Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Poems and Thankfulness

Much Sadness 

We were stunned when we heard about Bear Cat
The sweet and amazing Bear Cat, from, sadly passed away on Sunday, May 9th, after an unexpected an sudden battle. Fifteen years ago Bear Cat rescued his Momma and worked his magic to improve her life on a daily basis. Now, there’s lots of sadness and Momma Kat and Sister Ellie need our love and support.

Please stop by with love, hugs and words of comfort here:

Marv's Doggerel on Poetry Thursday at Two Spoiled Cats

We LOVE Sammy's Poetry. He does such a great job and we love that he sends Teddy and Mom photos for next week along with his terrific poems. I am not really good at it but I do get inspired some times and this week, I Marv, was INSPIRED! Here is the photo he sent!
Here is my poem!
Dragon in the Clover!

 Today will be fun, sister one did say,
As they travelled the trails to get to the hay.
They travelled the path in the old wagon,
The little boy hoped they’d soon see a dragon.
But all that they saw was corn in the field,
And a surly old man who would not yield,
I will show you another good game that I know!
Said sister two, all that I need is your shoe that is blue!
A tussle erupted and arguing began,
Sit down! And Be Quiet! Said the old man.
We will be at the field as soon as we can,
And if you are not quiet the dragon will eat you,
And your shoes that are blue, he will swallow you whole,
Without even a chew as we go over the knoll!
The children got quiet, and sat down proper,
And they soon saw the dragon-who was a whopper!
He smiled and laughed and then he giggled
His body it shook and his belly it jiggled.
The trip was fun and then it was over,
And the dragon he sat in his field of clover! 

Now if you click on Sammy's Graphic, you will be magically whisked to Two Spoiled Cats where you can read Sammy's Poem and find all the other poets!

 Now for the Thankfuls!

Jo Jo has a special thankful for all  who come to our blog. We are ever so grateful that you visit, leave comments and laugh at our jokes!

We are thankful for all the wonderful hops and the people and pets who run them and the Cat Blogosphere where we can link up Every Day and we  are especially thankful for you, our furrends who come and visit us (even when we are late because Mom has been too busy to help us).  Thank you Brian and family for sponsoring Thankful Thursday! You guys ROCK!
Now please click on their button wand be magically transported to Thankful Thursday Central!



  1. Thank you for remembering Bear, Marv and family. His loss was sudden and terrible.

    It's always good to see you, so take care OK?

  2. We were so very saddened by Bear's passing too.

  3. we bet that dragon was named randall flagg.. he always lures in da corn field ;O)

  4. I was very sad to hear that Bear Cat had passed over. He rescued Kat when she needed him.
    I love your poem. The photo reminds me of when I first met Ivor and we both used to go up the next farm to help with the hay saving. No dragons though!

  5. I didn't know Bear Cat, but it is so sad when our compagnion leaves us forever. I only start now to show a picture of my cats who left me in different years after 18 - 20 years together.

  6. We also did not know Bear Cat but anyone who loses their best friend we send hugs to. Sounds like he and his Mom were meant for each other. Your poem is PURE MAGIC - we love dragons and who knew they could be found in cornfields! Thanks for "playing" poetry with us - it's so much fun to read everyone's poetry!

    Hugs, Teddy

  7. I did not know bear cat but my heart hurts for the ones left behind. Beau and I are thankful for all our friends and the blogosphere. They make life much more happier than it would be without all of you. That includes both people cats dogs and anything with four legs. Wild clapping for the poem. It is perfect and I love love the dragon and I love the easy name of Randall

  8. We didn't know BearCat but our hearts hurt for his peeps♥
    What a cute poem!

  9. Jo Jo we love coming by for a visit and a
    lookie see.

  10. Hari OM
    I join the chorus of condolence - not knowing somebuddy doesn't mean we can't share the sadness to lighten the load... which ties in just right with JoJo's thankfulness today... and Marv - I adored your pawem!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-auntyxxx

  11. Each loss is like a loss to each of us, even if we did not know the kitty. We share teh sadness because we know it too well.

    Tama and Benny

  12. There are many frightful things in cornfields ... especially on Halloween nights! Beware the dragons and more, wonderful poem!

  13. That was a really good poem and a nice thankful too. Yes, we were all sad to hear about dear Bear.

  14. Oops, I forgot to say thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  15. I went over to pay my respects. Thanks for the link.

    I love coming here. I love all your babies and especially Marv. I love you.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches all around, a smooch to Marv and a big hug to you. ♥

  16. We love your imaginative poem. Blog friends definitely something to be thankful for. We love all our Blogville friends.

  17. Every loss is sad and painful. Bear Cat was a handsome cat. I like the poem. Kids are easily frightened. Have a great day.

  18. That was such shocking news about Bear, our hearts go out to his Mom. What a fun poem and I love the thankful from Marv, very nice.

  19. Good poetry Marv! Love the dragon appearance!
    We're so sad about the loss of Bear.

  20. Marv, you are GOOD at poetry. It must be your heritage.

  21. guyz....we iz thanx full for yur friend shipz az well... and marv....ya did good buddy....ya...did...good.....thiz poem total lee rox :) ☺☺♥♥

    1. We are so thankful you are back. We have missed you dear furrends. May you have a gloriously happy week!

  22. Oh magical poetry and wonderful photography ~ thanks for being you ~ Xo

    Living moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  23. We didn't know Bear Cat, but so sad. We send our condolences to the family.

    Your poem is awesome!!! That photo reminds Mom of the times many years ago when her human children would go for a ride on the tractor with her father-in-law through the tobacco and corn fields. The kids just had so much fun with their Grandad.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  24. We were really sad to learn about dear Bear Cat. He was such a great friend to his Mom we know she is really sad. You have a nice poem and look at that wild Dragon. We needed that to give us a smile. Purrs friends

  25. I too was so very sorry to read of Bear's passing...he was his mom's heart cat.

    BARB can you hear me cheering and clapping what a fantastic X 100 poem. I love the dragon that was a surprise. As Carol said magical
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. I have always wanted to go to a dude ranch. One year we thought about one in Wyoming. Once we landed in Wyoming it was a 5 hour drive to the ranch. This was back when our daughter was a teenager.
      One of those wish we had done it things

  26. Your poem is quite imaginative. It is always so interesting to see what direction each person takes with his or her poem. We were devastated when we learned about Bear. We know this is a huge blow for Kat. Kizmet is all agog to find out Marv is smitten with her. She thinks he’s pretty fab. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet

  27. My heart aches for everyone who knew and loved Bear.

    Excellent poem!

  28. I love your poem, you are most creative. I am thankful to know you. XO

  29. i enjoy visiting you guys and am glad you are my friends. ~Ernie


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!