Friday, September 3, 2021

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 This week the post comes from August 2008 and is called: Cuteness.

Mum pulls the bedding back to air the bed every day and we like to sleep on it so she can't make the bed. Usually we sleep one either side like this.

But sometimes we snuggle like this.

Mum thinks we look extra cute sleeping like this.

We just ignore the flashy box and wish she would go away.

The random photo is requested by the Trout Towne Tabbies who asked for 13.09.07.
This is actually 15.09.07 which was the nearest to that date.
Sleeping on the vishus deer.
It does look like Flynn has dirty feet which would be very unusual for him. I biggified and think it is shadow.

I am joining Athena the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art and using the random photo and the second photo from the post.

I started with Daisies at 70%, then added Sadness at 25%.

For this one I used Beauty then Surreal. both at 50%.

108pieceCaturday Art1 4.09.21
preview108pieceCaturday Art2 4.09.21
I am also joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the blog hop.


  1. Oh those sweet boys, those are all so adorable!

  2. You boys are so precious. I look forward to every Friday Flashback, but due to time differences, I can see them a day early! Love Mom's catwork. See you next week! Jean

  3. Loving the pictures of the boys and mum likes the puzzles :)
    She says they were pawsome boys and I believe they were :)
    Purrs, Julie

  4. Well, that's one way to "help" with the housework!

  5. that is so sweet... that are this moments when we get tears in our eyes with love

  6. That is adorable, the way the boys would nap together.

  7. Aww! They were so cute together i think they secretly loved being photographed heheh! (=⚈ᆽ⚈=)(=⚈ᆽ⚈=)

    I like the art too

    Have a snuggletastic weekend 👍

  8. Snuggles is the best way to
    sleep on a bed...heads together,
    they could share there dreams!

  9. They were closer than close....such a wonderful relationship and I know they are happily together forever.

    Hugs, Pam

  10. Those two never EVER failed to make me smile...and wish I could just be there to tell them what good boys they were and how beautiful and loving.

  11. Cuteness is the absolute purrfect title. I love how you two 'put your heads' together too. Very nice art
    Hugs cecilia

  12. There are few things cuter than two cats snuggling in sleep. The brothers were extra good at it, too.

  13. These are so adorable!! Thanks for the puzzles.
    The Florida Furkids

  14. hay....wearz R furst commint ~~~~

    doodz...we iz tryin ta say we HAD ta pix a vizshuz deer foto ;) !!!

    and fotoz three iz like de awesumest.....ever ♥♥♥

    soon ;) we will bee abe bull ta play de puzzlez with out havin ta "sneek round" !! ;)

  15. What great shots of the boys! I love Flynn's stretched out paws (even if they look grubby). I LOVE the art too and I can't wait for some spare time so I can do the puzzles. Thanks for the weekly shot of the boys from Devon. They make my heart sing.

  16. Aww, I love the snuggle shots. They are adorable!

  17. Cuteness magnified! Love the artwork it is so precious!

  18. Sweetness photos ever! I am always amazed at how kind cats can be. THose snuggles were so prexious. Thank you.

  19. Those two are the essence of cute and cuddly. What a pair of wonderful boys we sure love them. Thanks so much for sharing these with us all. Purrs dear friends

  20. They both are very cute sleeping together and touching

  21. Cuteness is the perfect title for this post. So adorable. The art is gorgeous.

  22. Love seeing those boys cuddling together. Such good memories.

  23. Cuteness is the perfect name for this post. Eric and Flynn were both adorable. I love how they did everything together. Thank you for the puzzles. XO

  24. Oh, you two were so cute together!
    Da Boyz do the same thing; sometimes, we cannot tell which noggin belongs to which cat.
    Pretty art; I'm off to puzzle. Thank you.

  25. They are cuteness overload! The random pic goes along with the sleeping in bed theme. Can I see 7/13 from any year?

  26. Cuteness, indeed! Eric and Flynn's loving brotherhood always made us go, "awwww." Still does! XO

  27. Those pictures of you boys curled up together are so adorable. Caspurr and Shimshi do that too, all the time.

  28. Just goes to show how two heads are so much cuter than just one! I wonder if there was any dream-swapping going on?

  29. Hahaha. When I saw your title for the post, "Cuteness," I thought to myself that that word pretty much describes ALL the posts about your boys!


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