Living with Loulou
A French kitty comments on just about everything.
To Bee Or Not To Bee
Well, in place of me you are getting a BEE, haha. We are thankful for bees! Mama finally snapped a pic of our humming polinator and we can’t figure out why he is the only bee around on those fava/feves beans (broad beans), but he has a feast of flowers before him! Maybe he just let it drop that there was no action in our garden this year, haha, so he has the cafe all...
read moreTwinkling Tuesday
The NIP IS UP!!! Had to visit….(sniff sniff) Yay, yay the sun is HERE and everything is twinkling and happy! Birdies at the feeder, little white border flowers doing their bordering, broad beans getting bee-ed, lemons languishing, wild asparagus wobbling, rosemary rampant, lavender so lovely, all’s well in the garden. Wish it were with the world… Still, we are tickled on Tuesday, as always… And the beet goes on….. Simmer fresh beets, cut...
Meaningful Monday
Mama forgot to do our Saturday sizzling selfie stuff….whatever…this ought to work…. And our monday spark is this: Anyone who thinks he/she/it/they is/are too small to make a difference has never met a honeybee… And even though it is cold here and the chilly winds are strong, mama has big black bumble bee pollenators at work on her flowering broad beans! They are so busy and make such a lovely hummmm noise….they should be...
Sunday But No Sun…sigh
This is how I feel about Mr Sun lately…my little blue cloud is much more comfortable than that chilly garden! Well, we are getting used to this grey weather, but a tiny speck of sun seems to be waiting to break through so let’s pretend it’s May and all the birdiers are peeping and the grass is riz (as in the poem: spring has sprunng, the grass has riz, I wonder where the birdies is?)...
read moreSaturday Smiles
Oh, mama, is it that donkey obsession again? Well, you know how mama feels about donks, n’ est-ce pas? I don’t mind really but jeez, Louise, does it never end? This is an old advertisement for beer, but mama kept it because it makes her happy from time to time, and boy, are we looking for things like THAT! Hope it makes you smile, too. We are so sad for donkeys’ reputation, now that...
Functional Friday
Helping prepare the ground for spring planting, haha…. Well, being an angelic kitty, I feel that none of these fill-ins really applies to me since I am an anti-Kryptonite kitty for sure, never misplace anything and only can really fill in No. 3. So mama will take 1 and 2 and 4. 1.I can’t find anything worse than saying that TRUMP__is my kryptonite. He is even moe poisonous than kryptonite. I had incorrect info...
read moreThankful For Birdies
And not just any birdies! These birdies live at a marvelous restaurant/vineyard/winery near our little village and they are spectaular peepers and hooters. Mama and papa were there with a dear friend and those peacocks really let out some weird sqawks and the little rooster with feathered feet was truly a joy to watch. But the TURKEY spread his feathers and mama said it was the first time she had ever seen a turkey do...
read moreWednesday Wish
Old photo but still… Mama wishes I were still there with papa and her because I could keep her in line, haha…. Mama says that she simply has to speak out when our so-called leader is breaking every law he can break and has no RESISTANCE! Okay…wordless Wednesday it is. But.. our wish is that he is somehow removed SOON by his own party to save our country. His actions are treasonous. On...
Tuesday Tears
We kitties up here can snooze problems away on our clouds…wish anthros could do that on their endangered earth… Oh, but funds to aid climate change have been cancelled. There IS no climate change…. Humanitarian aid has been cut off to countries we have always helped to improve their health and welfare. Maternity and medical clinics are closing that have treated so many in poor areas. Children are dying. Incarceration is being done to those...
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