to go ahead Covid free. However, feeling virtuous that I'm organised so grateful for that, and that some of the online-ordered presents have arrived, as the last two years she's missed out on celebrations due to lockdowns. So I'm feeling good I've at least done my bit to make that happen for her. 

Lastly, I got myself not one but two bunches of flowers over the course of the week and the smell in the kitchen is glorious. I can't help but smile while unstacking the dishwasher....

Working on sharpening my vision to see the beauty in the little things. As it's what we see every day that makes our every day enjoyable.

What's the one small thing that made you happy this week?

Linking with #YourMoment #PictorialPotpourri (the sky and wattle - I hope they fall under photography?) #KeithsRamblings #WWOAT  #WordlessWednesday #PicturePerfectLinky #ZeigeUnsDinnenHimmel  #Skywatch because the pic left is pretty magical#InspireMeMonday (inspring gratitude) #HappyTuesday and #FridayBliss

Linking with #FloralFridayFoto

Rules and origin here.


  1. How fun and you got to spend time with a friend. Even better.

    Love all the happy things. Made me smile.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ♥

  2. Daffodils are one of my favourite flowers, they smell divine.

  3. Seeing the beauty in little things, how true is that.

  4. Seeing Mavis who is 7 maybe 8 years old looking at a wild mushroom for the first time. She could not understand why she had to wash her hands after touching it. When she came back out of the neighbor's cabin with clean hands, I asked if she had a camera? Told her that she could take pictures of mushrooms and find out what their names are on an app. She ran back into the cabin, got her mom's phone and began to take pictures of mushrooms in their yard. Her eyes just sparkled. To me that is the beauty of small things. A child's eyes that sparkle.

  5. How great that you could attend this concert with your friend! The music video was fun and light. What a gorgeous daffodil bouquet and the sky photo is amazing. I am very calm and content these days. I have done quite a lot gardening jobs in the summer and noticed how my physics has improved a LOT. And that is very satisfying.

  6. Wow, what is that fantastic morning sky or is it an evening sky? He actually seems to be full of magic?

  7. I'm glad you were able to go to a concert with your friend. I enjoyed watching the video as I knew almost every place where it was filmed! I do hope your daughter's birthday party will be able to go forth....Covid has been especially hard for children. The thing that made me happy this week is that I harvested my first two red tomatoes from plants I raised from seed ...and that there are more on the way!

  8. Fill your time with things that make you laugh and smile - great pics

  9. The world is full of magic, indeed. If we pay attention our days are
    special. Lovely moments you shared with us. Thank you!
    Happy WW and a fine week full of joy!

  10. Over the course of the pandemic, I began to list Three Good Things to remind me of the small pleasures of life. Right now I'm enjoying two of my favorites: a cup of hot coffee and a bowl of Noosa vanilla bean yogurt.

  11. Happy Birthday to your Kiddo. Hope it goes or went great. Thanks for sharing with Pictorial what's been going on in your world through your photography.

  12. Thank you for sharing this Your Moment Blog Hop!

  13. Life is good... Thanks for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme.
