Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq

Friday, July 09, 2021

Flashback Friday

Today we look back to this week in 2014.  We had a new deck built by professionals.  The old one was "safe for us" but not many more Beins and was "not to code".  An it was 20 years old.  So it seemed the right time to replace it.  And I wasn't up to the challange.  It needed 6x6" posts and those are heavy.  It needed 2' deep holes for the front posts and holes cut in the cement patio near the house and no way I could do that!

So, professionals.  And I was tired of regular wood deck boards and splinters so I went with artificial wood.  But it will last as long as the house!


Stuff added back...

Various views...

And then we were allowed out.

We were cautious.  Ya never know about new things...

But we went out eventually.

We went in and out.  We mean, it was "differnt", so we were very careful.

But it seemed OK.

It was bigger.  We liked that.  The deck is a great place ta spend time.

Iza was 1st onto the top rails.  She sniffed it and decided that part was familiar.

We've been happy with it ever since.  


  1. The new deck looked lovely. Those photos show how far Laz jumped down a few weeks ago! You always have to be careful with something new, you don't want it to attack you. When we got a new furry rug Flynn wouldn't step on it. He leaped 8 feet across it rather than touch it.

  2. That is a pawsome new deck!!!!
    Lots of room to wander and relax and good railings to sit upon :)
    Purrs, Julie

  3. TBT did a very good thing when he paid some blokes to build that new deck for you!

    Sydney, Australia

  4. New stuff is fun but it's smart to be cautious!!

    The Florida Furkids

  5. That was a fun flashback and it was wonderful to get a new deck.

  6. Nice flashback and very nice deck. XO

  7. You guys have gotten so much awesome use out of this deck!

  8. That new deck was sure a good investment - for TBT and all you kitties.

  9. There is nothing like a deck. We all have loved urs for a long time. Third one...rebuilt each time. I think this is the last. He did a great job.

  10. Wow!! That was a huge project. Good thing you let it be done *for* you!

    We need something like that here...but I don't think it will ever come to pass...there seem to always be other urgent projects for our ancient house (1907).


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