Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Wordless Wednesday With Kozmo

We are pawticipating in Wordless Wednesday at Comedy Plus this week. We LOVE Sandee's Hops! She always has the best photos! We LOVE her comments too! Please click her button to be magically taken to Comedy Plus!



  1. Who let the cat out? Please let the cat in!

  2. Patiently waiting.........well, SORT of patient anyway!

    Hugs, Teddy

  3. Kozmo did the rest of the gang shut the door on you? Marv were you being tricky again? Somebody open that door.

  4. I'm not sure if Kozmo is curious or sad because the winter is close!
    Happy WW and much joy!

  5. PS. I forget to say that the top image is very beautiful. I like this style!

  6. Um, hello...someone please let the kitty in, Kozmo looks cold and ready for a warm up!

  7. Hari Om
    Hmmmm... did you ask to be out, Kozmo? Now wishing to be in...so much of life is in or out! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  8. Kozmo....I hear what you said about Nellie' transporter...if you can, come back over again tonight. I have a new blankie.

    1. This sounds scandalous. :D You're both adorable kitties. Be well!

  9. you poor sweet kitty, you can't even BARK LOUDLY, are you sinigng who locked the cat out? hope someone opened the door soon, like maybe the photographer ha ha

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Kozmo turn up your volume then sing your loudest song of your people
    Hugs cecilia

  12. We sure hope you were let in without much delay, Kozmo. You look like you are missing out on something going on inside.

  13. Did you get left out in the rain Kozmo? I'm betting you insisted on going out and then changed your mind, am I right?

  14. So mom is taking a picture of you instead of letting you in? Good for her, because we get to see you. You're a cutie pie.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches all around, a smooch to Marv and a big hug to mom. ♥

  15. What a darling cutie pie! Happy Wednesday! :) <3

  16. Hope the photographer opened the door for as soon as picture was taken. Nobody likes to wait in the rain.

  17. coppee & paste stopped bye ta help out with R commint two day coz de gurlz still sneekin round de inter webz frum werk. we wanted ta say how veree thanx ful we iz that ewe taked de time ta leeve a message on me good bye post. we a purreciatez it mor N ewe noe. bee happee & healthee & blessed bye me heer roe st francis. lovez two ewe all wayz frum de food servizz gurl and mee; tuna ♥♥

  18. It looks cold and wet out there. Start yelling, Kozmo!

  19. Kozmo, do you paw at the window like we do? It looks cold out there, hope someone came to open the door soon.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  20. Yikes Kozmo, it's dry and warm on the inside!

  21. I hope you didn’t have to wait long to get back in, Kozmo.

  22. Kozmo is beautiful! Gosh, reminds me so much of our Binx, a feral tuxedo cat who made himself at home for years at our previous house! Could be Kozmo's twin! And Binx used to gaze into our front door, too...waiting for food and treats!

  23. I wouldn't want to be outside when it's wet either!

  24. Bet when the door was opened, you just sat there, Kozmo!

  25. Hey, c'mon guys! It's great out here, why are you lying around indoors when there's adventure to be had!

  26. MROUWWW! Hey! Anyone?? ANYONE?! MROUW! I am on the wrong side of this door, can someone rescue me...pawlease!?

  27. Hello! I'd like to come in now. It's cold out here.

  28. Oh you poor dear. Now if those damn sliders weren't so heavy... Dad says you look just like the cat in a book he just started titled "The Last House on Needless Street". He says it's supposed to be a real creepy read so it's right up his alley. I hope someone eventually let you in, Kozmo!

  29. Great header photo and Kozmo ~ you are one handsome kitty and will be inside shortly, I am sure Xo

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  30. Lulu: "When I want to come in, I too go and sit at the door until someone notices me! Dada says I could bark to come in, but I'm too polite."


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!