Weekend Wrap-Up: 14/08/2021
The Weekend Wrap-Up offers a little look at what I’m reading, the new books that came my way, and anything else I may have gotten up to this past week. I will be linking up to Stacking the Shelves, The Sunday Post and It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? and hopping around your blogs a little to see what the community has to share too!
My Week
I’ve barely read at all this past week. I put so many hours into setting up the blog I just didn’t have the time or energy. Maybe a chapter of The Liar of Red Valley, at most.
I watched through the English dub of Himouto! Umaru-chan, which was a cute and silly little anime I’ve been meaning to watch for years. I see there’s a follow-up season I’ll have to watch some time.
On Netflix, I watched Sexy Beasts which was a thing. It passed some mindless time while I was working on the boring and frustrating parts of the blog. I didn’t like how it was marketed as “personality first” but they also made the prosthetics-off reveal such a big part of the process. And everybody was like… a model so the concept felt kind of pointless… just a show made for the gimmick.
And later on, I watched chapters 2 and 3 of Fear Street, which turned out in a way I didn’t expect. I was fully ready for the predictable “evil watch murders teenagers because evil” storyline, but it provided something different (without saying any more). So if you’re into supernatural slashers, I definitely recommend it, but it’s very gory so beware if the squick gets to you.
Oh, and of course, the latest episode of All Stars. I am so pumped for next week, I wanna know what this twist is all about! I have some suspicions but aaaa. I’d also just like to share this picture of Eureka as it is a forever mood.
I tried out Bless Unleashed this week. Spent a while creating my character and played through the combat tutorial and the tutorial scenario. As I arrived in the main area with other people the game crashed and I decided it was time to go and get dinner. I don’t know if I’ll be back but it was nice to see how the game plays.
Then I was kindly gifted a month of game time for Final Fantasy XIV, and there’s a free login campaign running, so I have 6 weeks of game time to enjoy Eorzea and let me tell you, I logged in last night and found I was alone on my EU character so thought I’d hop over to my NA character and see who was around, and that was lovely! I unlocked Glamour for her and fixed her outfit, and then the main event: the Moonfire Faire, the currently running seasonal event that gives you a polar bear mount. I was dying of the amount of cute, frankly, as my Twitter can attest. I was particularly impressed by the “Bearamid” the crowds formed.
I tried a new-to-me podcast this week; You’re Wrong About. Their episode on “Cancel Culture” was a really interesting and nuanced look at where the concept began, how it developed, how it became what it is, and how it has been weaponised. I would just really recommend it.
Life Stuff
Made a private Discord server with my best friend because our DMs were getting unruly so now we have several channels for extra pins, and a whole server’s worth of emote slots, fun bots to play with, it’s been really nice!
Last but not least, I had my first in-person therapy appointment yesterday. This was mostly going through my background and running through an initial assessment for ADHD. While not a diagnosis, he agreed that it’s worth referring me to the diagnosis peoples and we may look at ways to handle adult ADHD. That was super validating. And afterwards, I went for my second vaccine. I’ll see how that hits me today, so far I’m exhausted because I struggled to sleep last night, my arm hurts, and everything hurts so I think I’ll have a lie-down and try to get an early night, so please bear with me, I will hop by your blogs when I’m able! Either way, Friday brought good things my way.
On the Blog
This week on the blog I did a bunch of work getting the hosted blog set up. I spent a lot of time toying with Canva to pull together graphics for my new layout which was really exciting to see come together. I also spent way more time than I would have liked finding a theme that worked with my personal specifications and trying to get it to work how I wanted it to. My Tuesday was pretty much just stress from fighting WordPress, to be honest. And by the end of Thursday, I was mostly just faffing with things like updating links, fiddling with categories, basically the little things and so on Friday I went live! I’m so proud of how the blog looks, there are a few things I would have liked different but overall, I’m happy. Extra big thanks to Naithin and Rinike for helping me fiddle with the graphics and offering honest feedback.
And here are the posts you may have missed:
It feels like it’s been about 3 weeks since I hauled these, even so, it has not and here’s what’s new to my personal library this week.
I picked up a second-hand copy of Salem’s Lot by Stephen King to begin my reading of his books! It arrived with this cool cover from the early 90s, I enjoy it a lot. I’m excited to get to this one, I love me some vampires.
On Kindle this week, I grabbed The Silence of the Girls by Pat Barker, a retelling of the story of the Trojan War from the perspective of the women. The Plantagenets by Dan Jones and The Anglo-Saxons by Marc Morris to fuel my love of British history, and The Chrysalids by John Wyndham, a post-nuclear dystopian novel.
