Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Package Party Results!

 Y'all make me so happy! So many people joined in on the Package Party for Chrystal's birthday and sent donations and wish list items to Winnie's Wish! Thank you thank you!!

And a bunch of you donated to my paypal so I could combine them and make a big package purchase and boy did we get to send a lot! Between those donations and a few commissioned cat beds, we raised $350!! Which translated into a really really big Wish List order! 

Chrystal posted pictures of that package today, minus some bags of dry cat food that arrive later today, so pop over there and see what all of us have done together! 

Thank you again! 

Glitter: One, final, big, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Chrystal!! Yay!!!!


Sandee said...

A wonderful success. Congratulations.

♪♫Happy Birthday to you,♪♫
♪♫Happy Birthday to you,♪♫
♪♫Happy Birthday Dear Chrystal,♪♫
♪♫Happy Birthday to you.♪♫

Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ♥

Brian's Home Blog said...

That's really, really wonderful!

pilch92 said...

That is wonderful news. :) XO

meowmeowmans said...

That is SO wonderful! We love it!

Summer said...

Paws up for a BIG success!

Timmy Tomcat said...

We had such fun too! We love supporting them

Katie Isabella said...

I am so glad things turned out so well for her and the kitties. XX

World of Animals, Inc said...

This is just so wonderful to read. We hope you have an excellent birthday celebration and all the goodies for Winnie's Wish. Thank you so much for sharing. Have a wonderful day.
World of Animals Bethayres

Kenneth Burton said...

It's wonderful to hear about the success of this package party!