Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Hey Boo-tee-ful!!

Boo has her ways.
I guess we all do.
She doesn't want to sit on me,
she'll sit beside me, 
but NOT too close!
Then at night she wants to sleep
right up next to me.
Go figure?!?



  1. When you're sleeping you must be less threatening...and you're warm! As if you are threatening at all, LOL!

  2. LOL. She can and will do as she pleases. Nicki never was a lap cat, but he was happy to sit beside me or another human. Ditto for Annie. We love them as they are!

  3. Cats do things on their terms ;)
    When you are sleeping you become a warm pillow for
    a cat that just wants to sleep ;)
    Purrs, Julie

  4. Boo knows what she wants. Right?

  5. My Hector will sometimes lie on my lap but more often, when he is feeling needy, he will lie next to me. I think that comforts him more. Whatever he wants is fine with me.

  6. That is sweet that she sleeps with you at night. XO


We always love hearing from you please leave some pawprints!
Happy purrs