Friday, November 19, 2021

Rainbow Pineapple Blossoms Top and...... Finished ( or not) Friday!!

My 2021 Rainbow Scrap Challenge top is DONE!!! 

I love it!!! I actually finished piecing it the night before we jetted out of here - but had no way to photograph it so late at night.... so I had to wait... and catch up ( apparently Laundry is a thing after vacation *sigh* )

It went through a lot of changes to get to this stage - and a lot of texting with my kids. They have good Quilty eyes.... 

This was my first version - I thought all 6 blocks made a pineapple look to them. I can still see it - but no one else really said that is what popped out at them.... so 

I tried another layout that maybe they could see the pineapples - and they could - but! they didn't like the chunky-ness of it. and being someone who battles chunky.... I had sympathy for it!

and then I had a dream - that maybe it should be rainbow like....

and we thought we were getting closer.... but still .... no - until!! I was cooking dinner and looking at the design wall .... and staring... ( oh yes - you are all fooling yourself if you think I have a *quilting room*.... nuh uh.... this is a *quilting HOUSE*  )

and this came to me and I texted immediately = not caring about time changes (oops) and I got Thumbs ups!!

It is the Pineapple Blossom Quilt pattern by Quiltville - each block is 9 1/2 inches and

I have scraps.... beware.... there is more color in future posts ;-)

and now it is your turn!!!

*Link up your direct post to your Finished Post

* PLEASE PLEASE link back - that way more people will join in and we will have more to ohh and ahh at - and add to our bucket lists!

* Visit lots and leave great comments!!



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Anorina @SameliasMum said...

Wow! It's a riot of colourful fabulousness. Honestly, I think you must have extra hours in your day to get so much done. Love it!!

Cherie in St Louis said...

Wow! It’s a knock you socks off beauty!!! A whole quilting house <>

Jenny Lyon said...

Boy does layout make a difference! I love the final layout. Perseverance was worth it, the rainbow layout makes this top. Thank you for showing the permutations to get there, my eyes really understand now how that evolved. Cool!

Julie in GA said...

Your Rainbow Pineapple Blossoms top is beautiful, and the diagonal block setting worked perfectly! It was definitely the right choice.

Kat Scribner said...

Alycia, you made the best choice for the pineapple blossom quilt layout. But you already knew that. Have a great weekend.

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

I love the rainbow setting also. Perfectly beautiful!

Quiltdivajulie said...

All those early versions were stepping stones to the gorgeous final choice. Well done!

chrisknits said...

Yes, this was the best option!!! So colorful.

Miss Alissa said...

I love, love that final layout! Sometimes it really pays to get a second opinion and wait a little.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Oooh, it was worth it to play with and think about the layout. Beautiful!

Vicki W said...

That's pretty darned awesome!

Snowcatcher said...

That was fun to go through the potential layouts, and I agree what you finished with is the absolute best. I think this is one of my favorites of all the quilts you've shared. But how many times have you made me say that?!? Your quilts are all great!

Ivani said...

Well Done! Love the rainbow layout.

Sharon Kwilter said...

I love this finished RSC project! Would you mind if I used the same pattern next year?

Sara said...

Wow!! That really turned out great. Interesting transition too, but that final layout really pops. Beautiful.

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

This is amazing!! So much colour. I'll have to check out the pattern.

Linda said...

I agree, it's the perfect layout! You are such a good designer to dream about and star at your layout during those mundane tasks that we have to do to get to the fun stuff! Beautiful job.