Rain is challenging the creative community to contribute artworks depicting the working of the minds, dream world, and the irrational as we explore Fine Arts: Surrealism which is really poetic in away. Just think how surreal September has felt. Wasn’t it only yesterday we flipped our calendar over to a new month? Now, here we are saying goodbye to September. I have not found a way to hold on to time. Perhaps the only way to do so is with my art. Today’s illustration, I call “Hold on to time before it flies out the window”.
I dabbed with the original using Pixelmator photo-editor. I added a different level of surrealism to my drawing in the below two images. Check it out.

This was a fun prompt. I enjoyed creating this abstract arrangement more than I thought I would. I find nothing fosters good feelings better than be creative and I’m deeply thankful to have this outlet as a way to express myself.

This week I’m thankful to finally know what I’m dealing with regarding my back. The doctor tells me I have a herniated disc I think near the top where the spine curves. My hearing loss with the doctor talking through a mask makes it even harder to understand but I did understand him to say he thinks surgery is NOT needed. So, hooray for me!! He offered to get me started on steroid injections if I want but it won’t necessary speed up the healing process or I could do physical therapy or just to listen to my body and take OTC pain relief when needed. Naturally, I opted for the later option. Although it’s slow, I am improving. The biggest thing the numbing issue has all but gone away for which I’m extremely thankful for. I read it could take 6-months for the disc to shrink. It’s been four months since the onset of this occurrence, so it’s only a matter of time. Now, I feel comfortable adding my elliptical exercising back into my daily routine but I’ll go at easy and for no longer than 30-minutes a day until I’m ready to do more. I’ve had back pain since my first daughter was born and got worse with each child, so I feel the condition stems from the stress put on the spine due to pregnancy weight gain and over compensating my posture to carry the baby load. With this news, I’m very thankful the diagnosis isn’t horrible. People live with herniated discs all the time and so shall I. I’ll learn ways to keep the problem from rearing its ugly head. Do you suffer from such problems? What works for you? Any OTC meds do the trick better than others?

I’m going to use Kat’s prompt to write a blog post using the word ‘again’, except I penned a poem instead.
This picture was taken 2014 in early November somewhere in western North Carolina. The months not only come and go quickly but so do the years.
Do you want more creative writing options?
Eugenia’s passion is poetry and her weekly gig is perfect for creative writers. Each Thursday she offers a word to spark the imagination and if you’re inspired to write a ditty then be sure to let her know by leaving a comment on her site with a direct link to your post. Click the button below now to go visit my girl!
That’s all the time I have today but before I head over to Rain’s Garden to browse the gallery of artistry let me leave you with today’s inspired TBT song pick from 1970 “No Time” by The Guess Who. Don’t forget tomorrow’s October 1st BOTB, so come by to vote for your favorite artist in my James Bond Theme song series. Have a doodletastic day! XX
, Cathy

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Oh I just love your Surrealism piece!!!! That’s very cool Cathy!! Love the colours too. Oh my, it IS surreal how time is flying…too fast, it can be upsetting but it is what it is…wish I could stop time once in a while though. Your poem is sweet. ♥ And I’m so happy to hear about your back. I would have opted for the same. I pulled my shoulder’s rotator cuff one year and just let it heal on its own, took a year! But there was no way I was getting surgery. Glad you don’t need it!!
I try to not let the passing time upset me and my heart does yearn for yesterday, especially when our kids were small. How those years went in a blink! Oh wow, a pulled rotator cuff. That sounds painful. Honestly if we handle the discomfort for a long time, then it’s best to let the body heal itself. Surgery while it might fix the problem instantly carries with it side-effects that could create more pain in the future. Case in point, my hysterectomy. It took care of one situation but I frequently have soreness where I imagine scare tissue has developed inside my abdomen. Thanks for dropping by, my dear!
