Porch Bench Blanket

 A couple of months ago we asked a landscape architect to make a design for our garden. The garden we have now, is much bigger than what I was used to and the space just overwhelms me. I can not see how to make something nice of the whole terrain.

The design the landscaper came up with, is absolutely beautiful. I love it! The actual achievement of the whole project will take some time, because some things depend on the realization of other things, but we made a start by building a porch. I'm also busy with deciding which of the plants there already grow can stay and which ones I will remove. I don't really like (or maybe it's better to say 'really don't like') yellow flowers, so all plants that bloom with yellow flowers will definitely have to go. 

 The colors I want for my garden are white, pink, burgundy and black. Most of the plants already in my garden give flowers in those colors, so fortunately I don't have to take out a lot of good plants with just the 'wrong' colors.

For the little bench on the porch I made a blanket for chilly evenings in the colors I mentioned above.




  1. This is such a lovely blanket. I still have rests of yarn. Good idea to make a small blanket out of it!

  2. Lovely blanket with a beautiful pattern and lovely colours.

  3. You make me laugh, "I made a blanket for the little bench on the porch" Just like that! So casual! Oh, by the way, here is a blanket I made! This is a work of art! Is that tapestry crochet or tunisian or some other technique? I absolutely love it!

  4. Oh wow! I wanted to see more photos of your exquisite blanket! Did you design it yourself? It's gorgeous. It can be tricky finding dark coloured plants for the garden. We have some lovely black Aeonium succulents that look super exotic.
    Thanks for showing us your blanket. xo Louise

  5. What a beautiful blanket. Looks really cosy, and very attractive.


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