Sunday, March 7, 2021

Upcycled Table/Plant Stand with Chinese Checker Board

 Hi Friends,

I have been a collector of checker boards

 for many years.

Originally I loved them because they were tin,

 then I found more that were made

of wood and much older.

The game was invented in Germany in 1892 with the name 'Halma'.

This version was popularized in 1928 by the Pressman Co. and the name

was changed to Chinese Checkers.

The game itself has nothing at all to do with China.

It was a marketing strategy by the toy companies.

I just fell in love with the bright colors and the the graphic design.

They remind me of quilt patterns.

I have them hanging as art in our family room.

The back side is checkers.

My family loves the game because you can have 2 to 6 players.

When the kids were young we played a lot!

It's a simple game, 

with the objective being get to the other side

of the board by jumping

 your marbles over your opponents marbles.

Being at home so much this last year,

we found ourselves eating in different rooms

just to break up the monotony of eating at the kitchen table. 

I wanted to have a little table to set drinks-

I found a plant stand at the thrift shop

and thought it would make a good  small table.

My version of and old T.V. tray!

I used this game board.

The board is in 2 pieces, with 2 drawers.

I took it apart.

I used this plant stand base.

Marked where I needed to drill the holes.

I flipped it over and screwed the base to the legs.

Put the top on and

put the drawers back in.

After I put it together, I decided to paint the legs blacks.....

so I took it apart spray painted the legs then put it back

together again.

I was happy how it turned out.

It's very sturdy.

It's small and easy to move around

the room.

We can even take it outside to use

during summer BBQ's.

I appreciate the visit!

Thank you-

xo Lisa S


  1. What a clever idea to convert the Chinese Checkers board into a small table. I LOVE Chinese Checkers. I grew up on a small farm, one of 7 children with my parents. My parents were hard working people. My mother was a Chinese Checkers and Checkers expert - and taught her children the joy of the game. Your pictures of the boards brought back such wonderful memories. I have a couple of boards and enjoy playing with my grandchildren.

    1. JanL,
      I loved to here your story. It is one of the few games we still play. Growing up I remember this game seemed to never cause tension among us monopoly and others :)
      Don't you think the board looks a little like an Amish quilt?
      xo Lisa S

    2. Yes, your picture of multiple boards is very quilt-like - similar design, varied colors. Whenever I visit nephew (several states away), he always gets out the Chinese Checkers to challenge me. I'm not near as good as my.mother was but usually come out the champion.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you! We even used on the front porch the other more spilled drinks :)
      xo Lisa S

  3. What a fun, fun idea! I enjoyed playing Chinese checkers as a child, with my kids, and now with my grandkids. Such a clever idea to turn one into a small table. Thanks so much for sharing this at our Party in Your PJs link party.

    1. Thanks Nina!
      The table has been working well. I'm happy how it turned out.
      I look forward to playing with the next generation :)
      xo Lisa S

  4. What a clever idea for repurposing a chinese checkerboard. The colors make a gorgeous tabletop!

    1. Marie,
      Such a sweet comment. You are awesome and I respect your opinion. You have incredible style.
      xo Lisa S

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you so much. I appreciate the pin :)
      xo Lisa S

  6. Such a clever repurpose, Lisa! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!

    1. Thank you :) The table has been working out well!
      xo Lisa S

  7. Fun! I need to dig through my game drawer and get creative. :)

    1. Lori,
      It has been a fun theme for our family room.
      Thank you for stopping by-
      xo Lisa S

  8. What a fantastic idea. Thank you for sharing on the Classy Flamingos.

  9. That is a very clever, DIY project and I like it! Way to go!! :)

    1. Cathy,
      Thank you so much! I don't think we've meet yet- Welcome!
      It's awesome to have you visit.
      xo Lisa S

  10. Replies
    1. Anita,
      Thanks! You are so talented, I am thrilled by the comment:)
      xo Lisa S

  11. This is so clever Lisa! I love this idea!

    You're most welcome to join me in a cuppa & reflection at Tea With Jennifer,

  12. This is an amazing upcycle project! Not only is it unique but has lots of fun memories to go with it. Thank you for sharing it this week. #HomeMattersParty

    1. Donna,
      You made my day with your nice comment! It seemed like these two items were meant to be together:)
      xo Lisa S

  13. I love this Lisa, our family all love to play Chinese checkers. I think it the way so many people can play at once that appeals, the more players the more exciting the game. This will be featured at Handmade Monday this coming week :-)

    1. Thanks Julie!
      I agree, I love a game the whole family can enjoy-with lots of belly laughing.
      Thank you so much for the feature, you are a sweet friend!
      xo Lisa S

  14. Super clever AND beautiful Lisa! My eye will be on board games from hereon out!

    I've featured this fab project in this weekend's DIY Salvaged Junk Projects. Thanks for linking up!

    1. Donna!
      You are the sweetest:)
      Thank you for ALL you do- I appreciate you so much.
      xo Lisa S

  15. Such a clever idea! We would LOVE for you to join us over at the Creative Crafts Linky Party every Wednesday through Sunday!
    Creatively, Beth

    1. Beth,
      Thank you for the invitation! I have added your party to my blog hop page :)
      xo Lisa S


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