Friday, 8 April 2022

Tree work

Wednesday was my 71st day on this planet, and I'm delighted to tell you it was the BEST DAY EVER! 

Even though when Gail opened the kitchen door to greet me first thing that morning, she actually apologised. 

"Sorry Nobby, but garden time will be limited today as a couple of men are coming to perform necessary surgery on some of our trees. I'm sure they won't want you under their feet, and anyway, I suspect you'll find all the noise from the saws and woodchipper rather frightening and will want to stay inside most of the time."

There comes a time in every youngster's life when they learn that information and advice from those whose role it is to care from them is far from infallible.

So these are the men who supposedly would want me out of the way. (And yes, they are taking pictures of me to send to their families.)

And here's me being terrified of their equipment..,

Steve - he's the one in orange top - told Gail how his family has owned fox terriers for decades, and how he absolutely adores the breed. Especially puppies. 

They had a good laugh when I grabbed one of their work gloves and made Gail chase me around the lawn to retrieve it. And yes, I am fast. 

Steve even offered to take me home with him in lieu of payment for the tree work. 

I hope the reason that Gail rejected this offer was not solely because I cost more than the price agreed for making sure our maple, holly, cherry, birch and ash trees are not interfering with the overhead telephone cables.

When Steve and his colleague finished their work, I carefully inspected the results and found it all satisfactory, and thus was able to allay Gail's fears that they'd spent so much time making a fuss of me they might have neglected the task at hand.

I confess to being slightly worried that a post about chopping bits off trees might not be consistent with the spirit of the LLB Gang's Nature Friday blog hop, but until I'm allowed out in the wide world (only two weeks to go) it will have to do.


  1. Nobby, who could possibly resist your cute self! It's lovely to see the video of you in action - what a helpful little chap you are.

    Inca xx

  2. Nobby you are having adventures without leaving home. I can tell you were so scared you tryed to kill that rope. BOL.. I wondered about the men and there work not being done, but who could ignore you? no one on the planet I think... I heard you found a lot of stick/bones to chew and carry.. Beau said to tell you his stick/bone if bigger that you are, but I bet you would try to bite it.. Your yard looks super and is ready for you to run and play. wish we had a video of the Glove Chase

    1. We'll have to wait a while for Gail to master that art of sprinting in circles round the garden desperately trying to grab an object from my terrier jaws with one hand while holding her phone steady in the other hand to film the action...

  3. oh how great that Steve came who loves your breed so much... we bet your gail asked for such a peep, to make this day to a super day for you....

  4. How could anyone resist your charms, Nobby. Love your video!

  5. Humans huh - what do they know? Looks like you had a great day and have learned some supervision skills along the way. My humans loved the video. Mr T

  6. Good job to keep away from falling timbers ... and so much fun to run and play after ...

  7. Being a puppy has serious advantages when it comes to training the humans. Sounds like you really had a great time and so did the working men.

  8. Such a charming, uplifting post! I was unaware that (almost any) houses (except mansions) in Aberdeen had such lovely, large gardens. Lucky you, Nobby!

  9. Hari OM
    Well, Nobby, you showed your true inner terrier to that rope, I must say. And you show all the alacrity of your predecessor, Bertie lad, at investigating contents of folks' bags!!! Always good to listen to the advice given - and just as good to test the parameters &*> Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  10. BOL BOL Nobby 71st day on this earth and you have learned so much and are growing into quite the handy dandy helper. OMDs you had yet anther grand encounter with 2 leggers who were thoroughly smitten with you. I loved your video playing tug of war and WHEW thank goodness Gail didn't take Steve up on his bartering. I 100% think the LLB gang will approve of the Nature Friday post. Sometimes you gotta prune trees and bushes to make the grow better
    I hope you are able to continue to work with Gail keeping her up to date with all the necessary socializing skills needed to own a WFT such as you.
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. You sure are a brave pup, Nobby. We loved the video of you wrestling with that rope. You weren't even bothered when you backed over the rake. We can tell those guys enjoyed having you around to help them.

  12. BOL!!! Oh Nobby, this is perfect for Nature Friday...Not only because of the pretty trees...but it is the Nature of your puppy cuteness that will draw your many fans to you!
    Rosy, Sunny & Jakey

    PeeEss...We think you may be braver the we are when it comes to construction machinery!

  13. I’d like to take you home too Nobby! Good work on the gardening x

  14. I think they thoroughly enjoyed your presence. Did your mom get a discount?

    1. She certainly thought of asking for one.

  15. You made the tree men very happy! And we are impressed with your skill in handling that cable!

  16. First, we are glad you are able to meet some people, who Bertie only had kind things to say about. Second, sun puddles are a wonderful thing, especially in the winter, so we are glad you found them. Third, Gail keeping you and not letting a very nice tree cutter take you has nothing to do with $, you are priceless! Further, we are sure you are the fasted pup around and Gail has in no way slowed down. Lee and Phod

  17. Your garden looks so nice for you to run around in...and making new friends is all about being a happy well-adjusted pup! Good job with all the helping!



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