Attention, I’m interrupting my stress-free, reduced blogging schedule to bring to you a quick update on how life goes on the A2Z Road Trip. But, that’s not all! I figured why put a little music in the mix? Sounds good, right?! I’m borrowing Mary’s WSC prompts to build today’s mini-playlist, click to play to enjoy the tunes!
WSC 6/9/21 playlist: 1. Castle of Dreams ~Dave Koz (Chess piece) 2. Can’t Smile Without You ~Barry Mannilow (whistling in song) 3. The Days of Wine and Roses ~Henry Mancini (beverage) 4. Elderberry Wine ~Elton John (#TBT Bonus Track from 1972 on the B-side of Elton’s #1 hit song Crocodile Rock)

Usually when I start something, then I have to finish things all the way. I’m here sorta so why not play along with the Wednesday Hodgepodge community hosted by Joyce? Here are my answers this week’s questions!
1. Something you’ve seen recently that’s ‘cuter than a June bug’? I’ve gotta say our LA is ‘cuter than a June bug’! DD1 took a picture of her knelled in the grass. She did a great job capturing a sweet moment. She looks so much like her mama at this age.
2. Tell us something about where you were and what you were doing in June of 1988? If you weren’t born yet, June of 1998. Or if that doesn’t work, June of 2008. June 1988, I was working 9 to 5 as a Data Processing Supervisor for a local company that provided tubing feedings and other related needs for nursing home patients and did all the insurance billing for these services. I was expecting our first child and very much ready to have the last trimester done. My due date was July 12th. That year we were experiencing a heat wave which only furthered my longing for an early delivery. June’s full moon fell on Sunday the 26st so everyone was a bit disappointed when I showed up to work that Monday but not nearly as disappointed as I was. Anyone who’s gone through this knows what I speak of. The last leg of pregnancy is exhausting but even more so with the heat of the summer. That Monday, I spent time making sure everything was in order for my assistant to take over at the appointed time. In the wee hours of Tuesday morning I waddled to the bathroom with great urgency barely making it just in time. It was at that instant I realized my water broke and it was time, my baby was coming! By lunch time on June 28th, we were the proud parents of a little girl. She was two weeks early to the date and get this, I won my own baby board at work.
3. A place in your home or outdoor space where you feel ‘snug as a bug in a rug’? I always feel ‘snug as a bug in a rug’ when I’m in DH’s arms. Snuggled on the sofa, in bed, or on his arm while on a walk. DH’s presence makes me feel protected, deeply loved, and gives me a general sense of peace.
4. June is National Fresh Fruits and Vegetable Month. Do you normally get your 4-5 servings each day? What’s a favorite summer dish you make/serve/like to be served-ha! made with one of your favorite summer fruits. A favorite summer dish made with a favorite summer veg? How do you feel about cooking in the summer months? I love fruit and vegetables but honestly there is no way either of us get the daily recommended. Years ago, it was such a treat to eat fresh vegetables grown from DH’s parents’ garden. They had the best tomatoes and green beans. One of the largest producers in our area of really good tomatoes is Grainger County. I always shop for those tomatoes but it’s best to get them from from local farmer because there’s are generally better than what’s in the store. It’s been a number of years but we used to like going to the Grainger County Tomato Festival in July. You can get a really good deal on tomatoes, too. They have other produce, too. It’s a fun annual community event. As far as summer fruits go, I’m really love melon, especially watermelon and cantaloupe. Unfortunately, DH is allergic to melon and so I don’t buy it often because it’s just me eating it which goes bad before it’s all gone.
5. Do you have a summer reading list? If so share a title or two we can add to our own. The only summer reading list I have is to catch up with A2Zers which I will talk about shortly.
6. Insert your own random thought here. Today is our 42nd wedding anniversary. I would’ve never thought in a million years that four plus decades would fly out the window this fast! It’s been a blessing and a joy to share the last 15,330 days with my favorite fella! I’ll be fixing a special dinner for us after all the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. I think the New York style cheesecake I made might do just the trick.

The main reason for throwing this post together is to hold myself accountable by staying on top of A2Z Road Trips. I’m not covering near the ground I had hoped since starting my summer blogging routine but that’s alright. It’s still early enough for me to make considerable headway. The important thing is to enjoy each road I go down.
