Sunday, 11 July 2021

Titch's First Adventure down Speedy's Rabbit Hole!

 Today Titch went out for an Adventure, His First Adventure down Speedy's Rabbit Hole! We have slowly gotten Titch used to wearing a harness, just for short periods of time and has shown he doesn't mind it to much so today we took him to one of the livery fields that we used to take Speedy for adventures. We have been going there for walks with Titch but I have carried him the whole time and he has met all of the horses that live there. The horses used to love Speedy so they were keen to smell Titch in my arms and meet him. Anyway Today we let Titch try exploring in one of the fields for a few minutes and he seemed to enjoy it ,even doing a little binky as he was running about so here are some video clips

Titch wasn't afraid just a little cautious at times but once he got his bearings he went off exploring around half of the field. Now as its Sunday Selfie time here's a couple from in the week...

And while we are at it here's a new video of Bird having Breakfast from yesterday....


  1. Some little bunny was having a good time and was very good too. Bird is amazing eating out of your hand.

  2. Titch, you did so well your first time on the leash - what a champ!

  3. What fun, wonderful videos! Titch is getting eager to explore the big world!

  4. Looks like Titch enjoyed his adventure in the field. The selfie just above the bird video is wonderful. He has such a cute little face.

  5. Titch!! You are a fast learner and it was great to see you hopping all over the field!

  6. Titch you did really well and are an adventurous bunny fur sure

  7. It sure looks like you were having lots of fun, Titch. We're glad to see you are comfortable with your harness so you can get out and explore more.

  8. Bird has a big appetite but Titch doesn't?

  9. He will wear the Speedy mantle with confidence and pride. Well done Titch!

  10. So cute! Titch, you are so fast! We love seeing your adventure. It looks like you had lots of fun!

  11. Titch looks like he was enjoying himself! And it was nice seeing Bird too.

  12. titch; dood....984 pawz UP on yur mooveez...ewe N joyed em both N gived ya thumbz up at de moovee place :) ewe haz sum energeez ther buddy....mum could hard lee keep up with ya huh !!! :) ;) ♥♥♥

  13. You must have to run to keep up with Titch.


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