Thanks for joining me for Thursday Art Date with Rain. As I mentioned last week, I consider myself a self-taught artist. I know very little about various art styles and techniques. Whatever captures my eye is usually what I draw, so when Rain throws a prompt at me such as she did last week and judging by the rest of theme for this month, I’m gonna be challenged to put my spin on things.
Today, she’s teasing the TAD community to come up with our own “Minimalism” artwork. I’m not a very good abstract artist. My brain doesn’t work that way but it’s interesting that minimalism in an art form composing of simple geometric shapes like a square or rectangle. However, Rain encouraged us to not limit ourselves to these basic shapes only. My first thought was to do a simple design. In Procreate the flat painting tool brush appears to make a rectangular shape I discovered months ago but when I use this brush in a circular pattern it resembles a poppy. Along the Interstates in Tennessee and North Carolina the states plant poppies to fill in the landscape in the warm months. It’s beautiful to see vivid color painting the medium and exits and so I painted a field of poppies of my own.

I didn’t feel comfortable with my take on the prompt, so I consulted DuckDuckGo and it turns out after browsing through the examples, I realized that I once was a minimalist artist and didn’t even know it. In my younger years, I liked drawing mountain landscapes and for some reason they turned out something like what you see below.

It’s funny, you won’t find mountains like this in the eastern part of the U.S. so I have no clue why I doodled mountains to look like that, why didn’t I go with more round hills? As an older kid I did make hillsides more rounded and often would doodle a house composing of a squares, rectangles, and triangles in the foreground.

I wouldn’t call my artwork abstract. They are very simple designs. However, I’ve learned since picking up my pencil it helps to pick out the shapes in what I’m drawing for ease of translation from my brain to my fingers. I have yet to hon my perspective skills but the more I practice the better that will get.
This week’s Thankful Thursday, I’m very thankful I finally got my MRI scheduled for Monday. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get my follow-up next week as well. It won’t be until the end of the month but I plan to check with the appointments’ desk for cancellations that will work with our schedule. That would be awesome. The sooner I can get this figured out the sooner I can get back to my ole self again.
I’m thankful that I’ve been able to blog nearly every day since I returned to normal blogging life again. I’m fairly confident that this can’t keep up. I have a tendency to burning out after a month or so and that’s fine. I’ll slack off for awhile then will be good to go again. What’s the point to doing it, if it’s not fun, right?
I’m thankful this is a very short work week. DH had Monday off because of the holiday and Friday is his scheduled day off.
I’m going to try to take part in Kat’s Writing Workshop today by borrowing from her prompts, What did not get accomplished this summer that you wish you had time for?
What didn’t get accomplished as I had planned this summer was to finish catching up with all of the fine bloggers who visited me during the April A-Z Challenge. I was able to strike off one blogger a month at a very easy going pace. My hope to visit more was too big of bite for me to handle with other things I managed to get done on my supposed blog hiatus and realizing this, I just went with the flow. I didn’t want it to feel like a chore, but a joy and that’s the way I left each of the bloggers’ sites I managed to share with my readers at the first of the month, too. I have another Road Trip update in the works set for Oct.1st so mark your calendar to see which blogger gets featured.

I’m heading over to Rain’s Garden to browse the gallery of artistry. Before I skip off, I want to share my TBT song pick inspired by today’s artwork. I give you “Holdin’ On To Yesterday” from 1975 by Ambrosia! Have a doodletastic day! XX
, Cathy

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I used to have the same issues visiting bloggers through Writer’s Workshop! There were days back at the peak of blogging, where I would have over 100 people linking up. I started getting so overwhelmed that I stopped commenting altogether. I really like the small community that stuck around. It’s much easier to digest and get to know people when it’s more or less the same group of people! Participating in something like that would definitely be fun though!
I can’t hardly believe that I know the song, as the name of the band didn’t sound familiar to me, but when the mewsic started, Granny was all back her teen

