Bee Positive | Bee the Change : Wednesday Wisdom
“He is not worthy of the honey-comb,
that shuns the hives because the bees have stings.”-William Shakespeare
I don’t know where to start today. It’s my first post for the month of April, which knocks at my awning, stretching me beyond my limits. But some times it’s a good thing to stretch one’s limit, then to be caged in the eye of a storm.
Eye of a Storm
I had a bit of an accident recently, where the left eye was bruised – badly, but fortunately not without repair. It’s times like these that I believe there is some kind of divine intervention always at play. Some force which protects us from the worse to occur in our lives. The vision is fine as of now, say the ophthalmologists. The bruises will take sometime to heal, so I walk around looking like a black-eyed zombie.
The good news is my screen consumption came down drastically, though I have mostly been on a tech detox.
I have even contemplated getting an eye-patch; which might make me look like a lady pirate. It might look better than sporting the huge sunglasses. I have no issue with the black eye, and I like wearing sunglasses only in the sun!
I move around outdoors with the black eye mostly. It’s just that I’m averse (for a better choice of words) to the worry riddled on people’s faces, and the volley of questions thrown my way. They worry that I am a victim of abuse. My adorable, ever caring DH can only squirm, while I laugh it off casually telling them I am doing as good as it gets. I’ve been home mostly. A one eye vision and a limited one in the other; can be fairy disorienting and disconcerting all at the same time.
It feels great to be back in the blogosphere. Writing is my redemption, and writing online after 10 days of being out of action is calming to say the least.
Save the Bees
Today I really wanted to write about the mission that I have taken up. A mission to save the bees in my condo to begin with.
This effort eventually could someday help the NCR region – National Capital Region. There are no Bee rescuers/relocators in this area that covers Delhi, Gurgaon and Noida. The last 2/3 weeks have been spent trying to find a sustainable solution to save the innocent, life giving bees, without spraying them down with insecticides. Various parts of India like Maharastra and South India have expert Bee handlers who help relocate them safely to the forests without harming them.
There is a large hive which comes up on the floor above ours every year. To me it just proves one point – we live in an abundant natural surrounding where bees, birds and other flora and fauna can thrive. But what has pained us beyond words is how the hives are brought down mercilessly, killing thousands of bees that lie lifeless and dead, strewn all over our balconies.
The practise has been going on for as long as I can remember – over a decade. In 2017, my book Travel Epiphanies had a chapter where I wrote how I wished to bring about a change. I have been meaning to assist the community here forego this cruel practise of bringing down the bees; snuffing out their precious lives and destroying the hives.
In a blink of an eye, 2022 is already upon us. I couldn’t let this year also pass without finding a sustainable solution to save and relocate the bees.
“If you want to gather honey, don’t kick over the beehive.”
-Abraham Lincoln
I am surprised that the Delhi NCR region which is buzzing with so many activists and environmentalists; still doesn’t have any constructive solution to save the bees; without the use of chemicals or smoking them out.
Balanced Flow
I shall continue to write the second part of this post again in the next few days. The eye demands rest; as does my body.
My friend, Damyanti once told me; sometimes our best answers can be found by tuning in to our bodies; and that has hit home. Sometimes I forget, as my passion to stay active supersedes my desire to just be. But I’ll go with this lesson. Because in just bee(ing), I have always found my bliss.
My WOTY is also a reminder towards the same: Balanced flow.
Go slow. To Experience the flow. That's what I call Balanced flow. - Natasha Musing Share on X
Signing off by checking with you if you know people in National Capital Region (Delhi/Gurgaon/Noida) who can help relocate bees, or are keen to help do so? Please pass the word.
Sending each of you good vibes, love, light and laughter.
Natasha ♥
30 thoughts on “Bee Positive | Bee the Change : Wednesday Wisdom”
Sorry I just read this, Natz and do hope you are doing better.
I recently bought a whole lot of stuff from Last Forest – a Nilgiris based project – that does a lot for bees and sells a lot of products with beeswax. I don’t know why people are so intolerant of the creatures that give back more than they take from us! Sigh!
Corinne Rodrigues recently posted…Flow Softly
The Last Forest sounds lovely.
Yes, it’s hard to understand why humans always have to operate from their own selfish motives.
Thank you Cory, I am doing well now.
Good to see you here.
Natasha recently posted…I Forgive and I Flow: Monday Musings | Monday Blogs
I hope you and your eyes are better now, Natasha.
You will surely come up with a solution and save the bees, I am certain. It’s inspiring to see you getting actively involved in everything, Natasha.
Take care. ♥️
Vinitha recently posted…Fiction Monday – 99
I hope so too, Dear Vinita. Though this time it wasn’t much of a success, but better than spraying them with insecticides. Hopefully a big wonderful solution will emerge in good time.