Boy, you are spot on this week, Cathy. Time does fly and even when you aren’t having fun. Your artwork is perfect (I admire your ability to draw hands (my nemesis). Your poem is quite clever and to the point as well. I feel it weekly … like, it seems like I just put the garbage out when it is time to do it again. And my days seem to end as fast as they began. I think this is exaggerated in our minds when we get to an older age (not saying you are old, but I know I am). I have never had a herniated disc, thankfully, but have had a hitch in my get-along (sacral disk) which seems to cure itself over time. Nsaids seem to be the only treatment for the short term. I think Physical Therapy (and traction) are the best bet for your disk. My son has struggled with it off and on for years and that has helped him. Loved your choice of music this week as well … and speaking of time flying, I can’t imagine that it has been 50 years since that song came out … OH My
Well we just have to take care of ourselves and enjoy life the best we can, right? Stay safe, Cathy ….
Andrea @ From the Sol
Hands are difficult to draw. You’re way too kind to say my artwork is perfect, though. lol I’m sorry to read you have a hitch in your get-along. I guess we all will have things like this to happen periodically if we live long enough, right? The good news is I’m happy things aren’t worse than they could be, especially after years of neglect to get this checked out. Thanks for dropping by, my dear!
Wonderful art work Cathy. I too am having back trouble and will go in for an injection in a few weeks. Sunday Mr. M. and I will be together 40 years. We just don’t know where the years went. Time is such a strange idea. Kind of like surrealism. LOL I would like to got back to a few specific times to make changes. Yes, I know that would change everything in my future and that’s what I would hope for. LOL Have a great day and rest your back.
Do you have a herniated disc or is it something else? I’m holding off on injections. There may come a day when that’s necessary but for now I’m going to try doing self-helps for as long as I can and if I get good results then that’ll be fine by me. Congratulations on you and Mr. M’s upcoming anniversary! 40-years of togetherness is an impressive milestone. I’d be too afraid to go into the past to change something because I’d be afraid the outcome would be disastrous in the future. Thanks for visiting, darlin’!
Hi Cathy. I like your idea af holding on to time. But if I could I would rather go back to certain points in time to relive treasured moments again. Just for 10 minutes.
Sometimes, I think it would be nice to go back into time but then I say nope that’s too risky, what if I did something to change the future outcome? I don’t think I would like that.
Fabulous artwork, Cathy! ♥ And, it is frightening how quickly time is passing. Love the poem, too. You’re on a creative roll, my friend!
Yep, it is frightening how time passes. What’s even more frightening is when I print of the upcoming calendar to plan things and it’s like I’m seeing those months pass before me. It feels like I’m hurrying time and that’s not what I intend but how does one plan ahead without getting such a sense? I don’t think it’s really possible. sigh Thanks for dropping by, my dear!
Wow! I can’t believe it’s October already! Cathy, I’m glad the diagnosis on your back isn’t as bad as you thought. That’s wonderful news. I love your beautiful poem and your art. Thanks for the mention, which I left my comment in the wrong post. I have to backtrack to access your posts since I don’t get daily notifications and got confused. Have a fabulous weekend!
Yeah, I know I can’t believe it’s October, either. Looking ahead, I see the holidays staring at me and I think how can that be? sigh Oh well, I’m going to focus on the now and enjoy it for what it is. I can’t hold on to time as it’s rather elusive. Thanks for dropping by, my dear!
I absolutely love your time flies, because it reminds me of Dali. This is an impressive surrealistic entry.
Sorry to read about your back problem, but now you know what you want to do to treat it. I LOVE the Guess Who. Yes, i was born a decade too late. I was listening to these guys while my friends were listening to disco.
I recall specifically listening to The Guess Who while visiting my girlfriend, Lisa. We’d go to her auntie Kathy’s home to rifle through her music collection. This was on the bands she had in her stash and the summer we made that discovery, we practically wore auntie Kathy’s album to nothing. I think I even borrowed the album.
