
17-03-2025 Vol 19

I have only one job to do today

 Friendship Friday Ramona @Create with Joy

I debated all week about whether or not to do a Friday Sillies edition.  Late yesterday afternoon, I decided to run with it using a few humorous memes/comics from my download stash.  It’s the weekend.  Our afternoon is expected to yield some sunshine, so why not spread a little happiness, too. 

Feline Friday Sandee @Comedy Plus

Ellen at 15andMeowing and Lorraine at Four-Legged Furballs share each Thursday four blank statements for us to copy and paste to create an entry for their Friday Friendly Fill-ins. Rounding things out this is how I filled in the blanks.

1. I keep hoping for spring like weather to get here.  It’s inevitable spring weather will arrive, I just want it to get here sooner instead of later.  I’m so tired of the cold.  Of course, our climate is a whole lot better than other places lately. 
2. Last year at this time, I was in Blogosphere sharing giggles and recipes in my Tickle Me Tuesday edition
3. Temperatures in the low 70s with sunny skies is my favorite kind of weather.  That’s just about the right kind of conditions for me. 
4. One random fact I happen to know is I can leave a piece of bread just inside my oven on the top rack with the door open and it will get toasted on one side.  How do I know this?  I often turn the oven on in the mornings when it’s really cold to help heat the house faster.  One day, I had the bright idea to place a slice of slightly frozen bread on the rack to thaw.  When I ready to use the toaster oven I discovered one sided toasted, so I flipped the bread over to do the other side. 🙂

My one job for today is done.  I hope you enjoyed the random giggles and FF answers.  That’s it for now.   Have a funtastic Friday, and don’t forget to join me on the Monday’s Music Moves Me dance floor with ‘your choice’ song picks!   X💋X💋, Cathy

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25 thoughts on “I have only one job to do today

  1. Your funnies always make my day. And thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! The weather is trying to act like spring in my corner of the world. Just a week ago we were just barely above 0°F, but now we’re over 50°F. Weather in the Midwest is a fickle thing. I hope you’re having a wonderful week!

  2. i Love those funnies and have used the first one on my hubby more than once:) I love the 40’s noir funny too. They are always so fun to read on your blog. I, too, love the 70s weather with no humidity. Last year I was still working at the office so by mid march, it will be a year since i am working from home. That is simply hilarious with the 2 women and, I have to admit, we do giggle at the people in the South when they have a bit of ice and snow. Not this time though since so many are without water and hydro. I hope it comes on soon for the people who are suffering. I think of the elderly at this time. I will say that the people from Alberta laugh at us and think we are wimps when we get a foot of snow since they normally get much, much more and 50 below. When I first met my hubby, who lived in Alberta for 26 years, he would wear a t-shirt and shorts when it was 30F. Now, it is a different story. The song is hilarious and I try to get away from hubby every once in a while.

  3. Thanks for the funnies. I am always glad when someone can make me smile.

  4. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. 70 is too warm for me now that i have hot flashes. 🙂
    That is nice that the bread toasted. Have a nice weekend. XO

    1. John,

      The lady reminds me of the actress in Planes Trains and Automobiles when Steve Martin got stranded in airport rental vehicles with the wrong keys for the wrong car then had trek back. So, that’s an exaggeration, eh?

  5. Dad LOVED the movie clip. We are in E. PA and when he was up and about (the 6′ 225# weightlifter dood) he wore a t shirt unless he was out longer than 15 minutes and then only light stuff. He LOVED the snow and would put on chains and go driving and pull people out that were stuck. Ahh those days. Now we are stuck inside for weeks like JAIL.
    Great fill ins and funnies. “Stupid Teeth” HAR HAR HAR
    Happy Friday

    1. Timmy,

      I say y’all get quite a bit of cold weather in eastern PA. I wouldn’t be too happy living there but we have talked about wanting to visit Gobbler’s Knob to see Punxsutawney Phil. Have you ever been? Maybe, we all won’t be stuck indoors for too much longer. Warmer weather is coming and hopefully Covid will take a hike or better yet just disappear altogether!!

  6. I loved both videos. Hubby and I don’t need time alone. I don’t think you do either. The first video is a hoot. It’s true you get used to the weather where you live.

    Love the funnies. Yes the world is the one with the issues.

    Your fill-ins rock. We want warm here too. I’m so tired for the cold.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

  7. Hi, Cathy!

    I am happy to see that you decided to post some Sillies and Friendly Friday Fill-ins, dear friend!

    My favorite cartoon is the 1940s/50s film noir private detective (I suppose) on the phone in his office using that typical tough guy lingo to describe his secretary’s demeanor as she entered his office: “like a stray cat crossing the tracks of the midnight train to Murdertown.” That made me LOL.

    The Midwestern neighbor in the South video reminds me of the “snowbirds” from Canada, Michigan and other parts of the upper Midwest that spend winters down here in Florida. (This year was different, however, because of the pandemic. Very few made the trip.) In years past, we got a kick out of those northerners remarking how warm it was on days when the high temp peaked in the 50s . They regarded it as beach weather and went swimming in the Gulf. Unlike you, I’m in no hurry for spring to arrive in Florida.

    That married couple is fabulous on every one of their parody covers, including this one of Heart’s hit “Alone.” The wife is just as funny as the husband, and even more likable. As you recall, Mrs. Shady, her son and I visited Clingmans Dome at the beginning of September. The trek up that steep hill to the observation tower really tested our stamina. The vehicles in the parking lot had license plates from all over the U.S. and Canada.

    Thank you for the smiles, laughs and mewsic, dear friend Cathy, and have a great weekend!

    1. Tom,

      In my college years, I took the city bus to school from downtown. That’s where DH worked at the time. After school, I’d meet him back downtown. I’d wait in the lobby area often busy doing homework. Visitors had to stop at the secretary’s desk to get a pass before preceding further. I recall one such time it was winter time when some folks came in without winter coats commenting how warm it was. After they left I asked the secretary where were they from and she told me Canada. I thought, “Yeah, it’s not cold here compared to where you’re from!” It was plenty cold for me, though. It’s what you’re used to. I can’t ever imagine 50º weather being swimming weather. When we visited Naples in 2013, the days were quite warm. The wind could be chilly at times, though. I found when the sun dipped in Florida, it gets cold fast. I had to borrow a sweater from the friends we were visiting because I didn’t pack one. lol Thanks for joining me for some giggles, my friend. Have a nice weekend!

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