Crazy But True Facts About Cats and Cat Lovers
Crazy But True Facts About Cats and Cat Lovers by Layla Morgan Wilde
Most cat lovers aren’t surprised when they hear about crazy cat stories. Once the Internet reached across the globe, it wasn’t long before cats took over with their cuteness and weirdness. Before the Internet, a devoted cat lover might have a photo of their cat in their wallet but now everyone has hundreds or thousands of photos on the phone.
Cats are not to blame. It takes a human to take the photo or show countless ways of devotion.
According to a recent consumer of 3,000 pet owners:
- People are quitting their jobs to spend more time with their pets — over two-thirds of pet owners have searched for a more flexible job to devote more time to their fur pals.
- 71% have made a significant life change because of their pet.
- And six in 10 have previously left a job because they were forced to return to an office that wasn’t pet-friendly.
- 60 % of Pet Owners Seeking Pet Friendly Workplaces, or Willing to Leave
- 48% of pet owners saying pets improve productivity
Crazy but true.
We all know cats rule the Internet with memes, outlandish photos and videos by the millions. I’ll leave it to you to decide whether to believe these crazy but true cat facts. Just when you think you’ve seen it all, there will be a new twist and “Oh my God, have you ever seen anything like that?” moment.
I know with my own cats, no matter how much I think I know them or understand them, they sometimes throw a head-scratching curve ball. Maybe it’s to keep us on our toes. Maybe they just like to march to tune of a very different drummer. Or maybe they don’t give a rat’s ass what we think.
In this era of Fake News, please know it extends to cats. Odin turning 29? Seriously, he doesn’t look a day over 9!
Now this is one news bulletin I wish were true.
Since Odin got his GPS collar two years ago, we have a much better sense of his secret life away from home, or do we? Cats are notorious for leading secret lives especially those who wander unescorted down a garden path. For all we know they are secret agents for the C.I.A. I suspect Odin, given his political views, might have been persuaded by the Mossad to join the counter-terrorism ranks.
Nou Nou on the other hand is more of a C.I.A. girl with her wily ways.
If cats have secret lives, it would make sense that they would continue beyond the grave.Take this dispatch from the Rainbow Bridge NEWS. We all know about the Rainbow Bridge but did you know they have a news outlet? Leave to our former editor, Clyde to become the managing editor. But, you can’t always believe what you read. Edgar Allen Poe? I don’t think so. Well, you never know.
Sometimes you have to blink twice, not trusting if what you’re seeing is true. The National Museum is stunning but what the hell? Is that Odin and Nou Nou in a painting? Looking pretty convincing but then again, isn’t every cat a masterpiece?
Is seeing believing? Then what about magic?
There is magic in make believe but there is also real quantifiable magic. Actually it’s true whether you believe it or not. Nou Nou is one of the most mysterious and magical cats I’ve known. She was back at the vet this week and will need some healing spells of her own.
Long before the Internet and digital anything there were clunky analog cameras. Even then there were willing cat models like this one. I edited the image to clean it up but it’s a real photography studio image and NOT Photo-shopped.
In case you’re still wondering, it’s APRIL FOOL! Happy April Fools Day or All Fools Day which falls on the first of April, the month named after the Greek goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite (Venus), also known as ‘Aprilis’. Read more about the mysterious history and silliness in our April Fool post and I found some more vintage April Fool cards or as they say in French Poisson Aprile or April Fish. They came with witty puns that don’t make make sense translated, so I edited a few to share with my best wishes, or fishes.
I love the lucky black cat ones with goldfish.
Ad agencies often like to tweak their creative funny bone with mock ads like this video for a wireless mouse. If you didn’t know would it fool you?
Happy April Fool! I hope it brought a smile or chuckle in these less than cheery times.
xo, Layla, Odin, Nou Nou and apparently very busy OTRB angels

We love this post so much, Layla. No joking! We really loved seeing Clyde. We really will always love him.
Aw, thanks! It’s a nice reminder how our cats really do live on xoxo
Skeeter and Izzy
How Fun this post was!!!!!
Happy April Fool’s Day!!!!
We send sweet Nou Nou Prayers and Purrs and Kitty Kisses to make her ALL better!
Luvs to ALL and thanks again for the laughs.
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang And the Angels >^..^^..^<~
Thanks so much and for the healing purrrrrs xoxo
This was just what I needed!! April Fools form the not so foolish to the very foolish and just about too gullible as well!! LOL!
I read it at work yesterday, but couldn’t respond…and I worried all night! Hahaha!
Ha, so glad it helped xox
Well done. Happy April Fools Day.
Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.
Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. ♥
Thanks so much and have a great weekend!
Cat and DOG Chat With Caren
so much fun Layla!!!!! I was afraid when I first saw the email!!
Caren, I was shocked how many believed it! Hope the fun made up for it xoxo
Actually I believe every word of your post (and so does my cat, June). And laughed all the way through it,
June on the other paw, coughed through her very loud mew-and-meows! In particular, we were channeling Mr Poe having visited the site of his last drink where he soon thereafter passed out and unfortunately “crossed his bridge”, muddied clothes and all … and then sat and commiserated with him at his gravesite as you see both are within walking distance of us (well me, not June). He loved being remembered by you and
sends his thanks as well.
😹Cats never have trouble sifting truth from nonsense, right?
These were hilarious! We actually don’t have an April Fools post this year.
Seriously??? Don’t pull our leg😹
Amy Harlib
Amy, truer words were never spoken!
Roxanne Bonilla
That kitty watching toilet flushing made me laugh! ty
Ha, that was seen only by subscribers 😹
No one does April Fools Day better than your cats.
Thanks, they always get all the credit😹