
Imprisoned in Stone, Whose Magic is it? #mfrwhook

Magic of a darker kind from Imprisoned in Stone.

To set the stage, Colwynn has freed a friend from a magical compulsion and now is trying to find who is behind the threat.


A man of Jarlath’s wealth and seniority could not be accused without proof. Once again, Colwynn dug into his reserves of energy. His hands traced the ancient runes of truth in the air.

“Chains of iron forged in magic,” he hissed. “Show me the stealer of innocence and will.”

Despite the softness of the command, it contained an unyielding force. The mist of the broken control spell formed into a frame. A face appeared in the shimmering surface of the enchanted mirror. As Colwynn expected, Jarlath’s face was in the center. Then Nemor’s and several other men Colwynn knew were acolytes of the Brethren. Bearded or clean-shaved, some bald, others sporting long curls, image after image appeared until the frame bulged.

An unreasoning fury surged forward. All the Brethren participated. They all knew!

“Show me the man behind the plot,” Colwynn yelled. The hovering reflection wavered. When it stopped moving, one final face appeared. “Father,” Colwynn moaned. My father leads the Brethren. They would do nothing without his approval.

Imprisoned in Stone:

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  1. What a dreadful realization. I love his has anger at the mistreatment of innocents. He must feel torn between the two.

  2. Of course it would be his father! Confrontations between closely related people on opposing sides makes for some intense reading. Tantalizing excerpt.

  3. I wonder if he feels some things are better remain secrets . . . or does he intend to act on his new knowledge?

  4. How awful to realize that his father is behind his predicament. A powerful snippet!


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