Living with Loulou
A French kitty comments on just about everything.
A Serious Selfie
Well, I chose this old selfie because it conveys the seriousness with which I am checking out the world from my present vantage point. So much on my/our minds and from my view, the world has received a BIG wake-up call. Take a deep breath and try to have a thoughtful and sane Sunday ....
read moreJoy To The World
Merci, Dr Seuss. What a guy! Love is all we need…and resitance to hatred and greed....
read moreSaturday Substack
Outrageous that the president of the United States would be so rude and lie, lie, lie to the most courageous man on tbis earth right now! I don’t care if NO ONE reads this blog every again. I cannot keep silent when MY country is abandoning all its allies, its protection from those wishing to harm it and to work with it against oligarchs and aggression, and I am in total agreement with those who …
read moreFriday Frankness
One of my long-lost relatives I never knew, Luna, found wandering as a kitten under the full moon. Just wanted to put in a little of mama’s art today… 1. I can’t __believe anything T will accomplish in reality since ___he lies about everything_. 2. We are far more disturbed about our democracy__ since __the election. 3. Babysitting__ was my first ever job, then a department store saleswoman in costume jewelry. 4. Try not to...
read moreTough On Thursday
Those crooks in our government are doing WHAT? Well, today we are very thankful for those who are tough and resisting and fighting against the takeover of our governnent. And thankful for those men and women who are speaking out daily in both Republican and Democratic parties to try and stop the money and power-hungry tyrants who were elected to run our country. They are not thinking of you at all. And thanks, on...
read moreThe Paws That Calm (s)
This is just fun. This is not. But your medicaid and taxes and food stamps for needy families and household expenses are about to change in order to enhance billionaires already-obscene caches of money. We have criminals running our country. Mama can’t help herself but perhaps this information can help you. Today’s report is especially disturbing....
read moreTuesday Trepidation
Mama, maybe just shorten your expressions of concern, non? Okay, it’s okay, don’t read this blog. Read the fun, positive ramblings on my Substack instead or other uplifting blogs that help (even) me through the day, thank you, bloggers. But it is very hard for me to see our country abandon our allies around the world, abandon the brave and democratic soldiers and inhabitants of Ukraine who have fought for three years against Russia...
read moreMenu For Monday
I guess our spark today is that when you find yourself worrying and stressed by what is going on right now in the world (!), one of the best ways to keep those feelings at bay for a brief moment is to do something that you love to do…sing, read, paint, putter, garden, hug your kitties(!), doggies, sheep, piggies, whatever you hug (hubby? partner? friend?), and keep helpful and calm thoughts in your head …
read moreSunday Smiley
Well, I love to smile but why does my tongue always get in the way? Oh, mince, I tried again and the same thing happened. Maybe I need a smile coach…maybe if I saw other kitties’smiles, I could learn to keep my tongue in! Oh, well, a smile is a smile is a smile, and these are mine. ***** Much needed smiles...
read moreThrough A Glass Brightly
Hey, maybe I could be in a little kitty church somewhere! Or a sunny kitchen. This is Lunapic’s stained glass effect. ************** Out of sheer desperation we must begin with this. You never have to read it. We love looking through Lunapic for a fun piece of Art Effects for Kitties, haha. We did find the one above but many of you find so many others. Where to look? Mama thinks that maybe...
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