Next Week
Most of my plans for the upcoming week are read more after how little I managed this week. I still have some work to do around the blog, a few posts I’d like to write, some Final Fantasy XIV to play, and some Dungeons & Dragons to both play and prepare for, but reading is the main thing I want to get at.
How have your weeks been? Reading anything good? Got up to anything interesting? I’d love to hear what you’re all getting up to in the comments!
26 thoughts on “Weekend Wrap-Up: 14/08/2021”
Congrats on moving to self hosted! It’s empowering to be more in control of your blog
Thanks! It really is, I was hosted for years and it was so frustrating without it because I knew what I was missing. xD
Congrats on the new blog! I’ve switched between Blogger and WordPress (and back) so I know how much work it is. Enjoy Salems’ Lot, one of of my faves, and I’m looking forward to your thoughts on The Silence of the Girls.
Thank you! Yeah, at least this way I can export/import, I’m not sure if that’s possible between WP/Blogger. But yeah!
That’s good to hear, I think it’s my most anticipated King novel.
I liked Silence of the girls. Every man was a creep and women meat. Horrible times
Sexy beasts, no thanks then, they have nothing to loose
It sounds like a great read, I could resist for 99p!
Aye, it wasn’t even formatted that well. 20-minute episodes don’t get much across. It’s fine if you need something mindless, but it’s really mindless.
Congratulations on the new self-hosted blog. It’s gorgeous! And congrats on getting the second vaccine.
Thanks Wendy!
I actually really liked Fear Street. It was not was I was expecting and it turned out better than i thought. For some reason I thought it was going so different than what it was.
Love the blog it looks great! the header is so cute. You did a great job on it!
Have a great week, Hannah! Happy Reading!
Yeah same! I was pleasantly surprised.
Thank you! And you too.
I’ve been seeing Sexy Beasts around a lot recently and it just seems really strange. Not sure what to think of it.
I hope the vaccine side effects don’t hit you too hard. Both my vaccines gave me completely different side effects so I think it’s hard to judge sometimes.
Your blog looks great! The header is so cute!
My Sunday Post
The concept is actually really neat and fun, to be honest, it just was not presented well at all, in my opinion.
Thanks. The first one was just a bit of arm pain. This one’s got my arm swollen, I’m achy, headachey, full of brain fog but not the worst it could be. ♥ Glad to be done with that now!
Thank you so much!
Hope the second shot went easy on you! I had about 12 hours of icky chills and sore joints but then it passed.
I loved Salem’s Lot!
Ooof! No chills touch wood a lot of aches and brain fog but I kinda deal with that anyway so it’s not so bad. ^^
I can’t wait to read it!
Your blog looks absolutely beautiful! You did a great job!
Enjoy your books. Hope you have a great week!
Thank you, Yvonne!
I’ve hardly read this week either! It’s a problem.
And love your post header.
The Moonfire Faire sounds neat too! And good luck with the vaccine side effects- hopefully they’re not too bad today.
Have a great week!
Solidarity! I’m going to set time aside this week, I have a little more time to spare now the blog is live. We’ll get there! And thank you! It’s basically the elements that didn’t quite fit into the blog header.
Thanks, they’re a little better today!
You too.
Your new design is lovely, your hard work has paid off.
Wishing you a great reading week
Thank you! You too.
I worked with a ADHD teacher, she was super creative and a great teacher. She was diagnosed and did manage it quite well. I had her daughter in my class, she was ADHD too, but once treated made world of difference. She is an architect now.
Aww, that’s awesome!
Sounds like a fun week for you, with a lot going on. The podcast sounds good – I hadn’t heard about that one yet.
I read all the Stephen King books in the 70’s and 80’s when I was a teen, as they came out, but somehow I missed Salem’s Lot! Will have to read it sometime.
Enjoy your books (and games and TV, and podcasts!) this week!
Book By Book
So/so! Oh wow, it was one of his very early ones, I think perhaps his third book released? Don’t recall exactly right now.
Thanks, Sue. You too!
I know I read ‘Salem’s Lot but as I sit here thinking about it, I don’t remember much. I know I liked it at the time. I used to read lots of his books but I’ve lost track over the past five years or so. He publishes so much so fast! And they always seem to be checked out of the digital library.
Your blog is lovely!
Oh gosh I barely remember things that happened in books I read a couple years ago, I feel you.
Thank you!
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