This blog has been such a wonderful part of my life, a true labor of love...It has allowed me to share some of the sweetest souls I have ever known and in that process, I've made some lovely friends who, like myself, value animals as family...For me, Jacqueline's Cat House actually became a photo album of these precious babies that I have been blessed to love and hold in my heart forever...In January 2020, the blog changed after daily posts for 10 years to a once a week post, the result of losing 3 of my babies; now, after Halle's sudden loss, I have decided to stop regular posts and will only post sporadically, on special occasions...I started this blog for 5 very exceptional cats and with only 1 remaining, I'm finding it hard to continue...So, while there will be other posts, I would still like to give thanks at this time...Thank you for every single kind word and comment=they have put many smiles on my face and lifted me on many days...Thank you for caring about these sweethearts I've been so fortunate to call my own...And of course, I want to thank everyone for sharing our lives over the last 11+ years, it has truly been my honor to share these sweet, extraordinary babies with you all.
Adored, cherished, loved and treasured forever...

We know how hard it is to lose kitties over the years, especially when you are sharing them with the world. Don't be TOO much of a stranger, though! I look forward to your sometimes posts.
Awww look at all of your babies. It is hard watching them grow old and leave us, but how lucky have they been to find you and live in your beautiful home full of love. The luckiest kitties in the world!!
Julie and poppyq
I agree with Summer.
It is hard to say goodbye to beloved cats, but we never forget them.
We hope to see you posting from time to time.
Purrs, Julie and "mum" Nancy
We hope you continue to post when you feel like it.
I will always ALWAYS love hearing from you. I don't do a lot about seeing people on FB. I just say things and if anyone reads them, that's great. And I don't know real names of the cats' parents, so I wouldn't know who to visit anyway. I will look for you here when you wish to be here. I have loved all of your babies. . XX
It's so tough, it really is, and all of us understand. We were 9, now we're 4. Thank you for all of the smiles and for sharing your beautiful babies with everyone. Hopefully we'll see you soon. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.
When you are here, we will be here alongside you.
It has been our joy and our blessing to share these past years with you, with your beautiful kitty family and come to know and love all of you.
Angels Maggy and Zoey, Dougie Dog and Little June
Jacqueline, I fully understand that you want to back off from posting on your cat blog and post only for special occasions. I understand losing four of your cats in five years is hard and we love and miss them so much when they’re gone because they are part of our family. I have looked at your blog from the first day you started it and have enjoyed seeing your posts all these years. You have done an excellent job and I loved seeing your beautiful babies. Take care and I look forward to your posts for special occasions. Sending you hugs and prayers during this sad time. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
We have enjoyed hearing from you and your furkids and will miss you, but we understand completely (we just lost our sweet Sally Cookie on Sunday 7 months after she was diagnosed with a liver tumor.) We send purrayers and purrs to you and Sukki and are glad you still plan to keep in touch.
Thank you for sharing your sweet kitties over the years. I will miss you, but look forward to surprise posts sometime. XO
You need to do what's best for you and we completely understand. Take care of yourself!
I totally understand how you feel. Having lost two of my blog muses in the past year and a half, I find blogging not as easy either and I have cut back on posting. But I’m glad that you will continue even if sporadically. Even though we’ve never met in person, we consider you our friend and we want to know how you and Sukki are doing. ~The Mom
It can be so hard to see you loved family dwindle over the years and we understand completely. We do love your posts and hope you continue as the memories of your family are as important as any pet still playing and loving. You have brought the memories to us in a wonderful style and hope you continue however you feel is right for you as you add so much to us all! Purrs
Dad Pete and The Tomcat Family
We do understand, dear Jacqueline. It's so hard losing our beloved fur babies, and you have to do what feels best for you. We are glad you'll still be posting every now and then. Hugs and love to you.
We send gentle woooos,
Nuk & Timber
TBT: I understand. The loss of the cats can be SO hard sometimes. And everyone reacts differently. MY immediate response to a loss is to open up the door to another, but I know not everyone feels that way.
Whatever you do about cats in the future is up to you. It is understandable if you invite a new one into your life or not.
We here (myself and The Mews) understand. Peace be with you at this sad time...
Jackie, we understand. There have bee 3 times that I have stopped blogging for long periods of time, Each time it has been a renewal (and a new blog). I have enjoyed reading about your cats through the years and I do hope that you will blog occasionally. Know that we will always remember you and your girls (and Daddy Cat). (Barb who was Nellie's ( Cat From Hell) and now Marv's Mom)
Dear Jacqueline,
I completely understand, please take care.
And I want you to and me really love you and your fameowly.
lots of love & purrs
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