Friday, March 25, 2022

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 This weekend is Blog 4 Peace for Ukraine. You can get more details on the official site.

I only post on Fridays but I still want to add my support for the people of Ukraine.

For the flashback I have 2 and 1 photo posts this week.

First up is Eric with Suitcases from November 2008.

The suitcases are all emptied again and I am going to sit in this one to make sure they don't pack it again. If they do try, they will be packing me too.

  In fact I think I will have it for a bed. Huh! mum says she wants to pack it away, well tough luck. It's mine now.

Flynn also from November 2008.  The Poser.

What do you mean, I'm a poser? At least I don't walk off like Eric when he sees the flashy box.

Eric, Tummy Tuesday. November 2008

Aaaarghh take the flashy box away, I'm trying to sleep.
I have been asked if that is really my beautiful tail. I'm sorry to disappoint, but no that is not attached to me. If I had such a wonderful tail I would carry it around proudly. It is actually the edge of our vishus deerskin bed which I have pushed back a bit with my feet. I wonder if I can get it transplanted.

Flynn September 2008. Don't Call me Fat!

Mum says I look like a big fat china cat in this photo, (not our furrend China Cat). I told her it is camera angle cuz I'm not fat! If you look, you can see I have my back legs leaning forwards with my front legs.

The random photo this week was chosen by Katie Isabella who asked for 11th March 2011.
Admiring the heather bed, or more likely listening to our neighbours chickens on the other side of the hedge.

I am joining Athena the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

I started with Flow at 40% then added Sadness at 15%.

108pieceCaturday Art 26.03.22
I am also joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the blog hop.



  1. Flynn really did know how to pose nicely!

  2. Did Eric have a passport? OMC, the "cat with deer tail" photo is too much, needs to be an LOL image ... happy weekend, y'all.

  3. Flynn definitely was a great poser! Both boys were and are a delight to see, no matter what they were doing. :-)

  4. Ohhhhh I love the photo of you in front of the computer.
    Very regal my ginger friend
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Yes, those suitcases were always trouble. Such pretty art too. Peace for Ukraine is a must.

  6. We also are hoping the Ukraine survives Russia horrible attacks. And as always I love your memorable photos.

  7. We're all for peace in Ukraine and around the world.

    Your boys are such joys to see. They do love a good suitcase. I so remember that.

    Thank you for sharing your boys with us.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Jackie. Big hug. ♥

  8. Peace and blessings to Ukraine. So many of these brave people are not only looking out for themselves, but their beloved pets as well...Love the suitcase, posing and tummy pics of such handsome boys. Mom's catwork is fantastic! Hope Mom and Dad are doing well. Until next time...Jean

  9. We're hoping for peace in Ukraine. Your boys always put a smile on my face!

  10. doodz...all theez bee grate flazh bax !!! N prob ablee ya mite knot rememburr... but we bet... ewe both ...hada head o ache... de liv long day frum heerin bass terd chcknz......YEOW ~~~~~~ ♥♥♥

    N glad ewe couldna haza vizshuz deer tale tranzplant......oh em cod ~~~~ ;) ♥♥

  11. We love all of the photos this week! Talking of suitcases, #1 is showing signs of packing hers...

    Tama and Benny

  12. You two Angels look adorable in these photos!

  13. Just love the photo you chose for Caturday Art. It is so beautiful!

  14. That crawl in the suitcase move is a good one and, the next time your humans pack to leave you, they will be able to carry a bit of you with them (cat har) on their clothing. MOL
    Purrs & Head Bonks,

  15. What fab memories love the looks heheh!

    Have a peacefultastic weekend 👍

  16. Very sweet flashbacks. I am sure they hated for you to go on trips. I love it when kitties cover their eyes. My Sammy does that often. Beautiful art. Thank you for the puzzle. XO

  17. That puzzle shot of Eric and Flynn in the field is so perfect. We, too, are standing with Ukraine, and purring for peace to come soon.

  18. Huge purrs for Ukraine!!!
    I love the pictures of those handsome boys too <3
    I might have to help mum with that puzzle ;)
    Purrs, Julie

  19. Of course Flynn was fat but Eric was a bit, er, fluffy. Heh heh. He was so cute on the suitcase.

  20. Such beautiful art and flashbacks this week.

  21. We always love looking at the boys' sweet photos. Don't even get me started on humans calling cats fat. This posts artified photo holds some splendid colors! Most wonderful.

  22. Oh those gorgeous boys....they could have been professional models!

    Hugs, Pam

  23. Flynn was indeed a good poser. And Eric, at least putting the suticase away meant no travelling for a while. What great boys they were.

  24. We cross our paws and purr for peace too. Purrs

  25. The suitcase probably does not come out often, so it needs to be slept upon when it appears.

  26. We agree! clearly it was the camera angle that made you look fat!

  27. Boys, thank you for my special Photo on 11 March 2012. XXXXX

  28. Those posts reminded me of Minko who loved to sit in/on our suitcases, and Pipo who would get on the table to the sunpuddles that were there and not in his napping spot...Minko was more the poser than Pipo, LOL!

    We stand with the Ukraine, too.

  29. Wait ... so if you sleep in your human's suitcase they can't go anywhere? Brilliant! ~Latte

  30. Smart move on the suitcases..airlines frown upon cats inside them, lol!!! Flashyboxes are just a way of life and especially impawtent now, as a way to treasure your photos and memories!


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