Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Focus on the Positive


Today is my "Focus on the Positive Day!"  Here is my happy list!

1.  My relationship with my husband is in a good place.  We are enjoying each-other's company with some quality time for just the two of us every day.

2.  I've been looking online at dresses I could make for this little cutie.

3.  We are going to see that little cutie in a few days!!!!

4.  I'm looking at things to make for this little cutie's sibling who will be born  in about 3 months:  Bibs, blankets, burp cloths.  We won't know gender till he/she is born.  I'll be making an "I'm the big sister" shirt and an "I'm the little sister/brother" onsie.

5. Three days ago, my daughter, sister-in-law, and I went to "A Wizard's Summerfest" which was a dinner theater and marketplace with a Harry Potter theme. Another HP themed event is coming in August.

6.  I started working on the handbag I'm making for myself.  It will be made like this one but with my choice of fabric.

This is the fabric I chose.

7.  My daughter introduced me to an app called Bonza which is a twist on crossword puzzles.  I feel like it will help me keep my mind sharp.

8.  My husband and I tried a new restaurant called Go Shabu Hot Pot Buffet.  It  reminds me of The Melting Pot, a churrascaria (Brazilian steakhouse like Fogo de Chao, and an Asian buffet all in one.

9.  My pretty kitty makes me happy!
Taking a nap under the covers.

And as soon as I finish this post, I will probably think of something else to list!

The website Verywellmind discusses some of the benefits of positive thinking.  They are realistic knowing that everything isn't happy 100% of the time, but it is helpful to face problems with the mindset of finding solutions.  You can read more here if you're interested.

Visit Stacy Uncorked and Happy Tuesday for some additional fun posts.

Have a great week!



  1. Those are some good funnies! Have fun making little girl and baby items. It is always fun if you are creative.

  2. Love your list and love your funnies. You made me laugh out loud.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ♥

  3. Your list is beautiful, maybe you should be doing Ten Things of Thankful, we love having lots of thankful things to celebrate with friends.

    Thanks for the laughs!


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