I did finish reading two more A2Zers April series. Let me say once again, I’m sorry for not doing this during the challenge and I appreciated the work you both put into your posts.
Do you like soup? Get ready to check out Kathe Worsley from It’s a Snap! Kathe shared 26 soup recipes, both cold and hot varieties, in April. I saved a few while the challenge was underway and then as I rounded things out, I found a few more that I want to try like Pozole for the letter ‘P’ and Spicy Black Bean Soup for the letter ‘S’.
If you’ve been reading my blog long enough then you know that music runs through my blog’s veins so-to-speak. Naturally those who used music for their theme in April appealed to this side of me. Lisa from Tao Talk focused on Jethro Tull songs, a band I know by name but rarely heard much of their music over the years. I appreciated the exposure to 26 new-to-me song titles. In the end, while the bands style reminded me of Celtic music I felt the rock infused folk style didn’t resonate completely with my general listening preference but I am happy to have had the experience Lisa offered in her series.
I found time to re-invent Bugs Bunny & Lola pencil sketch using my Procreate drawing app bringing the couple to life in living color!
More A2Z Looney Tune sketches in color
- Acme Catalog with Wile E. Coyotte
- Foghorn Leghorn & Barnyard Dawg birthday greeting
- Kiss Me Kitten birthday greeting
I’m curious, while I’m taking part in the Road Trips, would you also like to see past A2Z illustrations brought to life in living color in these updates? The reason I ask is I just completed the last of my vintage pinup girl sketches in Procreate and I still have several that I didn’t get around to doing in the Little Mermaid series. I may work in some of these recreations as I go.
This turned into a really super long post. I hope it didn’t put too much of an overload on your brain. It certainly would mine. Feel free to join my Wild Wednesday linky party where just about anything goes! So promote today’s post or another! I’ll eventually get around to visiting you. That’s all for now folks. Have a wild and wonderful day! X
, Cathy
I’m linking with these Wordless Wednesday Communities… Sandee, Natasha, Marie, & Wordless Wednesday!

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Happy belated 42nd wedding anniversary. I didn’t read this entire post so will have to catch up another time, but: I enjoyed the mini playlist. Wasn’t familiar with the first song but enjoyed it. (I seem to kind of know it from -somewhere. Hmmm…) The others are old favorites. I decided not to try the A to Z roadtrip (again) but I do enjoy Kathe’s blog from time to time and I had also read several of Lisa’s Jethro Tull posts Good luck – the road trip is a big undertaking but I think it will be worth it.
Wow! What a busy and fun packed post, Cathy! I hope you and DH have a wonderful anniversary!
You know me, I go all out sometimes. I say….”Go big or go home!” Thanks for the anniversary wishes.
Hey, I like that saying!
Oh WOW, I didn’t know it was your Anniversary! I wish you would’ve told me something! I could’ve at least got a card out to you two love birds!!! 42nd Wedding Anniversary! Do you have a picture of you & hubby on your Wedding day? I would love to see it. Our Anniversary is 12-23-99 is our Anniversary. We eloped and we told Dave’s family Christmas Eve and my family Christmas Day!!! Everyone was so surprised! Also we got married by a preacher in our backyard on 6/24/2000 and yes I forgot pictures both times, but I put cameras on the tables in June and thank the Lord for Dave’s cousin she did snap a great picture of us, so we use that one as our wedding picture. I post it on June 23rd it’s a Wednesday for all to see. I’d love to see yours too! Hugs and have a great day! Luv Ya!!!!
Watch your email! I’ll send you a picture of us on our wedding day.
If we could do it over, I would’ve definitely just let our minister marry us without all the fanfare or go to a Justice of the Peace. That’s what both of our parents did so if it was good enough for them then it was good enough for us but we didn’t see it that way then thanks to big dreamy eyes. Like everything, weddings are highly commercialized and idolized pushing people to spend far too much for a 15-minute service and a simple reception. That’s good you did get a nice picture of you and Dave, though. Years ago, we didn’t always think about those Kodak moments like we do today with everyone using their mobile devices to capture every single second of the day or so it seems. 