We think you’re an artist, CK, you make beautiful drawings. We hope the results of the MRI will turn out fine, in every way, will cross my paws on Monday…Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend to you and yours and my compliments that you are on track again. We’re still trying to get back on a regular base, but so far no results
How are you little furriend? You made my day purrfect with your visit. I’m happy to know that Granny remembered the song and it took her back to her teen years. I think Granny and I are close in age. I turned 14 in Dec. 1975. Thank you for the well wishes for my MRI on Monday. I’m sure it’ll all work out fine and I’m confident to get this problem under control soon. It’s hard to get back into the groove of blogging but you all can do!
Have a furrtastic weekend and thanks for stopping by!
I haven’t heard the Ambrosia song in a long, long time. Thank you, Cathy. Your paintings are vibrant, especially the mountains and poppies. I hope everything works out with your MRI, especially the results! Take care!
I’m glad you enjoyed my simply, minimalist art examples. Honestly, I was a bit worried how others might like my attempt but everyone has been so encouraging with their kind words. I think everything will be okay regarding the MRI. I’m just anxious to get some relief so I can resume normal activity again. Thanks for popping in!
I hope there is a cancellation so you can get your MRI soon, Cathy! I love your minimalist sketches and they remind me of clipart that can be found in various programs such as Lunapic. I love to use clipart and sometimes I enhance the image with my own ideas! Thanks so much for the mention and have a great weekend!
That would be wonderful if I can get a late day appointment that’s been cancelled but honestly I don’t think it’s gonna happen. They are crazy busy! Enhancing borrowed photos is something I do sometimes. I like adding a filter to alter the colors or add a funny caption, sometime a borrowed one and other times something original.
LOL, I think we probably all started out as minimalist on some basis, but I have to say, your Poppies and Mountains are gorgeous and perfect examples of what I would consider minimalist. So glad you have an MRI scheduled and fingers crossed that they are able to pinpoint the issue. When I had neuro pain in my foot my doctor had me take Vitamin B6. It did seem to temper the pain some, though it didn’t cure it. Might be worth a try or even to ask your doctor about it. Good luck, I will be thinking about you often … I know Neuro pain is relentless. Love your 70’s music. There sure were some awesome groups back in the day, weren’t there? So glad to see you participating more and I will enjoy you until you are ready for another break … and we all do deserve a break now and then, right? Take care, Cathy … be safe when you go out. Have a happy week with your DH
Andrea @ From the Sol
Yes, we all started out as minimalist artist. lol In the past my B-levels have always been really good, but I certainly will keep that in mind. Thanks for the thoughts and well wishes. Everything will work out accordingly. I know God holds me in His hands.
Sorry I am so late visiting. I was so sick yesterday, I could barely sit up. Something I ate, I guess. I’m marginally better today, at least. I love your take on minimalism. You did a great job with the rocks and the poppies, which were amazing. You have truly made this challenge your own and you did great.
Glad to see you also use DuckDuckGo. The ONLY search engine in my opinion. Thanks for checking in on me, even though I could barely keep my head out of the toilet yesterday.
Hey no worries about getting over here! I’m sorry to read that you’re not feeling well. I hope you’re doing better now. It’s never fun to be sick. I appreciate your encouragement. Oh yeah, DuckDuckGo is a great alternative over that nosey body, Google. We’ve taken a few other measures lately to protect our online presence. I appreciate you making a point to come by to visit even when you didn’t feel good. Thanks, friend! Sending hugs, love, and prayers your way!
You did a great job on the prompts!
I love your art. Sorry you can’t get an appointment sooner, hopefully there will be a cancelation. XO
Hi Cathy!!
You got the minimalist art done very well! I LOVE YOUR POPPIES…repeat, I LOVE your poppies, that is wonderful and honestly, frame-worthy for minimalism! Very cool. And trust me, I’m not having an easy go of this month’s prompts either lol…I’m so glad you got your MRI scheduled. And honestly I don’t know how you can blog every day! Time is my enemy these days!!!
Glad you’re having some time off with your DH!! ♥
You’re so sweet with your encouragement. Thanks! It makes me feel better that your own prompts are challenging but I would never it had you not said so. You always shine with your sketches! Right now, I’m able to blog daily because I had some posts already done and it’s a tremendous help to stay ahead of the game. I really like that you have a month’s worth of art prompts listed so I can doodle ahead. Otherwise, I’d be struggling and getting aggravated and ready to quit the whole thing. lol After I get my back situation fixed up then I’ll be ready to get back into my exercise groove. I really miss using my elliptical. I’m not sitting the whole time. I do things around the house and rest as needed to keep everything in check but still I overdo it. Thanks for dropping by today, darlin’!
If you click on the Thursday Art Date link on my side bar, I actually have the rest of the year’s prompts all ready to go. I don’t have the actually post for them done past October, but the list is there if you want to get ahead even more!! I come up with the list in November for the full year so I’m just as surprised about the prompts as everyone else and sometimes I wonder what I was thinking lol!
I’ve not talent at all. I didn’t get the craft gene at all.
Love the video. Not heard this in a very long.time. I was so young then.
Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Love and hugs. ♥
