BooBoo B-day

A year ago our little Boo-Boo was born to a feral Mom.

Right smack-dab in the middle of a pandemic.
Working from home, I’ve got to watch her grow up.

Get in trouble with paper towel rolls …

and learn to cook.
She is such a joy and a sweet, loving girl.
I just love her to pieces!
Happy Birthday BooBoo!
Katie Isabella
Happy Birthday sweet, loved and beautiful girl. You being joy to your mom.
Oh, that Boo Boo, what a furry funny creature. So glad she has a home, merci a toi!
Happy Boo-Day, and what a special day you have to celebrate … with love and hugs and nose kisses!
Eastside Cats Blog
Happy Birthday, Booboo!
You are indeed a sweetie pie.
Happy Valentine’s Day, and hugs and purrs.
I love happy endings like this! Happy birthday BooBoo
Aww, Happy Birthday to adorable little BooBoo! What a cutie!
A ShutterBug Explores
Oh so cute! Happy Birthday, Boo Boo ~Xo
Wishing you lots of love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Happy Birthday Boo Boo! I especially love the photo in the pot! Very adorable!
You are a beautiful girl, Booboo! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to BooBoo! What a little cutie pie!
Brian Frum
You’re gorgeous! Happy Birthday from all of us sweet BooBoo! Happy Valentine’s Day from all of us!
Happy Birthday and happy Valentines Day as well boo Boo!
Cat and DOG Chat With Caren
Happy Happy Birthday BooBoo you cutie!! xoxo
Kathe W.
Happy happy Birthday Boo- Boo! You are awedorable!
da tabbies o trout towne
booboo…gram paw dude waz born on heartz day oh lovez two…. { himz ternin 30 !!!
a most happee day two ewe with healhteez N happeez de live long yeer; eat lotz oh RED snapper two nite
anda happee heartz day oh lovez two everee one ♥♥♥
The Island Cats
Happy Birthday, Boo Boo! What a pretty girl you have grown to be.
The Florida Furkids
Happy Birthday Boo Boo!
Wishing BooBoo many happy returns of the day, and a Happy Valentine’s Day to you all!
Ellen Pilch
Happy Birthday sweet BooBoo! And Happy Valentine’s Day to you all! XO
Melissa & Mudpie
Have a purrfect birthday, precious!
Mary McNeil
Happy Purrthday BooBoo ! And many more !
Aww, we love us some Boo Boo! Happy birthday, sweet one!
BellaDharma an BellaSita Mum
Happy happy Birfday deerest Boo Boo!!
You two?? Mee had a Ferally Mum. An mee lovess playin with papurr towel rollss…
Wee mite bee disstant Couzinzz! Furabuluss!
***nose rubss*** BellaDharma an {{huggiess}} BellaSita Mum