Love your posts, whenever, however, and whyever you get them in!
Thanks for saying that, Mimi!
Such a nice picture and great song. Happy Anniversary. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Many thanks for the anniversary wishes and visit, my friend!
Nice learning more about you through the questions. My niece was born June 8, 1988. I can’t believe she is 33 and a mom to 2 little girls now.Time flies. XO
The years really get away from you, don’t they? I’m just like I can’t believe our oldest will be 33 at the end of the month and it blows my mind that we’ve been married for 42 years! WOW!!
She sure is a cutie, and that lake looks so nice…
She’s a very sweet little girl very much like her mama was when she was small.
Three great picks this week for the Challenge! Especially “Days Of Wine & Roses”…
For a brief second, I thought you had Mr. Magoo driving the old car, but I see it’s Porky Pig.
Well…it could’ve been Mr. Magoo driving that old truck.
Thanks for visiting!
Oh she is a cutie!!Please show your coloured creations as you always do a great job. I love the song choices. I never heard of the first one and not my fav because I am not a fan of that type of horn…just me. Barry is a good one and love the drinking songs. I just thought of another, simply called “Tequila”…no words except for that one and I love it. I have to say our animals are cute as a junebug, which are not that cute to be honest :). Our Kaspar is full of beans but when he sleeps you just want to snuggle him. 1988..it was the best of times and the worst of times. I lost my dad April 30, 1988 and was going through the grieving process plus doing my best to be there for my mom. I was 24 in June. It was extremely hot and I remember several people dying in Chicago and Greece. My best friend came back from Greece (she had been there for a year) and we would boot up to Toronto and spend time with our good friend V.J. drinking way too much, walking everywhere and ending up in a fountain. We went to the beach, watslides…so much fun despite the sadness. I love all fruits and often make a veggie tray to snack on plus deviled eggs. I can’t have too many of those because I am on a diet as I need to lose weight now. I am going to go for a full hysterectomy to prevent cancer from coming…sucks but being proactive. I want to read Cast of Killers and Harry Potter book #6 plus I have many special magazines to read. I love John Wayne so I buy every magazine with him. Recently, I bought one on Anne Frank who I admire greatly since I was a teen. Enjoy your time off exploring with your wonderful man
I appreciate you saying you’d like to see all of my creations. I probably will do just that! WOW, that’s hard losing your dad so young. The summer of 1988 was super hot. I think Knoxville broke some records that year. I love fruits and veggies, too. I definitely need to incorporate more into our diet. Sometimes DH is like a kid, I have to say eat your veggies. lol We both certainly need to lose some weight. It easy to pack on but a devil to get off! Hey I hear you about being proactive where your health goes. Get that hysterectomy done! I had one many moons ago. Most of my problems related to benign ovarian cysts but they grew to very large sizes causing such horrible pain. The last time I had that recurrent problem I just told my doctor, do whatever you feel is best because I’m so tired of dealing with the pain and I had no plans of growing our family more so it was okay. When I woke up, I learned he removed my uterus, left ovary, and Fallopian tubes. The surgery didn’t cause any menopausal symptoms to crop up for several years. I reckon the one ovary produced some hormones. After that time, I began taking oral HRT but that did little to nothing for me. It wasn’t until 2013 I began getting bio-identical hormone pellets which is better suited for my body. It took about a year before my things got dialed in properly but at least this works for me. I pray things go well for you.
Happy Happy Anniversary! Love your drawing of “Bugs” and you! Cheers and have a super day!
Thanks, Kathe!
Happy Anniversary from all of us! Good tunes and we enjoyed all of those soup recipes!
Hey furriends, thanks for the anniversary wishes!
Happy Anniversary! Thanks for the bonus track and playing along with the weekly challenge. Excellent choices
Thanks Mary!
Happy Anniversary. That day is a day to celebrate. Your first question. I was living completely remote in the Bitterroot mountains in N. ID. It was the best time of my life. Love your art and enjoy your posts always. Have a great day.
Thanks! We had a lovely anniversary with a nice dinner I made. The New York style cheesecake was the best I’ve ever made.
