Friday, February 19, 2021

Friday Flashback - Just Hanging Around.

The flashback this week is from January 2008 and is of the boys showing off how to do The Dangle.

Eric: This is a grate way to relax, just go limp and let your legs and tail dangle. Hmphhh did I see a flash then?
Go on, that's right, ruin another relaxing eggspeeryunts wiv that stoopid flashy box. See that Zoom Groom below my feet? Well we got it furr Chris Mouse, and I tell you what, it's the bestest fing efurr. If mum or dad pick it up I follow them efurrywhere, and I don't let them stop grooming me wiv it.

Flynn: Hehe, anyfing you can do Eric, I can do too, and I can give the laser eyes at the same time.

This is my furroshus look.
Well that's enuff. Can't hang around here all day.

For the random photo this week MessyMimi asked if we had any Valentine cards. These are from 2012.

Flynn's Valentine Card.

Eric's Valentine Card.

I am using one photo each of the boys for Caturday art with Athena, the Cat Goddess.

For Eric I used Surreal Painting at 70%, then added Emboss at 90%.

For Flynn I used Beauty at 60%, then Scribble at 20%.

preview108pieceEric Caturday Art 20.02.21
preview108pieceFlynn Caturday Art 20.02.21

I am joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the blog hop.



  1. Those were some fabulous dangles and really beautiful Valentine cards.

  2. Wonderful demonstration of the dangle, and i really like those Valentine cards!

  3. Oh, I bet those two COULD hang around there all day if they had felt like it!

  4. Very pretty Valentine Cards!

    And wow, those were some kind of Dangles!! Great technique!

    Thanks for the puzzles!

  5. we love dangles too... that is the way to find da inner dang-lance back ;O)

  6. Hence the expression....
    "Hang about"...! :).

  7. LOL these made me laugh they were definately just hanging around heheh!

    Have a dingledangletastic safe weekend 😷😷😷

  8. Mom and I just LOVE the photos of the boys just hanging around - that's totally relaxed - I quite often have a bit of a "hangover" myself being a BIG BOY!!!!!

    Love, Teddy

  9. Ha ha, you look like a couple of boneless brothers! Yeah, that damn flashy box'll get you every time. Wonderful dangling flashback with the boys.

  10. Eric and Flynn OMCs you have hit 2 homeruns with the hangover photos. Thank goodness we didn't have to pick a favorite. Your photographer did great capturing these.
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. Those impressive dangles made us smile! The Valentine's cards are sweet. ♥

  12. I don'y have any of my cats doing the dangle and screwball has not figured out how to do that!

  13. It takes a lot of talent to dangle just right. Great shots and I'm glad the mom had that flashy box.

    Love the Valentine's cards too.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. ♥

  14. lee awesum heartz day oh lovez cardz !! ♥♥♥♥ we hope ewe both hada awesum heartz day oh lovez ther in heaven ~~~~~ ♥♥

    and grate dangle shotz...we uze de zoom groom two; itz like de awesumst brush EVER !!! ☺☺☺☺☺

  15. awwww such great dangling legs! and the Valentine cards are priceless! Cheers!

  16. These are so precious! Thank you for sharing them with us! :) <3

  17. Oh my gosh, the dangle. I love it! Our Sophie does that every once in a while.

  18. What wonderful Dangles you two. I almost forgot how much fun that is and maybe will get back now that we have a nice cat tree again. Thanks for sharing and great puzzles

  19. Looks like Eric was practicing the balance beam for the Olympics!

  20. Those are EPIC dangles! And the lasers! You guys are totally PAWESOME! No wonder Angel Nellie is totally in love with you guys! I can't wait to do the puzzle! Have a marvellously Happy week!

  21. I always thought of that as 'Super Cat' coming in for a landing. :) Be well!

  22. MOL! That is a great way to hang around!

  23. Very sweet Valentine brothers!!! And yes, you two have perfected the dangle - you sure do look totally relaxed!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  24. That is too funny that they both did the dangle. Cute photos and such sweet Valentine's day cards. Thank you for the puzzles. XO

  25. Whoa, Angel Dudes!
    That's some serious double dangle action...terrific that it was captured on camera!
    Thanks for the to play.

  26. Now THAT'S relaxation! Only cats can accomplish it.

  27. Momma sez she has never had kitties who relax like that. Never on cat trees, at least. Yoo boys are very original!

  28. Those are some professional dangles. Love the art and will go play one of the puzzles. Think I'll pick Eric this week.

  29. Your boys did the good kind of hangovers with such style! :)

  30. Oh! Those are great dangles! Mummy says Angel Possum used to do that.

  31. Eric and Flynn, I'd be your valentine ANY day of the year, Mommy would too. And those arms dangling...I don't think I have ever seen any like that! Best ever!

  32. The boys were so funny! And we would have been their valentine any day.

  33. You'll always be valentines in our hearts, guys <3

  34. I am at last starting to thank the people who expressed their sympathy and sorrow over Josie’s passing. I apologise for the delay. Josie is indeed free of her pain and discomfort. She must feel like a kitten again. I am left without her, but one day, I believe, I will see her again. Thank you for your kindness.


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