The music from the late 60s and 70s really rocked!
Does anybody really know what time it is? Love your art, it’s always timely!
Sweetie lives with a herniated disc, and he takes naproxen when needed and goes to the chiropractor for an adjustment if it gets really bad. That does not happen often at all. Praying yours heals up and gives you no more trouble!
Excellent poem, i enjoyed it.
Sweetie and i have a joke we’ve done for over 30 years, Whenever he mentions The Guess Who, i say “who?” like i’m giving up on guessing. We both laugh still, so it works for us.
Hope you’re having a great week!
Thanks for sharing what works for your Sweetie. Unfortunately, my GI says to only take Acetaminophen. I may have to ask again if it’s okay to use products designed to reduce inflammation. I giggled with y’alls joking about The Guess Who. We’ve done the same thing.
I love the third one the best. Love the fingernails. Beautiful color.
We get older and stuff happens to us. You have the disc and I have a horrible hip. I just keep moving though.
Love the poem. You’re so talented. You can draw and now you’re doing poetry. You rock.
Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥
Unfortunately, you’re right about getting older. It also doesn’t change the fact that I don’t like it, though. I’m thankful nearing my 60th birthday that my health is exceptional. There are those who are younger than me who aren’t so fortunate with various spinal and other problems. I count my blessings every time I get a good report from my doctors. You’re so sweet with your compliments. I’m glad you like the poem and my illustration, my dear.
I like the second one best….
Thanks, John! I appreciate your feedback.
First…my vote is for #3…it makes perfect sense to my Type A personality!
Second, happy to hear there is no surgery indicated for your back issue. I’m not a fan of overindulging on any OTC medications, it seems there are a host of side-effects if taken too often and too much. Possibly research some Homeopathic or Herbal remedies which might help to alleviate discomfort. Although I have not personally used any, The Husband has used a CBD cream which helps ongoing joint issues he has from Lyme Disease. Just a thought.
Your sweet poem made me think of an old tune….”September Song”. I was listening to it on YouTube earlier and realized that there are silly Halloween songs, Lord knows…trillions of Christmas songs but, none that I can recall for Thanksgiving. Except…Arlo Guthrie’s “Alice’s Restaurant”….which I will immediately go and listen to because I need a laugh today!
Stay safe!
I’m not a fan of taking any medication if it’s not necessary. I’ve taken supplements for years for stomach issues and some of those probably will help to relieve the inflammation caused by the herniated disc but the Homeopathic route does take a long time before it’s evident that it is or isn’t working. My son mentioned that he found good success using ice packs on his back for his sciatic nerve which could be a sign that he also has a herniated disc. So, I may try that next time I have a major setback. Thanks for joining me and I hope you’re having a good day!
I love your painting with the images that capture a dream like scene plus how true is your imagery. I. Sorry to read about the pain you have been experiencing with your back. I wonder if acupuncture would help? For pain relief, I always Tylenol 1 used to help( I a, now on Tylenol 3 on a constant basis). It helps with pain relief but not the swelling. I. Glad you don’t need surgery and it sounds accurate about your pregnancies causing this issue.
Your poem is lovely and so true.
I don’t know if acupuncture works on a herniated disc but as long as I can get things fixed without any more outside intervention then that’s the way I’m going with my treatment. I had worried neglecting my bad back issues for years might reveal worse news than it did, so I’m super happy everything looks relatively okay with my spine other than this problem. At least I’m feeling some better now. I’m sorry you’re not doing well but hopefully in a couple of weeks you’ll begin to feel some improvement. Thanks for dropping by, my dear!
That was some really fun art Cathy. Ah the turning of time and the season leave none behind
Timmy Tomcat,
I’m glad you enjoyed the content and I am really happy you got a chance to stop by, too. Have a great week!
