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Friday, March 26, 2021

Spring Chicks

Happy, happy Friday, ya'll! How has your week  been? Mine has been pretty good. I did take a blogging break for a few days as well as a slight quilting and stitching break ( that just means a I didn't get as much done. Lol). Mr. Pinker and I had planned on a little camping trip for a long weekend, but the rain moved in Thursday, and with the threat of severe storms and tornadoes, we postponed it.  By evening, the rain had settled, and we wished we had trucked on down the road even though there is more rain expected. It is always iffy where we live.  My heart does go out to all those who were affected by the storms though. 
Today has been a sun shiny day a perfect day to pull a little chickweed and piddle around in the flower garden. 

I did finish a quilt this week. Whoop ! Whoop! 
 It is a little quilt, but I was so excited. 
Do you ever go in your quilt room and just see some random fabrics laying together and that sparks your imagination? Well that was what happened to me.  It all started with these lovely fabrics. 
 I just had 2 small rectangles of the gorgeous vintage turquoise calico so that dictated the design. 
From that fabric, I cut 4  blocks measuring 5 1/2" square.

The sashing strips were 2  1/2" x 5 1/2" and the cornerstone blocks 2 1/2" x 2 /12".
 The cutting was done, But I had a problem.
 I knew it was going to be an Spring Chick quilt, and I wanted to use the Little Quilt's fabric for my applique' chicks. But how - how mind you- was I going to cut into this lovely fat quarter that I have had since 1995 when I visited Little Quilts in Georgia. 😂😃 Lol. I  knew I had to be brave and make a cut. So the cute brown tag was wiggled off the fat quarter. And I did it!😀 This may be a problem that only quilters understand, but sometimes pretty fabrics or pretty packaged fabrics are  just so difficult to cut into. I know silly - right. 
  I laid out my blocks and soon had them pieced together.
 I appliqued the chicks in a night and embroidered the eyes and feet using DMC. 
 It did not take long to quilt this small quilt up and have it bound and ready for display.

 I am thrilled with it and have it hanging along  the edge of my hutch. 

Well, that is one of my little finishes for the week. Since there was no camping trip for the weekend, I need to kick it into gear and start a new project. Lol. Thank you for the sweet visit and hope you have been a lot more productive than me this week . As always...
Happy quilting and stitching, ya'll
Before you leave, I would love to share a quilt stack that I  posted on Instagram recently- just a little  quilt stack of girly quilts and quilt tops The pocketbook quilt behind the stack was made for my oldest daughter who loves purses. It was a fun quilt to make.  Did you notice my 1st sewing machine on the quilt stack? It is a Matell Tuff Stuff, and it still works. I am missing the wheel though. I can not tell you how much fun I had with that as a child.

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet. 

Alycia of  Alycia's Quilts  For Finished or Not Friday

Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict  for Can I Get a Whoop Whoop

Michelle  at From Bolt to Beauty for Beauty Pageant 122

Wendy at Wendy's Quilts and More  for Peacock Party

Let's stitch and quilt like we are spring chickens. 
Hugs and stitches!




  1. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, Sheri. I enjoyed every bit of creating this little quilt. Have a lovely weekend.

  2. Well done on your darling little chick quilt, Melisa! So adorable! I am sorry your camping outing was postponed.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Robin. I was a little bummed about the camping trip, but hopefully we will get to go in a few weeks. It sure is nice to get away every now and then. Hugs

  3. Just love your cheery! That yellow fabric is just perfect. 🐥🐣

    1. Thank you so much, Sharon for the sweet visit. I sure do wish I had more of that yellow fabric. I really enjoy using the vintage looking fabrics or feedsack type fabrics. Have a great weekend.

  4. Such a gorgeous little chicken quilt, well done!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Jenny. It was such a fun little project and I am so excited to have it completed. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Just love your little chicks. Sure do miss Little Quilts shop. I live in Kennesaw, not too far from where they were.

    1. Oh I bet you loved visiting Little Quilts. I have about all of their books and several of their patterns. I just got to visit one time but boy did it leave an impression on me. Thank you so much for visiting. Have a fabulous week and Happy Easter.

  6. What a great little finish!!! I love that that stack of fabrics just inspired to stop and make this!! it looks perfect on your hutch!

    1. Why thank you so much, Alycia. Isn't that funny how a little stack of fabric can be so inspiring? Have a fabulous week and a Happy Easter.


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