We all were younger in 1975. lol I turned 14 that year. Gosh, that seems like a lifetime ago! Sometimes I think I’d love to go back to those days but then I quickly abandon the idea because it was so tough being a teenager. Stupid hormones! Thanks for visiting, my dear!!
I like the mountains, too….
Thank you, John!
Yes you certainly are. I really like the mountains. Have a great day.
Ahh, thanks Nicole! Those peaky mountains are kinda neat. I felt like I was in elementary school again drawing those for today’s art date.
Ambrosia! Such a great song! Thank you so much for joining me in my Throwback Thursday. And thanks so much for reaching out to me the other day. I truly appreciate our friendship.
Anytime, my friend! I’m glad I was able to join the fun and I was happy to check in with you. You just never know what’s going on with people, so I’d rather err on the side of concern then to say, “Oh, she’s just busy!” and leave it at that. Take care of yourself, ole pal!
Your “purple mountains majesty” rocks! Oh, oh, I just realized I made a bad pun too. Sorry!
Oh that’s a bad pun, it’s a great one! Why didn’t I think of that.
Same here. I have done quite a number of pieces in the past that would fit today prompt
Happy Thursday
I know beans about these art prompts Rain has given us this month but I’m having fun learning and trying my hand at it. I’m thankful to be apart of this creative community. Thanks for visiting!
We always enjoy your art and we continue to be a house of no talent here. That’s a good thankful, at least that part is done and I hope you get the follow-up appointment a bit sooner. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
Ahh, thanks Brian! Yeah, I hope I can get that follow-up squeezed in a little earlier but I’m kinda doubtful that’ll happen. I called yesterday and learned part of the problem is the doctors are booked solid because they are short-handed. The office complex I went to was kinda big and when I mentioned that to the appointments gal she said they see anywhere between 500-700 patients a day. WOW, right? Get this, they have two other locations in town. That blows my mind! Thanks for dropping by, furriend!
Lots of fun art Cathy, I especially love the mountains! Have a great day, take care, Valerie
I’m happy you liked my mountains.
Hi, Cathy!
Happy Thankful Thursday Art Date with Rain, dear friend!
I appreciate Minimalism, and love your scene showing a line of bright red poppies. I can imagine them along the Tennessee highways and byways waving in the breeze and saying a friendly “Howdy!” to motorists passing by. Your second exhibit, “Purple Mountains Majesty,” is a great example of the minimalist style. I love the vivid colors and geometric shapes. It matters not that Tennessee mountains have round tops, not jagged peaks. These are the mountains of your imagination. No matter which subjects you choose or which styles of art you use to render them, I always appreciate your creations, and feel good after viewing them. That’s what art is all about.
I’ll be thinking about you as you undergo your scan on Monday. I hope you get some answers and that they are reassuring, I fully understand the irony of operating a popular blog as you do, participating in multiple hops throughout most of the year and maintaining a presence on other social media. It would be too much for me. My goal is simply to have a few good, genuine friends in the blog world, loyal friends like you, and to do my best to entertain them with my content published every 5 to 7 days, and to take genuine interest in the material they present, making sure to leave worthy comments. Even this modest level of involvement can eat up tremendous amounts of time, result in burnout, and have Mrs. Shady on the warpath constantly complaining about the amount of time I spend doing what I love to do. In the long run, moderation must prevail.
I thoroughly enjoyed that song by Ambrosia! I swear it’s been 45 years since I last heard it, but I do remember how big it was, reaching the top 20 in 1975, the debut single and first hit for the LA-based band. I have my headphones on, and their mewsic gets right inside my head, know what I mean?
I wish you a happy and Thankful Thursday, dear friend Cathy. If you are running Friday Funnies tamale, I’ll swing by. See you soon, dear friend!
Not being out as frequently as we were before Covid, I missed seeing the poppies last year and this. They are really a pretty sight to behold. You’re so kind. I’m glad my art gives you a good feeling and as you said, that’s the way it should leave the viewer. I feel that way after visiting your place. The fun ways you pull your content and music together is super entertaining. It’s obvious you are a natural at it which has to mean, you did a fantastic job in your TV land career of yesterday.
Thanks for your hopes that I’ll get closure soon on my medical issue and I’m sure I shall, it’s just taking long time to get to that point. Had I tended to this matter sooner, then I wouldn’t still be wondering about it. I just take things for granted that this will go away or it’s nothing or that’s normal instead of saying, somethings definitely wrong – go to the doctor now! sigh I’m not going to stress over blogging when I get burned out, I’ll just step back and keep going. As long as I’m having fun and good friends like you enjoy what I’m doing then that’s all that matters. Blogging should never be a chore.
It’s hard to believe how fast the last 45 years have gone by. The mid-70s almost seems like yesterday and yet so far away, too. Those good old songs from then are like little jewels when you stumble upon them again after years of not thinking about or hearing. I’m delighted you enjoyed the flashback to yesterday. There won’t be a Friday Funnies segment but I do have Five for Friday music lineup set. Perhaps, you’ll enjoy this new edition. I haven’t gotten everything ironed out just yet in how I want to handle things when DH is off on Fridays but you’re sure to find something waiting for you. Thanks for stopping by and have a good weekend, my friend!