Monday, October 11, 2021

Food, Glorious Food (Awww Monday), Inspiring Quote of the Week, and Party! (Poetry Monday)


Awww Monday is hosted by Sandee at Comedy Plus.

Join us every Monday for Awww...Mondays.  Post a picture that makes you say Awww... and that's it.

Make sure you get the code from Sandee's site, linked above, and leave a link to your post so we can visit you.  What better way to start the week than with a smile!

A weekend or so ago i was taking care of Ms. GA and Mr. BA's cats for them while they went to see a relative.

Of the indoor cats, only Abigail is always friendly.  Big Red darts away, then when you call him, comes back for petting.  Puddin' and Little Orphan Annie run when anyone but mom or dad approach, although Puddin' will let me open the door for him to go in the garden. 

Then there's Oliver Twist.  He's dumpster cat skinny despite being allowed to free-feed with dry food at all times and getting canned food twice a day, and yes he's been to the vet his thyroid and everything else is normal.  He's just the cat equivalent of the guy who can eat everything on the planet and stay skinny.

He also holds grudges, and remembers years ago that i helped catch him, twice, to give him meds.  He does not forget, and he generally does not forgive, so he won't stay in the same room with me most of the time, only letting me open the door for him to go in the garden like Puddin'.

The thing is, Oliver loves his canned food, and apparently he loves it enough that he's decided to tolerate being in my presence to have it.

Big Red, Abigail, and Oliver Twist

Of course, once the grub was eaten, he skittered to the door, hid under the credenza until i opened the door, then scooted out before this evil person could pull any nefarious tricks.  He's not going to be taken in just because i feed him, after all.



Sparks, the brainchild of Annie of McGuffy's Reader, is on hiatus, so here's an Inspiring Quote of the Week in her honor.     



Poetry Monday was started by Diane at On The Alberta/Montana Border Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey is on a blog break and is sorely missed.   Charlotte/Mother Owl participates, and now Karen at Baking in a Tornado is jumping in at least once a month, too.  .

This week the theme is Throw a Party/Canadian Thanksgiving, our choice.                        

It's time to throw a party,

That's what i'm going to do.

It's gonna be a good one,

Because it includes you!

We'll play some oldies music,

Eat plenty of great food,

It'll drive away any blues we have

And change our attitude.

Maybe we'll play board games,

Some might want to dance,

We'll keep it very casual,

No need to be fancy-pants.

It's gonna be a good time

We'll keep on 'til we fall asleep!

The best part of a party, you know,

Is the company you keep.

(In the past, i've been able to travel to different parts of the country to visit, and party, with friends i met online.  If i could, i'd love to have all of you come down here to "pass a good time," as we like to say.  it really has been too long.)


Today is:

Anti-Columbus Day

Armed Forces Day -- Abkhazia

Cephalopod Awareness Days:  Myths and Legends Day -- celebrating the most intelligent invertebrates in the world; for all the cephalopods of legend, literature and movies

Columbus Day/Discovery Day/Two Worlds Day/Anti-Columbus Day/Native Americans Day/Pan America Day -- observed, several countries

     American Indian Heritage Day -- AL, US

     Columbus Day (obs.) -- Turks and Caicos Islands; US and Territories

     Dia del Respet a la Diversidad Cultural -- Argentina

     Fraternal Day -- AL, US

     Native Americans' Day -- much of the US formally; almost everywhere informally (a day to mourn Native American victims of conquest and oppression, make peace, and celebrate the empowerment of Native Americans)

Commonwealth Culture Day -- Northern Mariana Islands

Constitution Day -- Sint Maarten

Dia Nacional de la Mujer Boliviana -- Bolivia (Bolivian Women's Day)

General Pulaski Memorial Day -- US (celebrating Casimir Pulaski, "the father of American cavalry")

It's My Party Day -- so go have one!

Lotu-a-Tamaiti -- Samoa; Tokelau (Day after White Sunday)

Meditrinalia/Vinalia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (tasting of the year's new wine; in honor of Meditrina, goddess of health/medicine, longevity, and wine, and Bacchus, god of wine)

National Heroes Day -- Bahamas

National Kick-Butt Day -- a day to kick yourself in the rump, jump start yourself to doing something you've been wanting to do and making excuses for not doing; begun by Sylvia Henderson 

National Sausage Pizza Day

Norfolk Island Agricultural Show Day -- Norfolk Island, Australia

Old Michaelmas Day -- Celtic Calendar

Revolution Day/Uprising Against Fascism Day -- Republic of Macedonia

St. Gomar's Day (Patron of childless people, courtiers, cowherds, glove makers, people in difficult marriages, separated spouses, woodcutters; Lier, Belgium; against hernias)

Sunbeam Sliding Sunday -- Fairy Calendar (only occasionally on a Sunday)

Thanksgiving -- Canada (Interfaith)

Virgin Islands - Puerto Rico Friendship Day

World Rainforest Week begins -- International    

"You Go Girl!" Day -- in honor of Kathy Sullivan, first American woman to walk in space

Anniversary Today:

William Jefferson Clinton marries Hillary Rodham, 1975

Birthdays Today:

