Thursday, March 18, 2021

Here Comes the Sun on Free Motion Mavericks

Welcome to Free Motion Mavericks, week 323. I really hope that you are all seeing signs that spring is on it's way (or fall if you are on the other side of the equator 😊). 

Here Comes the Sun

I haven't done much Free Motion Quilting (FMQ) lately - it's been mostly embroidering and beading on my biodiversity piece. It feels like it's taking forever. I guess that it's not called slow stitching for nothing!

For today's post, I did however remove the cover from my Jag (aka sewing machine) to create this quick addition to the Pinwheels & Stars baby quilt. 

Sun at the edge of our galaxy

I based the pattern on this image from NASA.
A view of our Sun

When I start filling in more than specific objects, I will probably add some yellow FMQ lines to show the Sun glowing as in this image.

Pinwheels & Stars so far...

What I learned
  • I tried to draw the Sun based on the image from NASA - it was a mess. Then I realised that it could be reduced to its simplest form - 2 intersecting long lines and then 2 shorter lines between them. 
  • So instead of trying to draw the star, I drew the 4 lines on my practice fabric and then built up the stitching around them, ending up with a point at each end.
  • My practice Sun is 2" wide by 2" long. The Sun on the quilt is 4" x 4".
  • Once I knew what I was drawing, it went very quickly. I'm pretty impressed 😊
Related links
  • Celebrating Mars' Perseverance Rover Landing on Free Motion Mavericks, February 25, 2021
  • NASA - Sun
Linking parties

Free Motion Mavericks

It's been a while since we've visited! I'm glad that I have this linking party that gets me to post and most of the time encourages me to do some FMQ. We had a great turn out last time. Thanks so much for taking the time to link up. I'm very behind on my comments but will get there this week. Sorry!

If you didn't see Karin's Doodlemania, go over to read what she learned. It sounds like she had a great time playing with her rulers. 

Karen from the Quilt Yarn: Doodlemania
Now it's your turn!


  1. J'adore ton soleil, très beau, et bien représenté. J'imagine bien les lignes de quilting qui peuvent partir du Soleil et irradié sur tout le quilt. Bon slow stitching ;))

    1. Merci beaucoup Frédérique. Bonne semaine :-)

  2. Hello Andrée,
    Your sun and space quilting is so sweet! Amazing detail. That rocket is really zooming across the sky.
    Love Muv

  3. Sorry Andrée, but I missed the linkup deadline! Maybe I can link up next time? I really enjoy watching your quilt 'becoming'!


Hi! I would love to hear from you and I will try to answer you. Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a message. :-)