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Sunday, April 25, 2021

The Ole' Cheapskate

 Hip Hip Hooray! It's Sunday!! It is going to be a beautiful special day because it is my oldest grandson's birthday! We will celebrate with cake and a small party . 🎂 I can not believe he is 7 years old today. 

So how are you doing? I hope well. It has been a very busy week. I have not got to comment on the blogs that I visit like I would like too,  but I have been visiting.  When springtime hits, my hours are taken away with gardening and the grandchildren's ballgames. I bet you have been a very busy bee yourself. 

I have been planting lots of marigolds and zinnias. That is about all that I can grow here. Lol. Our ground is very rocky and there is little soil.  I have found over the years that I have better success out of the cheap seeds-the good ole' twenty cent Walmart packs. I did pick up a few more expensive packs of peppermint zinnias (a whopping $ 1.44 ) ,  but they never produce like the cheapos. Lol. Are you shaking your head thinking I am a cheapskate. Ok I will admit it I am 😆. Last year was the 1st time I bought the boxes of marigolds from the Dollar Tree ,and let me tell you. They were huge. The marigolds were not the French Dwarfs though; I believe they were the Incas but so lovely. This year I thought I would try the DT zinnias as well.  I will keep you updated on their progress. 

Ok on to stitching. 

I have got a few things done this week. Let's see. 

Fabrics are cut for a new small quilt. . Now I need to piece them. 

Pulled out my good ole' blue fabrics 

and finished piecing this little cross stitch quilt. My plan is to quilt it this week. 
Lots of patriotic stuff is being pulled out to be displayed. I know its early but I am itching for red, white, and blue. 

 Oh yes! You saw this quilt last week,  and I hang my head in shame. 

So small of a quilt and nope I did not get it completed. Oh bummer!  Why I tell you that is on the  agenda for today!  Hold my feet to the fire to get this one completed. Lol. 

I hope to get more done on the quilt front this week . Fingers crossed. 

I did complete this free cross stitch from From the Heart Needleart by Wendy and finished it into a thrift store frame. Below it is Strawberry Picker  Trifle  one of my earlier freebies.  

I also completed Mini Celebration Sampler another free chart by From the Heart Needleart by Wendy. Click here to get these 2 charts and sign up for her newsletter.
 Wendy is very generous with freebies.  I stitched this one in pastel colors and then tea dyed the whole piece. I don't think  I see too much difference; maybe I needed to keep it in the tea bath longer.  I finished it on a Dollar Tree tray that I painted white and grunged up .

This will be my new scissor tray. I am trying to train myself on keeping up with my scissors. Lol.

Last night, I stitched up a little strawberry called "Emily's Strawberry " a design by Blackbird Designs in the book In Friendship's Way. This book was shared with me by a sweet friend. Thank you again. dear.  I hope to finish it this week as well. 

Thank you so much for visiting me on  this sunny spring Sunday. Let me leave with a little quilt stack I shared on IG this morning. 
Vintage teddy bears and a stack of quilts fixing to be put away. I think I am  about ready to put the quilt top behind the chair into a hoop and work on quilting it. 
Have a super Sunday and as always...
Happy quilting and stitching, ya'll

 I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet.  

Kathy at Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday

Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun than Housework  for Oh Scrap

Beth at Love Laugh Quilt  for Monday Making
Judy at Small Quilts Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday

Angela of So Scrappy  for Scrap Happy Saturday

Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict  for Can I Get a Whoop Whoop

Michelle  at  From Bolt to Beauty for Beauty Pageant 126

Wendy at Wendy's Quilts for Peacock Party

May your Sunday be blessed with love , joy, peace, and happiness. 
Hugs and stitches! 


  1. Nothing makes the hear smile quite like a stack of pretty quilts! Melisa, you always have so many pretty cross stitch pretties to see. My goodness, you stitch them up quickly! $1.44 for plant seeds would be considered very cheap down here. I won't tell you what we have to pay for plants, seeds etc etc. You should see the amount of money we pay for fabric!! =) Happy birthday to your sweet grandson. Hope he and you have a wonderful day celebrating!

    1. Thank you so much for the sweet visit, Kim and for the sweet birthday wishes for my grandson. He has grown so fast and had a wonderful birthday. Oh my goodness how things have increased in price here so I can only imagine how expensive they are there. It does make it hard when you love a hobby so much, but we do we have to do in order to enjoy them though don't we? lol. Have a lovely week, Kim.

  2. Can't wait to see a photo of your flowers blooming. I love Zinnias! The cheaper the seeds the better for me as well. Funny that I always have even more luck when someone gives me FREE seeds. With your soil, can you grow sunflowers? I bet you could.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Kathy. I agree FREE seeds are always better. I try to save seeds from the flowers each year hoping to make it as cheap as possible. I think I will try growing some sunflowers thank you for the suggestion. Have a great week, Kathy.

  3. Your cross stitching is always so pretty. The soil is way too cold here to do any planting even though some farmers have planted corn in the fields. We had snow last Tuesday and Wednesday! I won't plant green beans until the middle of May and tomatoes go in around Memorial day. Have a great week, happy stitching!

    1. That is amazing to have snow in April. Many stitchers on IG showed photos of the snowfall they experienced. We did have a cold snap and I brought in a lot of my plants. Some of my seedlings were damaged but most survived. Thankfully no snow though. Hope you have a very productive garden this year, Gretchen and would love to see photos this summer. Have a wonderful week and thank you for the sweet visit.

