Friday, March 19, 2021

Monkey Wrench Color Blocks top.... and!! Finished ( or Not) Friday!!!

 My Dad and I were talking about *stuff* and I said... Dad! What day did we go "here"?  and he said Tuesday, and I said Oh My Gosh... then that makes today Thursday!! and he said yes... why? 

 and I jumped up and ran away from him, so I could finish this top and brag about it for 

FINISHED ( or Not) FRIDAY!!!!  ( and all the other cool Friday posts!)

So are you ready?   Here is my March Color Blocks Top called Monkey Wrench!!

( Class taught by Debby Brown Quilts)

Ta da!!  Now!! I really love this pattern - it is right after my own Churn Dash Loving heart!!
But! I do not like the background I chose. I ( personally) think it is too busy, but! I hope that quilting and binding will make me love it again!

I used the little cut off pieces from the sorta half square style blocks to make the border a little bigger. but in my typical , not remembering left from right self, they all ended up going the same way, instead of opposite directions like my mind eye saw!! haha!!
No Worries!! it will be loved
( and of course I built it up to QOV Size)

Alright - enough of me bragging!!  Tell me what you all have been up to!!
 * Remember to provide a direct link to your FONF projects!
*Visit around - have some fun, add to your bucket list!!


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Jenny K. Lyon said...

I like the way the border turned out - the symmetry is a little unexpected; I would have thought they would go opposite directions also so the unexpected is pleasant. You know the recipient will love it!

Gretchen Weaver said...

I like your quilt and I don't think the background fabric is too busy. The pieced blocks show just fine. Happy stitching!

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Alycia! Your Monkey Wrench is one pretty quilt. It is a block that is reminiscent of a churn dash . . . but different. HAHA! I love all the different fabrics you chose. Thanks so much for the linky party. I thrilled to have a finish to share. ~smile~ Roseanne

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Great use of those trimmed away pieces. In the photo the background doesn't look too busy. Love it!

maggie fellow said...

I like the background - good for you for actually making the quilts. I jusst have a gazillion 16 patches and no quilts

Cathy said...

Doesn't look too busy to me!!

Mari said...

Getting right and left mixed up is a sign of genius. (Einstein did it all the time.) Very nice quilt top-- not too busy at all!

Connie W. said...

Inspiring border treatment. This will be a well loved QOV with so many fabric pieces to contemplate as it is used. Thanks for sharing it.

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

Awesome Monkey Wrench! A veteran will love it!!

Nann said...

That Monkey Wrench design is SOOO cool!

Snowcatcher said...

I love it, background included. What a great QoV!!! I think I'm going to try to use up some of my red, white and blue scraps again this summer to make another QoV. You have inspired me! (As always!!!)

Preeti said...

Alycia, I can totally picture you bolting out of the room while your dad looked on completely bewildered :-D It is a lovely design and with the slightly busy fabric makes for a subtle quilt. I am sure it will be lovelier when you finish it.

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

That's a great design. The days do get away from you rather quickly, especially on the weekends. It seems like I just leave work on Friday and then blink it's Monday again.

chrisknits said...

What a great top! I fell you on the wrong way facing piece, do it all the time! Argh!

The Joyful Quilter said...

The background is a little busy, but some veteran is sure to be proud to be presented with this quilt, Alycia. Congrats on finishing up another scrappy quilt top!

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

That is such a fun quilt top.

Bonnie said...

Really cool quilt. And, frankly I never noticed the extra blocks were going the same directlon. You are right who ever receives this one will be in awe of it and totally love having it.

quiltingbydawn said...

Great take on the Monkey Wrench quilt pattern! If the border bothers you (I think it looks fine) wouldn’t it be a fairly simple fix to flip the border around?

Linda said...

I LOVE the background with the scrappiness! Maybe you'll love it after all. :)

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, I hope that you'll like the finished quilt - it is busy but then it is scrappy! Thanks for hosting and take care.

Delighted Hands said...

I really like this quilt--rather charming!