Emily Deschanel, 1976

Stephen Moyer, 1969

Orlando "El Duque" Hernandez, 1969

Jane Krakowski, 1968

Luke Perry, 1966

Joan Cusack, 1962

Steve Young, 1961

Dawn French, 1957

David Morse, 1953

Daryl Hall, 1948

Robert Gale, 1945

Ron Liebman, 1937

Dottie West, 1932

Roscoe Robinson, Jr., 1928

Elmore Leonard, 1925

Art Blakey, 1919

Jerome Robbins, 1918

Charles Revson, 1906

Eleanor Roosevelt, 1884

Harlan Fiske Stone, 1872

Henry John Heinz, 1844

George Williams, 1821 (founder, YMCA)

Mason Locke "Parson" Weems, 1759

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Ma Rainey's Black Bottom"(Play), 1984

"Saturday Night Live"(TV), 1975

"Imagine"(Lennon single release), 1971

"Allegro"(Musical), 1947

"The Silver Tassie"(Play), 1929

The Comptometer (the first adding machine known to be accurate at all times, patented by Dorr Eugene Felt), 1887

Today in History:

Massive earthquake strikes Aleppo, Syria, 1138

Columbus' ship sites land on the horizon (the Bahamas), 1492

Huldrych Zwingli is killed in battle with the Roman Catholic cantons of Switzerland, 1531

Peter the Great becomes tsar of Russia, 1689

Explorer Meriwether Lewis dies under mysterious circumstances along the Natchez Trace in Tennessee at the Grinder's Stand Inn, 1809

The first steam powered ferryboat, the Juliana, begins operation, 1811

Australia's oldest university, University of Sidney, is inaugurated, 1852

The Great Chicago Fire is finally extinguished, 1871

David Houston patents roll film for cameras, 1881

First female FBI "special investigator", Alaska Davidson, appointed, 1922

With the opening of store # 1252, in Milford, Delaware, J.C. Penney becomes a nationwide company, with stores in all 48 states, 1929

CBS's mechanical color system is the first to be licensed for broadcast by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission, 1950

Pope John XXIII convenes the first ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic Church in 92 years, Vatican II, 1962

NASA launches Apollo 7, the first successful manned Apollo mission, 1968

The NBC sketch comedy/variety show Saturday Night Live debuts with George Carlin as the host and Andy Kaufman, Janis Ian and Billy Preston as guests, 1975

The Mary Rose, a Tudor carrack which sank on July 19 1545, is salvaged from the sea bed of the Solent, off Portsmouth, 1982

The record high of the Dow Jones Industrial Average occurs at 14,198.10 points, 2007

A ban on fracking is upheld by the Constitutional Council of France, 2013

A TripAdvisor customer poll names The Black Swan in Oldstead, North Yorkshire, the world's best restaurant, 2017

A Russian Soyuz spacecraft makes an emergency landing when the rocket fails two minutes after liftoff, 2018

The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmen for the peace deal with Eritrea, 2019


  1. Love your happy welcoming poem.
    And yes, I know about cats with looooong memories (who also carry a grudge).

  2. What a good poem with unexpected but good rhymes! We long, all of us, for real parties, I'm afraid, but poetry partes it must be for some time yet.

  3. Dearest Mimi,
    I thank you for hosting each Monday such a lovely party and for sharing always interesting and amazing posts.
    Wishing you a wonderful AWWW Monday and new week
    Xx Daniela at ~ My little old world ~ (Dany)

  4. I'm dancing ... I'm dancing ...

    God bless.

  5. Cats are difficult and a real challenge much of the time. Gramma's cat won't let anyone near her except Gramma. We can't even figure out how to get it to the vet because she won't come out from under the bed.

  6. I think I may just settle in a celebrate National Sausage Pizza Day. That sounds like a winner!

  7. Have a wonderful Happy Canadian Thanksgiving. I'll have a second piece of pumpkin pie for you Mimi.

    Cruisin Paul

  8. Aww! cute photo and I think your worth much more than a can of food heheh!

    And now I am off to dance have a twisttastic day Mimi 👍

  9. Mimi,

    Great poem! You've set the mood for a party and guess what? I have the music playing today. Whenever you get a chance come by to boogie with me! The party is open to everyone. ;) Have a boogietastic week, my dear!

  10. Love the kitties and cats are so unique. They are most precious.

    Love the poem and the Spark. I'd love to spend some time with you too.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Big hug. ♥

  11. Some cats have long memories - MOL! Let's dance!

  12. Each cat with its own character. Some are friendly, some are not. Love the poem. Enjoy your week.

  13. Oh sweet trio of kitties ~ love Oliver ~ he has great markings and is his own 'person' ~ Yep ~ great Spark ~ Dance! your dance. Xo

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. I enjoyed hearing about the kitties! That was a terrific quote, we'll always dance too. Love the poem.

  15. Nice spark and poem. Funny story about Oliver. XO

  16. Seems Oliver has a memory like an elephant. I envy his ability to eat and stay slim though. Love the quote and your poem.

  17. It would be so fun to spend time with you! Love the poem! Such a silly cat- he should know you only have his best interests at heart!

  18. So well done! I'll happily party with you...once Covid gives permission...


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