Thursday, April 14, 2022

Feline Friday and Friendly Fill In's and Pink Saturday

 Feline Friday

The  C A T collage.This cat has the life of Riley. Maybe that should have been his name!

Ellen and Lorianne share hosting duties with Friendly Fill In's. They each think of two of these questions for us to answer. Thank them while you join the fun and answer these.

1.I hope the Easter Bunny bring me __________________.

2. My favorite part of the Easter (or Passover) meal is__________________.

3. I'm most looking forward to _________________this weekend. 

4. For me, this time of year is __________________.

My answers:

1. I hope the Easter Bunny brings me one day closer to seeing Jesus face to face but chocolate will be nice too..

2. My favorite part of the Easter (or Passover) meal is being with loved ones and enjoying a good meal with them while reflecting on the year so far.

3. I'm most looking forward to seeing my chiro doc this weekend. Still working on that kink in my neck and shoulder.

4. For me, this time of year is bittersweet. I have had many losses and it is always difficult. Spring renews the earth. Life goes on but having lost so many loved ones, it is not easy.

Pink Saturday  Perhaps you will visit Beverly and the Pinkies. You can share your pink too.

A pretty pink Pinterest find. Pink is a happy color. Do you like it or not? On the TV series back in the 1960's "Green Acres" Lisa and pink appliances in her farmhouse kitchen.

I could not find images of Lisa's kitchen but here is a vintage stove in pink from Pinterest.

Here is a Pink Maytag Vintage washing machine. My mom had a white one for many years. That wringer was something else. Back in mom's day, they did not need a gym membership, they used the washer's wringer.

An Easter share. Jesus is the Lamb of God. The b/w photo is my late mother-in-law holding a lamb on their phamily farm. Happy Easter to all.

Going to my mammogram and bone density. Say a good prayer. I will visit later today. Love you all. 


Pamela M. Steiner said...

Wonderful thoughts today. I pray God will bless you with peace and joy in knowing that even though you/we have suffered many losses, because of what Jesus did for us on the cross TODAY, not only are our sins forgiven, but we have the promise of everlasting life and the hope of seeing our loved ones again in heaven someday. That is a great hope and joy to me. Oh, the pink appliances are something else! LOL. We never had pink appliances, but our only bathroom tiles/counter tops were pink. Our kitchen stove and oven was turquoise...this was back in the 50's when my dad built our family home. I am not a huge pink fan. It clashed with my red hair so I never wore pink. LOL. Have a blessed Easter my friend.

Sandee said...

What lovely fill-ins. Big healing hugs on all your losses.

Love the pink kitchen. I have a friend that has a retro kitchen in pink. It was most adorable.

Have a blessed Easter with our family.

Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. More love and more hugs. ♥

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Those are great questions. It is hard this time of year when we have loved ones who are no longer with us. ((Hugs)) If and when we move I would love some old fashioned appliances in my kitchen. Thank you so much for stopping over. Happy Easter. "He Has Risen Indeed!"

pilch92 said...

I am glad Mister Kitty has such a good life. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers except I am sorry you have some neck pain and have had so many losses. I hope you have a blessed Easter with your family. XO

Yvonne said...

I love the cat collage. So cute! Great fill ins. I hope you have a blessed Easter.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Praying for your good health. Best wishes to you and yours.

Happy Easter. God bless.

Bill said...

The cat collage is a beauty, I love cats. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a nice comment. I hope you have a blessed and peaceful Easter.

messymimi said...

Praying for a good outcome from your tests. Blessed Easter!

Ingrid said...

Pink is a cheerful color !