A finished top

 Well, it didn't take very long after all and I didn't want it to be pushed to the bottom of the pile so I assembled all my HST squares into a quilt top, after rearranging them about 20 times!

I like the look of it. Now to find time to quilt it and to select a fabric for the backing. I am so happy this is finally outside of its box on the road to the finish line.

Linking to Brag about your Beauties, Off the wall FridayPeacock Party Whoop Whoop Friday, Patchwork and QuiltsMonday Making, Monday Design Wall



  1. Nice quilt top Celine, congratulations.

  2. Bravo, rien de tel que d'avancer dans ses projets, et de vider (un peu) ses boîtes ! Bon quilting ;)

  3. It's a lovely quilt! Feels good to move a project along and get it to this stage, doesn't it?


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