I love your art. I am glad you won’t need surgery. I highly recommend Turmeric, it seems to help every condition. XO
Thanks for the supplement suggestion. You’ll be happy to know that I do take Turmeric already and have been for years. Turmeric is supposedly a good natural anti-inflammatory and I began taking this for my stomach issues ions ago. I appreciate you thinking of me.
Lovely surrealism piece Cathy, so glad you found out your back problem, all the best with treatment.
Yeah, I’m pretty happy to now know what my problem is, too. Thanks for the return visit and checking out my artwork for Rain’s surrealism prompt.
Your timely art is really fabulous! I’m glad your diagnosis on your back wasn’t awful and we hope the healing happens for you quickly. Our Dad needed some hearing aids for his hearin loss, probably too much loud music from growing up in the 60s and 70s and rockin’ in the bands. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
I’m sure hearing aids are in my future. As a child I suffered with chronic ear infections. I’m told I have a lot of scare tissue on my ear drums. That’s the biggest cause of my hearing loss. Loud noise probably don’t help but ever since I left work I try to avoid loud sounds. When the doctor put the tubes in my ears, I think the trauma or swelling dampened my hearing even more. It took months and months for me to adjust. I do okay around the house talking to DH for the most part but I still have trouble with the TV or while listening to music. It’s far worse when I go out, away from my usual environment. I frequently can’t understand what others are saying without a mask much less with one now covering a person’s mouth. Oh well, it is what it is and hopefully my ENT can keep my hearing loss from getting worse. But the good news is my back has nothing super duper seriously wrong with it, although this problem if left unchecked could get out of hand. Knowing what I’m up against will help me to know how to care for myself.
Hi Cathy, I love our variations on time, really well done, great how the atmosphere of each piece changes. Have a great day, Valerie
Thanks, Valerie! I’m happy you like my contribution on surrealism. Rain really picks some great prompts!
Ah yes October is around the corner. Time is surel y flying out the window
The whole year is quickly getting away from us. Wouldn’t it be grand if we could hold onto time even if it’s only briefly?
Hi, Cathy!
Happy Thankful Thursday Art Date With Rain, dear friend!
This post is nothing less than surreal, dear friend! (LOL) Your opening remarks bring to mind the Jim Croce song “(If I Could Save ) Time In A Bottle.” Hey, Cathy, I simply love your illustration “Hold on to time before it flies out the window.” It looks like it could be used in the opening montage of The Twilight Zone reboot or on the cover of a mystery or sci-fi novel. It’s just amazing!
As I told you yesterday at Shady’s Place, I am very happy to learn the relatively good news about your back, that you will be spared surgery. You are petite, and therefore your theory about how your back pain got started with the added weight of carrying your kiddos makes sense to me. I hope the disc continues to shrink according to the predicted schedule and that you can continue to expand your exercise sessions and get back to tip top shape. I also hope you can get your hearing restored someday so that you can better experience the joy of listening to mewsic you love.
You wrote a clever poem and it made me smile, and yet it makes me sad to see the months and years flying by so quickly. The hit song “No Time” makes an appropriate showender for you. I look forward to voting in your band battle tamale. In the meantime, have a wonderful and Thankful Thursday, dear friend Cathy!
I’ve really fallen behind on replying to comments. I appreciated your kind words and good cheer for my the wonderful news I got from my doctor. It will take a lot of trial and error to figure out what not to do to keep my mobility in top form. I resumed using my elliptical this week. I noticed some lower back sensitivity. I think I need to spend more time stretching throughout the day to see if that eases or keeps away that sort of pain.
My surrealism art piece I enjoyed creating. I don’t think abstractly but thankfully I can find inspiration when I search DuckGo for ideas. My illustration came about after seeing a couple of different variations that made me think of time flying by and using the old cliche about time flying out the window, I sort of envisioned this piece.
Poetry is a struggle for me but sometimes the words just jump out of my head begging to be put down. You’re so kind and so supportive of my creative dabbles. Thank you, my friend. And, thanks again for your visit.