Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Wordless Wednesday

The Chapter House, Wells Cathedral. Notice how the steps have worn away through the years. The lower set of steps were built from 1286, and the higher steps 200 years later.

Wells Cathedral

I am joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the blog hop.




  1. Nice photo's and those steps heheh, I used to live down the road from Westminster Cathedral and used to pop in there a lot when I was younger I loved it

    Have a steptastic week 👍

  2. Beautiful photos but I doubt I'd be able to walk those steps. Have a wonderful day.

    Cruisin Paul

  3. What a magnificent cathedral!

    Those worn-out steps show so much character.

    Love the captures, Jackie.

  4. Such a beautiful place, although i'd be concerned about the steps.

  5. Impressive staircase in the cathedral and interesting explanation! Thanks!

  6. I believe on my last WALK WITH ME post you commented on the lovely architecture, for which I thank you. Yet I remember on my first visit to Europe (mid 1970s) realizing that here in America, we are but "babes in the woods" when it comes to architecture and history ... certainly in comparison to all of Europe, to think that these steps date back to 1286! I know I will not enjoy the luxury of another visit there, yet am glad "my minds eye" still holds images of that trip and a few others following. And I am even more pleased to see more shown to me through your eyes, thank you Jackie. Beautiul!

    1. My Mother, coming from the Netherlands, her home town was there in Roman times...she always said the same thing about the things we think are old in North America, as compared to things built before any explorers ever came here! It is a humbling thought!

  7. Impressive cathedral. The shape of stairs catch my eyes. How many people would have been doing this geometry. In a way, they used the most safe position of the stairs...
    I like the image a lot, because I like stairs and arcade!
    Thank you for sharing this place.
    Happy WW and a fabulous week!

  8. PS. I shall introduce your link a little bit later! So, don't bother!

  9. A beautiful cathedral.....the worn stairs are so poignant.....!

    Hugs, Pam

  10. Those old cathedrals are amazing and it is crazy that the stone does have wear after hundreds of years.

  11. Oh my, what a beautiful cathedral. I would love to visit.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Jackie. ♥

  12. Wow, you never think about stone steps wearing out, but there it is!

  13. What impressive architecture. I might have issues with climbing all those stairs but I would give it a try.

  14. I love visiting cathedrals and this has be one of my favourites. Time I went again I think!

  15. Just stunning!!! I am always amazed at how those cathedrals were built by hand so many years ago.

  16. Awesome photos ~ especially the first one ~ wonderful composition and perspective! Xo

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  17. What an incredible cathedral! I remember it having an incredible pipe organ. I don't remember the steps though.

  18. Beautiful cathedral. Wow, those steps are old. XO

  19. Beautiful and impressive building. I would have problem going up and down those steps.

  20. What a beautiful cathedral, Jackie. I'd love to walk those stairs one day. Great photo's! Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend🐾😽💞

  21. Amazing that anything has lasted so long. Craftsmanship will out.


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