Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq

Friday, October 15, 2021

Flashback Friday

 Today, we go back to this week 2013...

It was a varied week to be sure.

Ayla had adopted the Ess for sitting and watching...

Marley was showing off his tummy.
The Caladiums were fading but still colorful.
The Zinnias were in full flower.
The Autumn Joy Sedums were reddening up...
The ferns loved the damp Fall rains.
And Iza was enjoying time outside chasing the falling leaves...

I think the fluttering motion of the leaves made her think of butterflies.What cat doesn't love the challenge of random motion?


  1. Pawsome memories. Happy cats and pawsome flowers.
    A great place for cats.
    Purrs, Julie

  2. That was a sweet flashback. XO

  3. Thanks for the reminiscences! Sometimes us pups chase the bigger falling leaves.

    Today we have pouring rain...buckets and buckets. Two wet pups in the house is rather stinky, LOL!


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