Thursday, February 18, 2021

An All Marv Friendly Fill-ins & Feline Friday

Today its all about ME!


Friendly Fill-ins! 

You can click on the buttons to be magically taken to 15 and Meowing and the Four-Legged Furrballs blogs!

 Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins. Ellen of 15 and Meowing came up with the first two and her co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two.
I, Marvelous am doing the Friend Fill-ins this week.
I love my Mom, not Kozmo or Jo Jo or Cinnamon
1. I keep hoping that once again I will be an only cat. I really don't like sharing my Mom but I do tolerate Kozmo and Jo Jo. I hiss at Cinnamon.
Me and Cinnamon watching for Mom and Dad

2. Last year at this time, we were waiting for Daddy to come home from the hospital.
I love the fall!
3. FALL is my favorite kind of weather. Warm days, cool nights, great weather, what's not to love!
Mom puts sugar on cuts scratches and wounds

4. One random fact I happen to know is putting sugar on a wound makes it heal faster. It dries it out and kills bacteria. Its great for pets and people!

 And I Marv am also the Feline for Feline Friday!

There has been a shortage of shots of ME on My blog this week. 

You can click on the button to be magically taken to Comedy Plus who hosts the Feline Friday Blog Hop!




  1. Wow! That is a big yawn from Marv to show off her fangs. So nice to sit on Mom's laps and not having to share Mom with anyone.

  2. oh is that true? thanks for sharing that trick!!!! ...and we love fall too... but currently all days and seasons are like meh! ...but we hope we will get our world back...

  3. I will be honest, Marv... I am enjoying being an only kitty! It probably won't be a forever thing, and sometimes (not that often) I miss having other kitties around, but being the center of my human's attention is pretty nice!

  4. I am glad you tolerate Kozmo and JoJo. Maybe you had bad experiences with dogs before you came to your forever home and that is why you hiss at poor Cinnie.

  5. Marv you deserve to be a star - you sure went through a lot to get here and join your Mom in living your BEST life! Glad you are tolerating your fur family - family is important (even if they can be irritating sometimes). We didn't know about sugar - that's SUPER interesting.

    Hugs, Teddy

  6. It seems that you are like Rosie she enjoys to be the only cat (child) now ! Her siblings have passed away after 19 or 20 years and now finally her wish came true ! She is so happy in her new home (we moved) and has become another cat !!

  7. Grrrreat Job on you fill ins... love your big window with that view... Beau said to tell you he came to live with his new parents because he lived with 6 other dogs, 2 cats and a ferret and desired to be The Only Dog...

  8. How DARE there be a shortage of shots of YOU on YOUR blog, Marv! The nerve...

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hari OM
      Marv, it was great to learn a little more about you!!! Being the medico I am (we never really retire y'see!) I can confirm that honey is more effective, but it is true that sugar is a cheap and effective alternative! Nature has always been the best healer!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  10. Nice to learn more about you, Marv. Y'know...I'm an only kitty now and I'm kinda enjoying it. ~Ernie

  11. Marv, since i'm just getting to meoknow you, i really liked seeing so much.
    And your fangs are to die for. Lynn really liked the new header, just not the
    cold idea. We have frozen feet on the ground and i'm safely in bed tent. Precious

  12. MOL MOL wish you were the only your dreams are 3rd man on the Feline Totem pole.
    Hissing at probably a waste of a good hiss
    Hugs Cecilia

  13. It's nice getting to know you a little better, Marv. You look great in all your pictures today.

  14. Those were good answers Marv and we didn't know that about sugar.

  15. Marv you have come a long way in your life. I remember when you first arrived from your epic journey. Yes you are an easier softer Marv, if that is pawsible. Love the bit about sugar. So true and a good fact to know. We hope your weather is alright as we just had another deluge of snow, just a day after Dad was all dug out by friends. Now stuck again

  16. Wonderful photos of your precious kitties ~ happy weekend to you,

    Living moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  17. Darling photos and great answers! I did not know that about sugar! Have a great weekend!

  18. You are just so adorable Marv! :) <3

  19. I love your fill-ins Marv. I didn't know about sugar in a wound though. I do now. You're ever so smart and ever so handsome.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Smooches to you and scritches to your siblings. A big hug to mom. ♥

  20. dood....we agreez with ya on fall !!!! it bee R fave followed bye spring time :) ♥♥☺☺

    and thanx for de tip on de sugar :) we dinna noe that :) ♥♥

  21. Good fill-in answers Marv, I like fall too! And those are some really cute pictures of you!

  22. Marv!! You are loved!! And always remember that there is plenty of that to go around and share...yup...that's why there were almost always more than one kitty here...not to mention pups...though now there are only us two...having said all that, Angel Pipo seemed to revel in the only kitty status after Minko went to kitty heaven. But he too hissed at MJF and us!

    Sugar...we used to put that on some of the skin wounds we were treating when I worked in the hospital. Its a good debriding agent.We use Manuka honey too. That can be topical for wounds or even internal for other infections...Australian Manuka Honey is VERY pricey, though...we have soem here, but *she* won't eat it, its saved for medicinal reasons...

  23. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins Marv, great answers except I am sad about your Daddy. I know you all miss him. I did not know about sugar on a wound. Cute photos. XO

  24. 1 I keep hoping: my life is a dream and I will wake up!
    2 Last year: I did the same as I do now.
    3 Autumn: is my favorite kind of weather.
    4 One random fact I know is: the capital city of Madagascar is Antananarivo. Say it three times in a row!

    I thought Everything was about Marvin!

  25. When you're an only, you do get all the best perching spots. But it can get a bit lonely. That was one serious meow in your first photo.

  26. Good going, Marv! We're still hoping that Cinnie will grow on you! WE love our Ollie and were really happy when Fernant was here this week.

    Tama and Genji

  27. We did not know that about sugar - thanks for sharing. We think maybe you could arrange with Mom to be an only cat for a day or even for an hour:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  28. Marv, I knew that honey was supposed to be good for wounds, but didn't know about sugar!

  29. We didn't know that about sugar. (((hugs))) for #2

    The Florida Furkids

  30. Marv, I STILL don't thinks there are enough pics of you on this bloggie! BOL! I means, that is one handsome mug my furiend, so why not share it as much as possible? Sharing is caring!
    Butts, I don't thinks you should hiss at Cinnamon. She seems REALLY sweet, and you should be furiends.
    Anyhu, I hopes you have a FABulous Friday, and keep bein' handsome 😘
    Ruby ♥

  31. Hissing? You? Isn't that beneath your dignity?

    Anyway, thanks for the tip about sugar. While i'd heard it does not grow mold or other pathogens unless it gets wet, and doesn't spoil or go bad, i didn't know it, like honey, can kill germs and aid healing.


This is soooooo exciting! We cant wait to sees what you has to say to us!