Friday, November 26, 2021

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 I have a lot more one photo posts so will show some more of them today. They are from February and March 2008.

Flynn on Flat out Friday.
Just taking some well earned rest and relaxation.

Easy on Sunday with potted Eric.
If the sun is shining but it's freezing cold out, don't worry, just find yourself a nice big plant pot in the greenhouse. The greenhouse makes a very good giant litterbox too.

Flynn waiting for a mouse.
It looks like a lovely sunny day furr a stroll around the fields duzn't it. Well, if you thought that you'd be wrong cuz the wind wuz blowing a gale and it wuz freeeeezing. I tried to keep as close to the hedge as I could so the wind didn't blow my furrs inside out.

Tree climbing Eric on Mancat Monday.
This is an older scanned pikchur of me. When I wuz younger I used to like to climb up the inside of the hedge and suddenly pop out to see what wuz happening. I still do it now sumtimes to see what birdies haf built their nests in there.

Flynn on Mancat Monday.
One of the good things about being able to go outdoors furr walks is that you can pee like a real mancat. Only thing is you haf to remember you're not still outdoors when you go in your litterbox again. Mum's don't like it much if you furrget yourself. I only did it once and I wuz so embarrassed I didn't do it again.
Notice the back leg movement, that is furry impawtunt to get that right. You don't want to get wet paws.

Eric on Mancat Monday.
I like to lie on the path outside of the garage cuz I can snoopervise efurryone who goes in and out furrom here. That is what a responsible mancat duz.

The random photo(s) this week was chosen by Marv who asked for mid December 2013. It was Flynn's first Christmas without Eric but he still had to check the tree, maybe looking at the Eric and Flynn tree ornaments.

I am joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

For Eric I started with Scribble at 25% then added Dawn at 65%

I kept it simple for Flynn using only Sunshine at 37%.

preview108pieceCaturday Art Eric 27.11.21
preview108pieceCaturday Art Flynn 27.11.21
I am also joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the blog hop.



  1. Such sweetie boys and I love the ornaments too.

  2. Popping out of a hedge to see what's going on sounds like fun.

    Your talk of positioning your paws just right so they don't get wet reminds me of something Grandma told me. When she first married Grandpa, before they were even parents much less grandparents, she asked him why he didn't wash his hands after he used the restroom and he said, "My mama taught me not to pee on my hands!"

  3. We always love seeing Angels Eric and Flynn in all of your wonderful photos. They were so special, and still make our hearts so happy.

  4. we love the potted Eric... that has something what brings super good mood ;O)

  5. Love seeing the boys in
    the pots..Bless!xx

  6. What precious flashbacks.....!

    Hugs, Pam

  7. Top to bottom: brought some smiles (and a giggle or two) today ... oh my how these two character-cats are missed!
    Hugs to you all!

  8. Thanks for such wonderful flashback photos. Flynn on "Flat out Friday" cracked us up! :-)

  9. the photo of Eric in the tree is absolutely beautiful! Happy Friday!

  10. Beautiful stories and art! Happy Friday! :) <3

  11. The ornaments are adorable!
    Sitting in a plant pot looks like you are growing there, Eric...hahahaha!
    Off to puzzle, thank you.

  12. Dear E& always I thoroughly enjoy your flashbacks.
    Flynn on flat out Friday and Potted Eric
    Hugs Cecilia

  13. The pot photos are always my favorites.

  14. Eric in the hedge looks like it was a misty, damp day. I'll bet he headed inside soon after...

  15. Heheh! always so cute fab memories I like the tree inspection LOL :-)

    Have a memorytastic weekend 👍

  16. Such beautiful pictures! Have a great weekend!

  17. Great memories of your boys. I love the one of Flynn peeing. :)

  18. Love the tree picture and ornaments, and I can't get enough of those boys in the pots!

  19. Great photos. I love it when cats are on their backs. And I love the ornaments of Eric and Flynn. Thank you for the puzzles. XO

  20. Inspecting nests, that's wonderful, I wish I could do that, angel Eric. That picture is one direct hit too! Love to see all of you and the artwork is beautiful as always😺Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend🐾😽💞

  21. Boy, I never told your mommy how I am that she continues your blog! I love seeing/reading each and eery one. Though I have been a steady visitor for many years, I don't think about that when I come to see you. Each picture and wording is as fresh as it was when you boys first wrote it.

  22. You twwo re adorable and take your duties so seriously, as you expect from a proper farming cat.
    Thse tree ornaments are a sheer delight; I can see whay you would spend the time admiring them!

  23. We enjoy our weekly visit with Angels Flynn and Eric. It always brings such wonderful memories. Love the artwork, the boys are just such good subjects to illustrate.

  24. Such a delight coming to your page, boys, that I look forward to every week - these are all so precious I can't single just one out! Mom's catwork is so nice. I hope Mom and Dad are doing well. Until next week...Jean

  25. Oh! Oh! Oh! I am so excited! You picked my request! I love the shot of Flynn looking at the tree! Flynn flat out is fabulishious! I can't wait to go and do the puzzles! We are purraying that you stay safe from the gales and that you don't lose power or interwebs! Mom took Cinnamon for a walk today and she got to romp with her furrend Baby Grrl and right now she is flat out! Stay safe and sending you love! Marv (and Mom).

  26. The photos still make me smile. What about Eric and his dad on the tractor.

    Julie and poppyq

  27. Eric looks furry responsible indeed, guarding the entrance to the garage.
    And we love seeing Flynn flat out - just like Caspurr loves to do (and Angel Possum before him).

  28. Yet another fabulous collection of warm flashbacks, but me and dad agree- the potted Eric takes the cake!

  29. those ornaments are darling and those pot photos ALWAYS make me laugh! xoxo

  30. Great photos ! Flynn, did you eat too much on the first picture ? Purrs

  31. We have a lot of empty pots on our deck now that winter is coming. We are going to have check and see if any neighbor kitties decide to nap there:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  32. doodz....theez fotoz iz awesum !!!! we iz havin a time pickin a fave.... ☺☺☺♥♥

    what say we all head to Minerva Inn; my treet :) ♥♥♥♥☺☺☺

  33. That top photo of Flynn - he sure knew how to kick back and be comfy! Love the Christmas tree photo. And those are the cutest ornaments.

  34. Flatout Friday says it all flatout! Potted Eric also very descriptive. Looks like the Christmas tree has some tempting things upon it!

  35. I am now a Catio kitteh, and I miss feeling the grass under my paws. I love seeing Eric and Flynn enjoying the outdoors. And I love that they had their own tree ornaments. Purrs, Dori

  36. What happy photos! Our mom says that Flynn made a perfect pinup cat in that first pic. :-)


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