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Saturday, March 20, 2021

Doing the Bunny Hop

Happy, happy Saturday and welcome ya'll. Are you ready for an awesome weekend? Oh , boy I am ! My weekend started last night when I joined Wendy at Sugarlane Designs for Friday Night Sew In. Do you want to see some of the projects I worked on? 
A little green hen is the start of a new chicken quilt. It is going to be a small quilt. One block done ; eleven more to go. 

I then worked on one of my  Spring Chick embroidery blocks. 
This is a freebie that I posted Wednesday. Click here if you missed it; I would love for you to join me. I was going to embroider these 4 little chicks in red , but changed my mind to black. I am going to make a quilt. 
Did you see my Spring on the Farm cross stitch this week. It was a freebie that I am in love with right now. Click here if you missed it. 

I had the urge to start a new saltbox on Monday. 

This one has a little orange kitty on the roof and a porch swing - a perfect spot to sit , relax and stitch the day away. I worked more on this stitch last night as well. 

See I think that is a great start for my weekend.  Now to continue the fun how about let's do a little dance- A Bunny Hop. You want to try? Well, we all got to get in a line first. Do you remember doing this dance as a child? Lol.
I created a little prim  bunny stitch using only 3 floss colors. It is called 1869 Bunny Hop. 
I made mine into a little pin pillow and added some tea dyed chenille trim and a gourd pin with buttons for embellishment. 
If you would like to stitch it, please check out the pdfs below. You know I am not a professional designer so each page is on its own download. 

Click here for instruction page. 
Click here for the colored chart. 

Click here for the black and white chart. 

I would love to share with you some other things I have been doing this week.
 I  worked on a few green rail fence blocks since I am participating in Angela's of So Scrappy Rainbow Scrap Challenge. 

I worked a little more on my strawberry quilt. I shared 3 blocks last week which were Bowl of Berries, Strawberry Jam and Strawberry Pie. 

 This week I have a Chocolate Covered Strawberry . Yum yum. 
We used to sell chocolate covered strawberries at a local fair years ago. We also sold strawberry shortcake and strawberry cornbread. 

Recently, I Rit dyed some 14 count aida a lovely mint green. 

It was an experiment with mixture of Emerald Green and a dash of Lemon Yellow. I knew exactly what project this minty green fabric was going to be used on - Val's Little Stuff "Spring's a Buzzin " .

 This chart was a sweet gift from a stitching friend. I just used  random flosses from my "Basket of Tangles"  ( My floss basket- no organization going on here. Lol) .

Doesn't it look so cute paired up with a jadeite saucer and my mini Pink Lemonade quilt? 

  I also worked on another Easter stitch called "Easter Peeps" by Helen Daily. It is a freebie available on her Flosstube channel #77  posted March, 2, 2021 video.

So do you have any stitching or quilting on your agenda for the day? I hope so if not I hope you are doing something that brings you a lot of joy.  Thank you so much for visiting; it is always such a delight .  I wish you many blessings and as always...
Happy quilting and stitching, ya'll

I am joining these lovely ladies' link parties. I hope you check them out; they always have so many wonderful projects going on and provide the opportunity for other needle workers to meet. 

Angela of So Scrappy  for Scrap Happy Saturday

Alycia of Alycia Quilts   For Finished or Not Friday

Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addicfor Can I Get a Whoop Whoop

Michelle  at  From Bolt to Beauty for Beauty Pageant 121

Wendy at Wendy's Quilts for Peacock Party

The wise bunny knows the carrot will not hop to him. -  Krista Lester
All you need to do is hop to it with love. 
Hugs and Stitches


  1. Wow, you've certainly had a busy week and got lots done.
    Thank you for the chicken stitcheries. They're super cute!!

    1. Thank you so much, Anorina for the sweet visit. I have tried to stay as busy as possible. I hope you enjoy the little stitcheries. They were a lot of fun to create. That is the project that I am working on right now. Have a fabulous weekend. Happy quilting.

