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Cedar Creek Galleries - not your average "pottery shop"!


  1. Thank you for sharing this beautiful pottery and for hosting too!

  2. That looks like a fun place to shop! Some interesting pieces there.

  3. There are some interesting pieces in that shop!

  4. Love the expression of the fish in the last pic.

  5. That's a lovely pottery shop.I did notice the buddy pots Sue. Thanks for the link today ☺️.

  6. Oh this would be a fun place to shop and browse.
    Thank you for hosting each week!
    Stay safe and have a great week!

  7. I am a huge sucker for pottery, I collect fish usually.

  8. Would love to visit that shop! They have some amazing articles and art pieces. Thanks for sharing!

  9. I used to visit shops like that when we lived in VA!!!..I loved going to one I'm thinking

  10. Such beautiful handmade pottery! I would be tempted to buy many pieces

  11. wow, what an interesting place to visit. I don't hink I will take my grandkids there though! Stay safe, enjoy your week and thank you again for the link up.

  12. What a fun place to shop! Lots of cool pieces there!

  13. Wow, what a rich shop! My favorites are the ravens in #5.
    Greetings from Germany

  14. I really like folk pottery. From your photos, I especially like the green cups in the second photo and the bowl bowls in the sixth photo. Undoubtedly, however, all these objects are beautiful!

    Have a fine week, Sue!

  15. If I were to visit this place, I am sure I will be tempted to come away with one or two pieces of pottery. So many beautiful pieces of pottery.

  16. So much to admire in that shop. I especially like the pottery with the
    paintings. Beautiful.
    Thank you for hosting!

  17. Always fun to browse the unusual shops.

  18. That is such a cool pottery shop. Would love to visit it.

  19. I love the cookie jars / dog treat jars.

  20. That certainly looks like a special place. What beautiful and varied pottery! Thanks for hosting, Sue! :)

  21. I would love one of those cookie jars - I could certainly lose myself in there for a good while! Thanks for hosting!

  22. Hello,

    Gorgeous collection of pottery. I love all the critters! The green/bluish pieces are lovely. Looks like a great shop to explore. Sorry I am late commenting. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy day and week ahead.

  23. Imaginile astea îmi aduc aminte de Muzeul de Ouă Încondeiate din județul Suceava pe care l-am vizitat acum câțiva ani.

  24. I have a couple of pottery pieces that I love. THis is a beautiful gallery.

  25. I lover pottery and I see about a dozen coffee mugs I would like to own. Thanks for sharing this beautiful place. Have a blessed week.

  26. I would love to explore all the treasures there. Beautiful pieces.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  27. Lovely galleries. I like to admire these kind of stuffs.
    Sometimes we have to change our coffee cup! :)
    Happy WW and thanks for the linking!

  28. What a nice shop ! I especially like the pots with the cats !I once did pottery too and still have some items. The problem is to find an oven to "bake" them at very high temperature !

  29. Awe!!! This is my kind of shop!! Love all about this post!

  30. The Cookie jars are my favorite... of course 😅👏
    Thank you for sharing this lovely pottery. Have a
    wonderful week. Stay healthy and well, dear blogfriend.


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