Monday, December 13, 2021

Music Monday


Hey pals! Well, we are getting to pose in front of da tree finally. Still waiting for some treats to appear under it though, BOL.

Well, we haven't done a Mewsic Monday in a while, but we thought we'd join in da festive fun wif some Christmas songs today.

A classic that's in Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer - momma's favorite Christmas movie/special.

This one has a really nice message.

This are my momma's current ringtone. Yeah, she really likes Christmas.

Momma are hoping for a warm Christmas where she can wear shorts. I'd kinda like SNOW, but shhh, don't tell her.

My momma are a HUGE Britney fan, so this one had to make da cut.

And this one are just hilarious!


  1. we love da muzak!!! and we bet a lot of people have the song of mariah in their heads immediately ;O)

  2. There sure is lots of music to assist us in our celebrating:)

    Pretty pups with your gorgeous tree!

  3. We had a good laugh at Robert Earl Keene. Gail is trying to absorb the concept of wearing short at Christmas!

  4. I love Burl Ives.
    We have a neighbor who wears shorts 365 days of the year...he will add a coat to his look in the winter.
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. We hope you find some treats under that tree soon. Thanks for all the holiday music today, too.

  6. Hey, furriend! It's great seeing you again on the dance floor. Are you havin' a wonderful Christmas? Don't bark at the delivery guys making frequent stops this month. Who knows, one of 'em might be the jolly elf himself delivering your Christmas present. :) Burl Ives is such a fun voice from yesterday so warm and cheery. Thanks for coming to the party and we hope you'll stick around all month. Have a holly, jolly Christmas! ;)

  7. Very nice playlist, lots of fun to listen to

  8. Nice playlist. Holly Jolly Christmas is a classic; I didn't know either of the last two songs but they were enjoyable to listen to.

  9. Her current ring tone is "Me Kamikazee"?


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!