I always enjoy your playlists and today is no different. Your sketches are the bomb, but today I’m going to focus on the hot summer and pregnancy. In 1970 my son was born on August 1. It was the hottest summer I could remember and being pregnant made it even worse. He was two weeks late and that was even worse. A memory I hadn’t thought about in a long time. Thanks for reminding me.
I wish hubby and I were with you on your drive last Friday. Beautiful spot.
Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥
My baby sister’s birthday was yesterday. She was born 1970. On our wedding day, I told her she was having a great birthday party. She was only 9-years old when we got married. I still remember that day quite well. It a rainy day. We had rice stuck in our hair, down my dress, in my purse, …. but the rest of the week was nice while we were on our honeymoon.
I can’t believe I forgot watermelon, which is pretty much my favorite food! Happy Anniversary to you and your hubs! Every year is a milestone and should be marked. Enjoy your day!
Thanks for the anniversary wishes. Indeed every anniversary should be celebrated. God gave me the best husband. I’m so blessed!
Happy Anniversary! Loved your answer this week. I’ve been trying to stay consistent with blogging so even if I haven’t felt like it or it’s a busy week I’ve been still trying to post. My next goal is to post my own blog posts, not just linky challenges I’ve joined, but I’m starting to be consistent so this is really good for me.
I need to focus more on bringing my own content back to my blog. I’m really stuck on doing the challenges and that consumes a lot of my time. For the most part that okay by me because it does help to stimulate my creativity. Thanks for the anniversary wishes and visit.
Happy anniversary! I had my first Grainger tomato the other day…so good! They definitely are the best.
Grainger County tomatoes rock! If you haven’t been to the festival then you may want to check that out. I’m not sure if there’s one planned for this year but it’s a nice way to spend a Saturday or Sunday afternoon.
Hi, Cathy!
Happy anniversary to you and DH! I didn’t think you’d be posting today, but since you did, it gives me a chance once again to let you and DH know that I’m thinking about you and hoping your day is special as can be. Let us know how your celebration went. I am thrilled to see a recent pic of the light of your life Little Angelina. She’s dear, cuter than a June bug for sure.
I like your choice of “Castle of Dreams” for the chess piece song in the Weekly Song Challenge. The Academy Award winning Best Song: “The Days of Wine and Roses” by Hank Mancini, instantly brings back memories of the highly acclaimed Oscar nominated dramatic 1962 film starring two of my favorite actors – Jack Lemmon and Lee Remick I already busted my brain at Birgit’s doing the Weekly Song Challenge, but I think I can come up with three more songs to play along.
CHESS PIECE: “Queen of the House,” country pop singer Jody Miller’s 1965 hit answer song to Roger Miller’s “King Of The Road.” (There, I score double for naming a “Queen” and “King” song.
WHISTLING SONG: “Whistle While You Work” from the 1937 animated Disney film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
BEVERAGE SONG: “Rum and Coca-Cola,” the popular calypso song by The Andrews Sisters.
I love your A to Z sketches brought back In Living Color. I enjoyed your story about the hot day you gave birth to DD 1. I eat plenty of fruits and veggies every day, many of them fresh from our backyard garden.
Have a wonderful 42nd anniversary celebration, dear friend Cathy!
I wasn’t sure if I’d get a chance to post today so I didn’t want to announce my plans for them to fall through. These sneak posts will pop up over the summer so don’t be surprised. I know all three of your song picks. I even did a BoTB in 2018 using “King of the Road” and “Queen of the House” which you may recall. I considered using “Whistle While You Work” initially but when I reminded of Barry Mannilow’s song I went with it. I hesitated using Henry Mancini’s “The Days of Wine and Roses” because I can’t relate to drinking but the idea of wine and roses symbolizes romance and with it being our anniversary I couldn’t resist using it. I’d have to pass on the rum and Coca-Cola. There was a time when I loved Coke products but they’ve changed so much over the years. Now the soft drink leaves a funny after taste in my mouth which I really don’t like. A few months back we began taste testing store brand colas. We found that we actually like Sam’s Cola better than the big national brands and it’s a ton cheaper! Isn’t that just crazy? The Andrews Sisters have beautiful voices, so no matter what they are singing I love! Thanks for popping by today and for the happy wishes for us again on this day, my dear friend. Have a wonderful week!