It’s lovely to have you stop by.:)
Natasha recently posted…I Forgive and I Flow: Monday Musings | Monday Blogs
I’m not sure if my first comment made it through. Glad your eye is healing and that you got a tech break. Thank you very much for helping the bees! I hope there are people in your area who can help you organize for saving bees.
joannaoftheforest recently posted…Good News Tuesday for April 12, 2022: Resort to House Ukrainian Refugees, Bi-National Park on the US – Mexico Border, Adoption Letters for Shelter Dogs, and the First Black Woman on the US Supreme Court
I hope so too dear Joanna. Someday if not now. I am very hopeful for sure.
Thank goodness your eye will heal (and you’ll have a story to tell…)
Saving bees should be foremost in every country’s mind. They are so necessary to all of our survival. Hope you do manage to get the right people involved to help relocate these little miracle workers.
Ha! Ha! Yes Dale, absolutely that too- a story to tell.
Yes, I am hoping to see some light at the end of this dark tunnel, where people can start valuing every being of this planet as contributing to the ecosystem.
In this case the beautiful Bees.
Good to have you swing by dear Dale.
Sorry to hear this, dear friend. You are a blessed person, so definitely everything will be OK!
Take care of you. If you can take care of bees is perfect also.
Without them will be no life around.
Love and light dear Natasha! All the best in our world!
Thank you dear, dear Suzana for the kind words and lovely wishes.
I am on the mend.
Wishing you and yours well too and sending big hugs. xox
Such a wonderful post and an absolutely worthy cause. I once hosted a beehive in my tiny balcony and called a beekeeper to rehome them.
I love what you’re doing with the cause.
Sending hugs— so sorry you got into an accident, and very relieved that you’re on the mend.
Damyanti Biswas recently posted…Friend Request by Laura Marshall : #AToZChallenge #BookRecommendations
That is so beautiful, D. <3 Rehoming them. I am sure SG has some wonderful initiatives to do the needful.
I hope to be able to see through this cause in the months to come. Currently we have hit a wall.
Hugs back at you.
Love always.
I am glad your eye is okay. It’s scary but I am happy you kept positive attitude. Take care dear and have a beautiful weekend ahead.
Thanks so much dear Anjali. It’s all the good wishes that are helping me heal and get better faster.
You have a lovely new week too.
God bless loads.
I am not sure what it was, but after I read your post, I think I saw about 20 things about bees… I guess I need to call my dad to see how his new hive is workign out – he hopes to get a new batch of bees for it soon.
Hi Trent,
Would love to know the details please.
And some about your Dad’s bee keeping and hives.
Have a good week. I hope the smiles have been worthwhile. I should be able to add a few of mine. Amen to that.
Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop, we are so glad you hopped in!
I’m glad I could count on the blessings that surround us, despite all the angst and pain.
It’s not that fractured a world if we look carefully.
Bless you and yours Brian.
Thank goodness things are improving for you, helped I’m sure by your positive attitude.
May the bees be thankful for your endeavour.
Keith’s Ramblings recently posted…A few words
Yes, Keith humour and positivity play a big role in any challenging situation. Have learned the former from friend’s like you.
Yes, I hope in the coming years the bees benefit remarkably from this endeavour that’s just a drop in the vast ocean.
So good to see you my friend. It’s been a while.
Keep spreading the cheer!
That’s pretty scary but I’m so glad your eye will be okay, that’s really good news. I hope humanity wakes up and saves the bees soon.
Yes, Brian thankfully so.
I hope so do and ardently at that. Bees forever.
I’m glad your eye is okay!
In my youth, during training, I hit my nose hard and my left eye began to look like a raccoon’s eye. It was the first time I chose to wear sunglasses with big black lenses.
I know how the world looks at a woman with a bruised eye.
Thank you! I wish you love and joy! <3
Big hugs! <3
Just so reassuring to hear from you as always, my dear Diana. ♥️
I was telling myself let the world think what they have to, I love the courage that roars within.
Also imagine the plight of acid attack victims. How does the world even perceive them?!
I was reminded of their pain and prayed for their well being.
How have you been? How are things in your neck of woods?
Sending love, laughter and hugs all the way to Romania. ♥️♥️
Keep shining your light
I’m glad your eye is okay.
We must take care of the bees. They give us so much.
Have a fabulous day and rest of the week, my precious friend. Big healing hugs. ♥
Sandee recently posted…Wordless Wednesday
Thanks my dear dear Sandee.♥️
All the love, good wishes and healing hugs have helped immensely.
Blessed to know you.
Some day we will love to learn every being as one.
Have a wonderful rest of the week
So glad you vision is ok Natasha. Divine grace definitely wards off what could have been really bad.
Happy to read about your endeavours to have a sustainable solution to removing the bee hive. Hope you do find something there.
Wishing you a quick healing my friend. Take care
Thanks dear Radhika.
It’s lovely as always to hear from you.
Thank you for your kind wishes and yes, the solution to saving the bees should be underway. High time I say.
Looking forward to reading your posts.
Wishing you words, wisdom and winsome days