  2. Melisa, you always amaze me on all you do. You are so stinkin talented. Thanks for sharing so much of your pretties. Have a wonderful day. ♥️❤️

    1. Aah you are so sweet, Patti. Amazingly at times I feel like I am spinning my wheels, but if I get a little done then I call it a good day. It has been a nice warm day so I have been out in the garden this morning. I hope to settle into some stitching soon. Have a fabulous day. Hugs.

  3. My goodness! You are creative, productive, inspirational and very generous!
    Happy Spring!!!!

    1. Aah you are just too kind, Maureen. Thank you so much, dear. I try to stay as busy as possible, but like us all I wish I had more hours in the day. Oh how I am so excited that it is officially spring. It has been so pretty and nice here today. I hope you enjoy the 1st day of Spring and happy stitching.

  4. You have been a busy crafting machine this week, Melisa. Bunny Hop is adorable and while I am not partial to strawberries, your new block looks terrific. Have a fabulous weekend!

    1. Happy Spring, Robin. I have been trying to stay busy. I have certainly been going from project to project. I even have some painting projects going on that I didn't show. Hopefully that will keep me busy today plus some stitching. Hope it is nice and warm in your neck of the woods. Enjoy the first day of spring. Hugs

  5. So much pretty!!! Your dyed fabric is perfect for the little Spring piece. Thanks for the bunny hop!

    1. Aah thank you so much. That was the 1st time I had dyed fabric like that and was so pleasantly surprised. I am going to have to remember to measure and write the those amounts down when I dye so I can try to replicate it. I sure hope you enjoy little Bunny Hop and have a wonderful day.

  6. I am amazed at how much you get done. You go girl.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Jacqueline for your sweetness. I have been trying to stay as busy as possible. When springtime arrives I get a burst of energy and want to do all of the things. Lol. I hope you have a fabulous first day of spring. Happy stitching and hugs

  7. Bunnies, chickens and strawberries, plus more! Such a busy stitcher!

    1. Lol, I try to stay as busy as possible, Jenny. I get bored very easily so I am always hopping from project to project. Thank you so much for the sweet visit.

  8. You certainly do pack a lot in...Interesting that you do green hens/chickens. Love how you dies the cross stitch fabric too.

    1. Aah thank you so much, Susan for visiting me. I try to be as productive as possible and am always hopping from project to project. I eventually get a project done though. Lol .I hope you have a very lovely week.

  9. Replies
    1. I am so thrilled that you stopped by for a visit and thank you so much for the sweet compliment. Happy quilting.

  10. Oh wow, you have a lot of pretty projects on the go and finished. Thank you for sharing the bunny stitchery.

    1. You are so kind. Thank you so much for the sweet compliment and for visiting me. I hope to work a little more on these projects this week. Have a lovely week.

  11. Look at all those fun projects! They re so Hoppy ( haha) the bunnies a chicks and carrots - makes me want spring to come!

    1. Aah thank you so much, Alycia. The weather has turned toward spring weather here . It has been so nice to be able to sit out and stitch the evening the way. I hope it will be warming up in your neck of the woods soon. Happy quilting.

  12. This was one delight after another! Such wonderful stitcheries and I love the start of the chicken quilt! Might look into that little chick embroidery too. Thank you for all the links!

    1. Aww thank you so much, Susie for making me smile. I have been working on the stitcheries this week and have them all ready to be quilted up. I hope you have a lovely weekend filled with lots of quilting.

  13. thanks so much for the chicken applique pattern! I am the one who asked and I really appreciate all the things you share with us! I am going to get busy on it!

    1. Oh yah! I am so glad that you saw this post and I hope you enjoy it. I finished getting all the wings on mine and need to work on the eyes this weekend. I hope you enjoy it and happy quilting, dear.

  14. I am new to your (excellent) blog. Why 1869? Just curious.....Keep up your good work!

    1. Aaah thank you so much, dear and welcome. I am so happy that you visited me. Usually when I add a date to one of my designs it is a nod to one of my ancestors. 1869 is the birth year of one of them. Have a great week and happy stitching.


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