  4. Your cross stitch projects are again amazing. Your thrift store find for a frame is the perfect pairing for your cross stitch work! I hope you enjoyed the party. Grandchildren and birthdays are special!

    1. Thank you so much, Terry. I love visiting the Goodwill in hopes of finding frames or goodies to use in my cross stitching, but my stash is starting to run low since my visits have been cut down. My grandson had a fabulous day. It is hard to believe he is 7 ; they grow so fast. I hope you have a very lovely week and happy quilting.

  5. Happy Birthday to your grandson!! 🎈I love seeing your colorful photos and your pretty projects. I saved marigold seeds from last year. I had forgotten until you posted this. I will try to get them in the ground today!! I’ll bet you I’m a cheaper cheapskate than you!! 🤣

    1. Lol you made me giggle, Penny. I am sure we both could share cheapskate stories. Lol. I try to save marigolds seed too but always buy some just in case, but love the Free seeds the best. Thank you so much for the sweet birthday wishes for my grandbaby. He had a grand ole' day. Have a great week and thank you again for the laugh. Happy quilting.

  6. I have been downloading your free saltbox charts this morning! Thank you; I will enjoy having a bowl of these.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Mary. I hope you enjoy them. I hope to post a new one this week. I have been finishing it into a little pillow and taking photos tonight. Have a very lovely week and hope you enjoy them . Happy stitching.

  7. Super sweet bits of BLUE throughout your post, Melisa! Here's hoping you finish that little project today, but if you don't, tomorrow is another day with hours of potential in it.

    1. Aah thank you so much for the words on encouragement. Since we had the birthday party today, I did not expect to get much completed, but once I got home and took a power nap I was on my way to working on some projects. Lol . Have a fabulous week and thank you for the sweet visit.

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, Karrin for the sweet visit and compliment. Some weeks are more productive than others but as long as I am enjoying myself I am content. I hope you have a very blessed week and happy quilting.

  9. Melisa,
    All so cute!! I am also going to try growing some flowers from seed like marigolds. i saved the seeds from my flowers last year... Hopefully, the squirrels will not destroy them like they did last year...Thanks so much for stopping by!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

    1. Hi, Debbie. I am so happy you visited me today. I remember you growing flowers from seed last year. Lol those squirrels; they can cause havoc. I look forward to seeing your blooms in a future post . Have a great week dear

  10. Ooh, zinnias and marigolds -- I remember planting those with my mother in our flower beds in Minnesota when I was little. :-). I hope they fill your summer with beautiful blooms. Happy stitching!

    1. Aah thank you so much , Rebecca for the sweet visit. Zinnias and marigolds seem to be the only plants that I can grow successfully so I stick to them. I am so happy they brought back fond memories for you. Thank you for visiting me and leaving such a kind compliment.

  11. I saw your Dorothy Mae's Spring House on Pintrest and had to check out your blog. What a delight!! I just printed all of them. Don't know when I will do them but, they are so sweet!! Now have you on my list. Stop by and check me out at Have a safe and wonderful day!

    1. Oh yah!, Monica. Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit and for putting me on your list. I can not wait to check out your blog. I am pretty new to blogging and it has been a fun journey so far. Thank you for the sweet comment . Have a fabulous week.

  12. No shame in buying cheap seeds that actually bloom. I hate when I spend money on seeds or plants and the disappoint in the bloom department. Love your quilts and cross-stitch. I really like your unique finishing ideas for your cross-stitch. I hope you finished that quilt!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Cathie. As long as I get fabulous blooms I am indeed happy.I have been puttering around in the garden all day and trying to put in some quilting time too. Lol. I hope you are having a great week and thank you for the sweet visit and comment.

  13. I’ve planted a few flowering plants that I can actually cut (if they grow!). And of course a week or so later we had a freeze. Hopefully they’ll make a comeback. I’m making some forward progress on quilting but not as much as I hoped. Off to play in the studio!

    1. I sure hope your flowers come back , Bonnie. I brought a lot of mine in but could not bring them all. Fortunately the all look ok so they made it through the cold snap. Have a fun day in the studio and happy quilting.

  14. Such pretty projects - especially your cross-stitch designs! My grandchildren are really into growing plants from seeds this Spring and having some success!

    1. Aah thank you so much for the sweet visit and comment. Planting flowers and veggies are great project for the grandkiddos. My oldest is always willing to help and enjoys it. It is a delight to see his face when the plants appear and later when the flowers bloom. I hope you have a great week and thank you again for visiting me.

  15. Haha! I know all about being a cheapskate! I do have large veggie, herb and flower gardens and have started a new native wildflower garden. I'll take all the cheap seeds I can get and usually save seeds from my own plants year to year.

    Your cross stitch makes me feel like digging out all my old unfinished and unframed projects. I used to do a lot of cross stitch and crewel embroidery back in the 70s when I was trying to quit smoking and needed to find something to do with my hands. Then fast forward a few years and my eyes could not see well enough to do a lot of cross stitch.

    1. Lol I am glad I am not the only cheapskate.Sounds like you have a fabulous garden. I have always waned a wildflower garden- maybe in the future. Hope your veggies and flower do well this year. Thank you so much on my cross stitch.I have never done crewel work but when I see pieces of it at the Goodwill I usually snatch them up.Have a fabulous week , Cathy and thank you for the sweet visit

  16. My daughter bought a basil grow kit from the dollar store and they all sprouted and grew! Cheap and easy! You are truly the Queen of the vignette! I love looking at your color picture groupings, thank you for sharing them!. Makes me try harder!
    Stay safe and sew on!


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