Friday, September 24, 2021

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

This week the flashback is a bit different. Jean (In Lucy's Memory) doesn't have a blog but asked if she could have 18th September for the random photo. It was nine years ago on that date that her Lucy became an Angel.

I looked on that date in 2008 and have a lot of photos for then so decided to use some from our walk around the fields on that date.

I hope you enjoy them Jean, and thank you for the lovely comments every week.

Mouse check

Having a closer look.

Flynn taking a rest on the towbar of the field roller.

Eric resting on the roller.

Last minute checks before going back into the garden.

I am joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

I used Abstract at 40% then added Scribble at 35%.

preview108pieceCaturday Art 25.09.21
I am also joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the blog hop.



  1. Those boys still bring smiles every time we see them. The are is lovely!

  2. Oh, I love these beautiful pics! Thank you - you've made my nostalgic heart very happy. The catwork is so pretty. Until next week - take care. Jean

  3. I always love seeing the boys adventuring together.

  4. Oh, we love these memories! The first one, where Eric and Flynn look like little dots, shows just how grand their adventures were. :)

  5. we love a good mouse check, we hope you got them ;O)

  6. Another adventurous mouse check that's made me smile heheh!

    Have a snifftastic weekend 👍

  7. Great mutual walk outside for the boys... And individual spots, too.

  8. Such wonderful photos, and oh....the landscape! Heaven on earth!

  9. Those handsome boys are such wonderful "bookends" - closer than close and so in tune with each other. We sure do miss those guys!

    Love, Pam and Teddy

  10. Morning Jackie and Angels E&F!
    OMCs what glorious rolling lush green hills you had to explore. You two always delighted me with adventures and your love for each other
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. I always enjoy your flashbacks. So precious. What wonderful memories.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. ♥

  12. What a lovely walk and it is a great way to remember.
    Beautiful artwork.

  13. I love seeing these flashbacks of your two adorable mancats!

  14. lovely pastures and you KNOW I love your boys and miss them so, this is a wonderful way to honor Jean's kitty!

  15. That's such a fun photo and great artwork. Thanks for the puzzle.

  16. The boys sure did check the whole area and its nice they both got a nice rest in too. We think its interesting how cats choose what they do to sit or lay on. Thanks for sharing and that is some nice art too

  17. They sure loved their mousie hunting. Cute flashback. Thank you for the puzzle. XO

  18. Love the selection today in the green fields. I miss England and the rolling hills.

  19. What gorgeous countryside!
    Really enjoyed today's photos, art, and puzzle!

  20. They had such wonderful places to explore!

  21. These were all wonderful photos, we love seeing the boys enjoying the outdoors and the one you choose for the art work was terrific.

  22. What a lovely bunch of photos! We particularly like the second one, which you artified!

    Purrs, Woofs and Neighs,
    Tama, Benny, Ollie, The Vs and Hs

  23. I dont think there is anything finer that an English field, filled with mice and the grasswafting in the breeze. The boys sure do make it look easy out on patrol, but I know the dedication and responsibility. Thank goodness they have a lovely garden and warm hearth and laps to rest their weary feet (and full tummies) on, MOL
    So many jigsaws and so short an evening. Rest assured once Mrs H has recovered her strength after MouseFest 2021, she'll be on that jigsaw almost quicker than me on a mouse!

  24. We love to see the boys having fun together!

    Lovely art.

  25. That first photograph shows the beautiful kingdom over which the boys ruled; so green and lovely.

  26. Such amazing photos, so pleased I found your blog and I look forward to catching up with older posts

  27. We love the tandem "closer look" photo of the Angel Boys. Dad absolutely loves the scenery in that first photo, too.

  28. Lovely artwork, as always. And what an empire the boys had!

  29. Boys, I love your Mom's art work of the two of you, and I love this post even more than usual. Your poses though not intentional of course, are sweet and you are always together.

  30. How nice to do a post for a friend! TW's finger is cramped so we have to come back to puzzle.

  31. Sweet pictures of the boys. And the art filter you choose is lovely.

  32. What lovely photos. Two paws up on every one of them!

  33. Those were sweet memories, indeed!
    We are so now we are playing 'castch-up'!

  34. My last comment made a sad face. I have had that happen a few times today hmm.....elsewhere, I will keep trying and grateful to see you here and share in your memories. Love the photos.


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