Friday, May 28, 2021

Right On Target - the Finish!!! and Finished ( or Not) Friday

 I finished this quilt top about March of last year and have really really really wanted to quilt it- but! I didn't know what I wanted for a back .. and it finally came to me! Flannel!

Now - it is quilted, and ( knock your socks off!) Bound!!  So I took it for a little photo session.

When it was just the top - all of my trusty Quilt holders had been sent home - and now - they all are at work .. so very sad!  Good for my Grocery budget, but My quilts miss them!!!

So!!! I took it on a walk - I mean - we actually have green grass now! its quite exciting - and the animals are getting fat - we love that!

and the sun is shining - it was a great day!!

I included this one - because - as you can see they are working on the natural gas well ... and those towers - well they scare the everything out of me when the lightening storms occur. But they look so weird!

So this is called Right On Target - but I was thinking I should rename it  psychedelic- since it is So.... Groovy... man... haha!! But since I had to google it, as the spelling i was coming up with wasn't even spell checkable - I think I will just call it Mine!  

See that flannel backing? I love it - I'm thinking of keeping all the windows open so it gets cold enough to snuggle!!

Alright!!! Now it is your turn to brag - Link up!! 


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Favorite Finish Monthly Link UP at Meadow Mist Designs

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Gretchen Weaver said...

Lovely quilt! It was cool enough here last night that I had all the windows shut tight and we had a light comforter (with a flannel backing) on the bed. This is weird weather, temps down to 38* the end of May? Happy stitching!

Jenny K. Lyon said...

Groovy indeed! Makes ya smile.

Donna said...

I love the colors and fabric!!! Groovy does describe it!

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

That is a bright, wild quilt that will be perfect for snuggling. I love the pops of green for inner border and binding. Terrific!

tealeafquilts said...

I love this. Great way to use up a piece of fabric that you can't figure out how to cut! Is this your pattern? Carol

Vicki in MN said...

Oh wow this is one pretty quilt, so girly, I love it! So funny wanting it to be cold so you can use it, I would have used it last night, mid 30's last night, brrrr.

chrisknits said...

That color scheme sure does bring back memories!! LOL. Scooby Doo, and Mod Squad and all the 70's decor.
It is awesome!, no wait, Neato!

Anne-Marie said...

Such a fun quilt!

Linda Swanekamp said...

Such a funky, fun quilt! The flannel sounds wonderful. The green grass looks so lush.

Sarah in NF CT said...

Alycia, that is a fabulous use of a large print. I'm going to remember that one! I also love the green border & binding. If you decide you don't want it I'll be happy to give it a good home.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Beautiful finish - and great outdoor photos.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, what an amazing quilt....I LOVE it! Those colours are so cool man :-) I couldn't spell psychedelic without a google search either. I'm glad that the cows are getter fat and eating their fill. We have lots of grass and green things growing here in Ottawa. Last week it was a mini heat wave to today I had to turn the heat on. I'll just have to grab a quilt to snuggle under lol. Take care.

Leanne Parsons said...

Congratulations on another great finish, Alycia! Those colours are so bright and cheerful :)

Sandra Walker said...

What a fabulous finish! That background is the best! It's so refreshing to see something other than white or grey you know? And I love flannel backings.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

You are on a roll with not only quilting but binding your finishes this year! It is a bit psychedelic, but really just bright and fun. :)

The Joyful Quilter said...

Congrats on that groovy quilt finish, Alycia!!

Delighted Hands said...

This quilt is very groovy! I love the colors and the scenery-nice!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

This quilt does knock my socks off, Alycia. It is beautiful and so cheerful .Love love love all of the colors! Happy quilting.

Bonnie said...

I think that is groovy. Looks like it would be at home in Haight Ashbury in the 60s and 70s.

swooze said...

Wow I love that background fabric. Turned out great!

Annmarie said...

Very cool quilt (groovy too). Sew unique! Love it.

WeedyMama said...

Squares in the round?!?!And if I remember right, that quilt had "mine" on it since you got the fabric, yes?

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Oh, my, that background fabric!!! 💗💗💗

Rebecca Grace said...

Oh, yes; I'm getting that "groovy psychedelic" vibe, too. I think I'd name it "Marsha Marsha Marsha!" after my favorite Brady Bunch episode (the one where Jan is jealous of her older sister). What a fun quilt!

Vicki W said...

I love everything about this quilt, front and back!

Snowcatcher said...

Such an attractive quilt! The colors are so bright and cheery. The circles and squares make such an optical statement!