Monday, July 4, 2022

Happy Tuesday with Arnold

 If you're hog-wild for pig humor, you've pigged the right place (and the right day)!

 Have we got a post for you! Why are we talking about pigs? you ask. Is it because of Pigs in Space on Caturday? 

You could be right, but the main reason is the AMERICAN INVADERS! 

 Yes,they have tried to move in right near the Midway Golf Course! The Wildlife guys think it is because they are running away from the wolf pack that lives around there. Unlike the 3 pigs fairy tale, we hope the wolves EAT all the feral pigs. 

Feral pigs are destructive. The wreck the environment, terrorize the wild and domestic animals, ruin crops, get into people's garbage and gardens, dig up the golf course, fight with the bears and are all around Bad Guys! 

  However, there is a pig that lives just up the road named ARNOLD (yes, to all you Peeps out there, he is named after THAT Arnold).


Arnold and I were shooting the breeze and I asked him if he would like to do the Happy Tuesday joke with me--And he agreed (he is a real HAM).

You KNOW we’re oh-pun to pretty much any kind of animal-related humor (including those sheep puns that we shared with ewe). BUT today, we hap-punned to be all about the pig puns.  

(Not pig pens, mind you, pig puns. Nothing against pig pens,but Arnold told me that pigs prefer pencils).

Arnold and Me traded the punnyness  back and forth! Some of them were:

When pigs work together, it’s known as collab-boar-ation.

What do 99 percent of pigs ask for on their hamburgers? Piggles

We only wrote down TWO, but we are sure you have some that you can share with us!

Arnold and I are looking forward to reading them! Then Arnold heard his Mom calling he took off  with one last quip...


 Now, it is HAPPY TUESDAY and HAPPY TUESDAY Central is Comedy Plus!  Now we are looking forward to coming around and visiting you.  We are joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for Happy Tuesday! Please click her button to see all the other happiness!



  1. pigtastic.... ahahahah we love it!!!

  2. Hari OM
    MOL... Your mate Arnold is a card. Well no, he's a pig... but a good un! And just like humans and dogs, there are those who prefer to run free and are not all that caring about who or what gets in their way. Such a shame. Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. LOL Those are great pig jokes! I hope those feral pigs move on.

  4. The pig puns were absolutely marvelous, Marv. My husband has a friend way down in Mobile Alabama, who hunts feral pigs and every time he gets a good shot we give him a great big Shout. Those animals are just vicious nasty so you and the rest of the family stay away from them. Arnold is okay, but that's because he was a pet. Otherwise pigs belong I want a sandwich or pigs in a blanket. Precious

  5. LOL, some good pig ones there and Mom always loved Arnold on Green Acres!

  6. We have never seen wild piggies but we sure do love those piggy puns☺

  7. this sounds a lot like it might be hogwash! so quit hogging all the pig puns! how is that? I LOVE that pig hangig out the window and at one time hubby and i would rewind and play it several times each time it ran. Arnold is the perfect name for a cute pig. we know all about feral pigs, Florida is Full of them, there are no predators to kill them. they do all that you listed here and are dangerous to humans and will attack. My friends husband was killed when his ATV ran into a feral pig and flipped him in a ditch. not the hogs fault, but still. they dig up the flight field for hubby's radio control club.

  8. How fun and I loved Green Acres. What a fun show that was and I love Arnold. Not as much as I love Marv, but a lot.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches all around, a smooch to Marv and a hug to mom. ♥

  9. Those feral pigs sound frightening! You and Arnold are too funny, Marv. We were cracking up over all your puns.

  10. Java Bean: "Wait, what, your friend Arnold has wings and can fly? Hey, Arnold, I, Supermutt, am putting together a team of crime-fighters, and we could use a flying pig to—"
    Charlee: "Just stop already."

  11. dood….ewe iz two funnee… heerz two a grate week
    a head for all❤️

  12. MOL! Y'all are too funny!

  13. Holy pigs, Batman! He's got a "swine" sense of humor.

  14. OMC (or should that be OMP?) These are so funny. Mom remembers Arnold from Green Acres!

  15. Loved Arnold. So ahead of his time er, swine.

  16. I had no idea they were so awful. Cute jokes I love the show Green Acres. I always joke it is my hubby and I. I realize I am no Zsa Zsa , but I am allergic to the smell of hay. :) XO

  17. What role would a pig play at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre? Ham-let!

  18. Sorry, I forgot to sign in, that was my joke. :)

    1. We thought Ham-let was a purrfect pig pun! Purrs Marv

  19. These are all grrreat puns- I love puns! So, ham it up !

  20. You guys always have the best jokes!

  21. Oh yea, they do destroy lots, we have feral boars down this way and they are dangerous!

  22. Ahahaha funny pig jokes, Marv! Sadly, wild boars are a nuisance. I feel sad for them but I know it's just too dangerous to live near them.

    1. We do too, but seeing the devastation the escapees from a wild boar farm did back where my sister lives in Alberta, I do hope they can get rid of them.

  23. Heeheehee! How i do love puns, you guys are great!

  24. You really hammed it up today Marv!

  25. Bwahahaha! You and Arnold sure do have some ham-tastic jokes, Marv!

  26. Pig puns! Totally cool......We love Arnold (that video of him hanging out the window is so cool) but feral pigs sound like NAUGHTY pigs and we hope they decide to move away from your neighborhood! Pigs/People/Pets is not a good combination........!!!

    Hugs, Teddy

  27. Oh Marv you crack me up with your piggie story. Those feral pigs are grumpy too
    Hugs Cecilia

  28. Thse yucky pigs are in this country too.

  29. Hmmm... Methinks if you're a pig headin' to the hospital in a hambulance, it might already be too late. MOUSES!

  30. Oh my whiskers, when we read BC Canada and pig invasion we made The Human get out the map to make sure they weren't near our neck of the woods (we're 60 miles south of BC but we're closer to Creston and Nelson. We will tell our furiends closer to the border to keep an eye out for an illegal piggy crossings! Thanks for the heads up Marv!
    Purrs & Head Bonks,
    The Feline Opines Tribe

  31. OMG this was waaay too funny!!!!!! A "hambulance!!" MOL!!! I totally remember Arnold from Green Acres, he was my favorite actor on the show! MOL!!

  32. Hi friends, Ojo here! I have never met a Pig, I do not know why they are coming into this country. Also my person is laughing but I don't get the joke... What does Ham have to do with Pig??

  33. So funny and special post! I'm glad I saw it in WW game!
    I love your imagination!
    Happy WW and full of joy! 😊


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!