Sunday, April 3, 2022

Aw......Mondays and Love is...


We haven't had internet service for two days. We are in the process of changing providers. No word from the first one and today the interent connection was reset. Wednesday the new provider will come out and set up our new connection. The kids work from home and so it makes for a difficult time. If something could go wrong these past three days, they did. Yet we had some quality time with the grand boys and our son and also our grandson and his two little ones. So it had some wonderful times tossed in for good measure.

Despite no internet service, a screw in a brand new tire on the  Kia, and other unfortunate events this weekend. We are truly blessed. Time with loved ones, kids with bundles of energy. Hugs & candy kisses. Walking to Noelle & Roger's house, two doors away, to put our cardboard in their recycle since our two are overflowing, I took this photo in front of my friend Carleen's house. HaHaHa...the husband was saying stop that! Smeone will think you're casing the place. HaHaHa - Carleen knows me better than that!  Spring is in the air and I had to say......Aw.......... Sonday, Monday, Anyday, is a good day with sunshine, daffodils and a sweet bench. 

Love is...comes along with the right word everyday.

"Truth is so obscure in these times, and falsehoods so established, that,  unless with love the truth, we cannot  know it." Blaise Paschal 

 Although Annie has been on hiatus, we like to share some Sparks with you today. 

Some boys I love very much, and fences. Joining Fences with Mimi because I am going to get out more often and capture some fences in my neighborhood.

Have a blessed new week and know I will be getting around, providing this internet sticks with us until Wednesday. It is like rolling dice, you never know what you will get !


Sandee said...

I'm sorry you've had such a rough weekend. I hope things straighten out and get back so easy sailing. Love the boys on the fence. Cute.

Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Anne. Love and hugs. ♥

carol l mckenna said...

Despite your difficulties this weekend you seem to have risen above them and come out of the weekend with a mixed bag ~ Glad you are on the internet here ~ Xo

Wishing you love and laughter in your days,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

messymimi said...

Life's a mix of up and down and good and bad. Grace wins, gratitude wins, things work out. Have a wonderful week!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Hope your internet service is back up and running tomorrow and that other things will fall into place. I am so sorry to hear about all the difficulties, but like you said, you had some quality time with the family. I think we all should shut down our internet from time to time and just have a tech/internet free day at least once a week. I'd probably be the first to break it, but maybe not. I love just watching the birds. Have a blessed and wonderful rest of your week.

Ingrid said...

That would be a nightmare for me days without internet ! Especially the phone,and television are all in one package !!