Monday, March 17, 2025

March 17, 2020: Sweetie Retired

 March 17, 2020, we trapped Sweetie and brought her inside.

Taken one year before her retirement, on March 17, 2019.
Just two days after coming inside, Sweetie seemed happy to play!

March 17 is Celestial Sweetie's Inside Gotchversary, or Retirement.

We miss her dearly.

Knowing that her last years were spent in warmth, comfort, and snuggles means the world to us, and we are offering the same to Henry, hoping that he follows in Sweetie's pawprints.
Happy St. Patrick's Day and Happy St. Gertrude's Day!
☘️ ❤️ 🐈

Sunday, March 16, 2025

A Rogue's Gallery

Eastside Cats pics taken on March 16:
Celestial Sammy
Celestial Paddy O'Malley
Celestial Sweetie
Celestial Angel
Celestial Chucky
Manny and Chili Bruce
❤️  My babies! ❤️

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Beware, Forsooth!

Soothsayer: Beware the Ides of March!
William Shakespeare, "Julius Caesar"
Act I, Scene 2
For Caturday, we have Manny hiding under the Pink blanket on the Blue Chair, artified with Prisma.
Click on the image above to enjoy a jigsaw puzzle.
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