
07-03-2025 Vol 19

Hearts & Roses

Lemon cut-out cookies with raspberry royal icing

I’m keeping things simple today.  I made DH the above heart-shaped cookies for Valentine’s Day.  My decorating skills need a lot of work but I had fun doing it and DH says that’s the most important thing.  The cookies tasted pretty good. I basically followed Food Lemon Cutout Cookies recipe with the exceptions that I increased the lemon juice to half a cup and I added a teaspoon of lemon baking emulsion.  I used Betty Crocker’s royal icing recipe substituting raspberry emulsion in place of the vanilla and I used pink icing gel for tint.  

DH was a sweetie as always.  He got me these gorgeous roses.  I am truly blessed to have the love of such a sweet, sweet man!

Valentine’s Day roses – 12 long stem roses purchased from the flora department at Kroger. Aren’t they beautiful?

Progression on the April A to Z Challenge is slow mostly because I lack the motivation.  I felt a bit inspired last week and I thought I had a theme I’d be happy with but I’m not sure if I want to keep going or just scrap it and go a different direction.  We’ll see. 

My normal posting routine is expected to be sporadic except for Mondays until May. Bear with me, my faithful peeps. Here’s hoping you have a wonderfully Wild Wednesday!


I invite you to join the linky party where just about anything goes on Wild Wednesdays. This is your opportunity to self-promote your current post or another favorite.  No rules to follow, except to keep things family friendly and for only personal bloggers to use this link up.  Violators will be taken down.   

This linky list is now closed.

More Wednesday link up connections… Sandee, NatashaMarie, & Wordless Wednesday!

Our first Valentine’s Day spent together was 1977. Today on Wayback Wednesday Time Machine a popular song from that February was Mary MacGregor’s “Torn Between Two Lovers” which hit #1 on 2/5/77 and remained at the top of the chart for two weeks.

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17 thoughts on “Hearts & Roses

  1. Those cookies look and, sound like, they taste delicious. You did a great job on the lacing and the names. I am not sure how well I could have done it. I enjoyed listening to this song post. You know, Considering all that goes on in the world, we need love and hope. You adore your husband and vice versa. Why not do the A to Z challenge on your life together. You can post songs, old pics and travels the 2 of you have done. The family you share and the love from cookies to flowers. You ca n create a nice painting too. I think his love for you and your love for him really inspires plus it is happy which is what we all need at this time.

    1. Birgit,

      I’m quite comfortable using buttercream frosting to decorate and write names. I don’t do much fancy but I do a better job at cake decorating. Using the royal icing is a bit trickier but I knew there will be a learning curve and I did learn much decorating these cookies. I’m eager to try it again. Thank you for the suggestion to A to Z about our life. I could do that but without pictures. DH doesn’t like having his photo online. Maybe in the future this will be more of an option. If I commit to the challenge, chances are good it’ll revolve around art. That has become my favorite pastime and I have so much room to grow with my designs. 🙂

  2. I can’t think of a theme for A-Z so I may pass on it this year. Thank you for hosting. Have a great day. XO

    1. Kathe,

      Yes, you may! Now to figure out how to get it to you. I don’t have CD drive and the USB port might be a tight fit. Oh well, will work for you if I eat one and just think of you?

  3. You two remind me of Zane and I. It’s a wonderful thing. I ate a couple of the cookies. Yummy,

    I met Zane in 1978. It was love/lust at first sight.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Love and hugs, my friend. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      Virtual cookie eating now that’s cool! Wouldn’t it be great if that’s all we needed to do to be satisfied of our sweet cravings? Ahhh, that’s sweet love at first sight or the other L-word. lol I actually fell in love with DH after our first date. He called me the following night after we’d gone out and we spent hours on the phone really getting to know each other. I knew by the time we ended our conversation that night, he was the one I would marry. 🙂

  4. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Wild, Wacky and Almost Wordless Wayback Wednesday, dear friend!

    The picture of your batch of V-Day cookies has my mouth watering. DH is very lucky to have found such a compatible a soul mate, a woman of many talents with a great attitude about relationships and marriage. I can almost smell those lovely roses he gave you through the monitor screen. They are stunning.

    If you are having difficulty picking a theme for this year’s A to Z, you can always fall back on my Looney Tunes favorite – Foghorn Leghorn. You could show Foghorn in 30 different scenes bopping various critters over the head with his ACME mallet. 🙂 I well remember “Torn Between Two Lovers,” the romantic song by Mary MacGregor that topped the chart the weeks around Valentine’s Day, 1977, the first V-Day you and DH spent together as a couple. Mrs. Shady #1 loved that song and we bought the record.

    I hope this Wednesday finds you well and in good spirits, dear friend Cathy. I want to give you an early heads-up that, one week from today, I will be very late getting here because I have an early morning medical appointment. I’ll give you further notice next week. Have a good one, dear friend, and I’ll be watching for your next post whenever you decide to publish it. Until then have a safe and happy week!

    1. Tom,

      Good-morning, my friend. The roses DH got last Wednesday with a grocery order and they still look amazingly beautiful. Roses that one may get at a florist have a steep price tag and you can certainly see the difference in the quality but honestly, the roses DH has managed to get over the years from the grocery store or even at Walmart are remarkable quality for the money. This year he spent $22 (Kroger) and last year year $60+ (FTD). I was tickled to receive both sets of roses but truly I’m just as happy with the lower priced ones and they keep for the same amount of time.

      Thanks for the theme suggestion for the April challenge. It’s definitely a good one and I love the idea of incorporating more ACME gadgets in future illustrations. I’ll allow this idea to stew for awhile. Thanks for calling to my attention that you’ll be late to visit next week. I appreciate your thoughtfulness, my friend. Have a good day!

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