Friday, September 3, 2021

Caturday Art

 This week we are doing a water color of Kozmo.  This is one of the pictures we took when Katie Isabella was the guest Jokester!

The image was a little blah and out of balance, so we used the color replacer brush to match some of the blues in the background. 

We then loaded it into GoArt|Fotor and chose the Watercolor filter. We then added a black frame.

And here is the link to the puzzle.

preview110pieceWater Color Kozmo  

Athena and her Mom Marie have a terrific Blog Hop on Caturdays on their blog Athena Cat Goddess. and on the hop you find some really terrific art (and some pretty great jigsaw puzzles). Marie makes terrific art and you can purchase copies through the links on her post. 


  1. Lookin' good Koz!! Love those little white hairs above your nose - nice "accent" !!

    Hugs, Teddy

  2. Your mom does great artwork but she has a great pallet to work from when she has you Kozmo. We hope you have a great weekend and all of you get a chance to go outside and romp and play. That includes mom and your big brother. We're having a cold front here in it sure feels a lot better than it did a week ago.

  3. Hari OM
    Oooh you are reminding me I haven't done jigsaws for aaaaaages.... will try and get some done over the next week or two. Love the new header! YAM xx

  4. You are perfect for a puzzle and I'm sure it will be hard because there's so much black and you do look beautiful. I may be missing in action again I'm having dizzy spells for the past two weeks in today it is worse

  5. KOZMO handsome mancat you. Mom loves your puzzle and I think those white furs sprinkled just above your nosie are just right! I took advice from you, and I have a few white furs coming in on my forehead . We'lll match. Well, sorta.

  6. Kozmo give da Mom a high five and a treat for this fine work of Caturday Art
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. What a great picture and fun puzzle to work, too.

  8. Love this, and thanks for the to play!

  9. Kozmo, what a striking portrait of you! Love the photo and the art!

  10. We love your artwork, Kozmo, and we never get tired of working puzzles! Love your September header!

  11. It always amazes me how different a few things can make with a picture!

    Thanks for the puzzle!

  12. Kozmo that is the first time I noticed the little mark on your nose. So very cute. I have a V for victory but it is on my tummy so no one ever sees it
    Toby Tomcat

  13. That came out great. You are so handsome. XO

  14. Incredibly well done, Kozmo, and you look wonderful.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  15. That is gorgeous!We both have amazing eyes, Kozmo.

  16. Koz, that artwork of you sure turned out nice. We are not surprised, since you are such a handsome dude!

  17. You're looking furry handsome, Kozmo.

  18. Always a pleasure to see what you come up with!

  19. Your art is very handsome, Kozmo. Thanks for the puzzle.


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!